Chapter 103 Throne Room Meeting

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Your POV

"I'll let them introduce themselves"

*The Story Shift Group introduces themselves
"So your me?"Asriel
"But your parents aren't the King and Queen"Asriel
"Nope my mom is the captain of the Royal Guard and my dad is The Royal Scientists"Rei
"(Clears Throat)Prince it is your turn to introduce yourself"
"Oh right....I am Asriel Dreemur, Prince of the Underground.Its a pleasure to meet you"Asriel said and bowed

"Wow he is a prince"SS!Frisk
"Now let's fight!"Rei
"Waoh there.The King and Queen is next to know your here"
"Oh right"Rei
"Wait why are we fighting?"Asriel
"Because I made a bet that you can beat this Asriel in a fight"
"But what kind of fight?"Asriel
"Hmmm...Maybe just the first one to pass out or the first one to get hit"
"Get hit?!Thats not fair!"Rei
"Well sometimes you won't get back up from a single hit.Unless your chicken"
"I'll do it!"Rei
"(Y/N) be fair to Rei"SS!Chara
"Well the prince isn't exactly a long range fighter"
"...Alright I guess that's fair"SS!Chara
"So it's agreed right Prince?"

*You all near the Throne Room and see two Royal Guards at the Entrance.
"Good luck Prince"
"I got this"Asriel
"Halt..Prince Asriel!These humans are with you?"Royal Guard
"Yes now please step aside and let everyone through.I brought them here to meet the King and Queen"Asriel
"Of course"Royal Guard
"(Y/N) you're finally back"Other Royal Guard
*The other Royal Guard took off its helmet and see..

"I thought you were in the Lab"
"I was.Alphys got me this sweet armor"Undyne
"(Y/N) I'll let them meet my father while you can stay here with Undyne"Asriel
"Alright.Don't be disrespectful you four"
"We know"Rei
"Stop embarrassing us"SS!Chara
*You see your group enter the Throne Room

"Undyne please act professionally"Royal Guard
"I haven't seen this punk in like a week"Undyne
"Oh.He's a friend?"Royal Guard
"Yeah Just chill Drake.Sorry this guy is always serious"Undyne
"Because we're the Royal Guards"Drake
"It's not because we're Guarding the majesties?"Undyne
"...Of course not I'm serious all the time"Drake
"Ahuh I'm gonna catch up on this punk, is that ok with you?"Undyne
"If he's not causing trouble I don't mind"Drake
"Hah thanks buddy"
*You see Drake looking jittery at Undyne's reply

"So is that the also Frisk and Chara look alikes?"Undyne
"Yeah..from the other Universe"
"So it was the truth"Undyne
"I won't lie to you"
"Hah So how was it?Did you see other me?!"Undyne
"Yup..two of them"
"Yeah but there's one that you wouldn't want to hear about"
"Well whats the other one like?"Undyne
"Well she's almost tough as you but you can definitely win against her.But she wears an eyepatch on her left eye"
"Is she also a Royal Guard?"Undyne
"Actually She's Captain"
*Undyne had a big smile
(Well she used to be captain)

"Tell me about...what happened at my wrecked house?"
"Uhhhh we were just redecorating"Undyne
"With tomato sauce and a broken table?"
"Well we kinda went crazy"Undyne
"Ahuh I already fixed it but why are they covered in scratches and scars?"
"...We were training.It couldn't be helped"Undyne
"They weren't covered in scars the first and second time they train with you"
"Well I saw them being really good at fighting and I wanted them to get even stronger"Undyne
"Alright..You pass.You ready for the ceremony?"
"Yeah..Me and Alphys were practice dancing"Undyne
"You'll see at the ceremony"Undyne
"Well it will be a spectacle to witness"Drake chimed in
"Heh I know what you mean"
"Hey I'm getting good at it!"Undyne
"Just playin.So did any monsters bother Frisk or Chara?"
"Yeah don't worry punk they whoop their butts.They was horde of monsters and they didn't even need my help"Undyne
"How many exactly?"
"I think around a hundred"Undyne
"...They can't be that strong"
"No I saw the whole thing and plus they're humans of course they're strong"Undyne
"But this rate is pretty frightening"
(Did they die? And kept getting better because they knew what's gonna happen?)
"Hey punk are you ok?"Undyne
"Yeah..yeah I'm ok.Im going to visit the King and Queen"
"Well it's good that you're back"Undyne
"Yeah"you said them walked in

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now