Chapter 133 Popo

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Your POV

*You,UT!Undyne and UT!Frisk are on the Mayor's house's rooftop.Its a flat rooftop.

<Grey Magic will be in Italic for you>

"(Y/N) why did we teleport here?"UT!Frisk
"Sorry..But my Frisk was about to say something unnecessary for you to hear"
"Can you bring us down now?We got business that needs attention"UT!Undyne
*You made a H-Gaster Palm and stood on top of it

"It's faster if we fly there right?"
*UT!Undyne got on as well
"Go fast nerd"UT!Undyne
"Ok"you said audibly
*You flew upwards

"Which direction?"
"Go across that bridge over that river"UT!Undyne
"Wow"You said surprised
*You see a stone curved bridge shape like an arch with steel beams holding it up.

"Which direction?""Go across that bridge over that river"UT!Undyne"Wow"You said surprised*You see a stone curved bridge shape like an arch with steel beams holding it up

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<Dont got a detail bridge sorry>

"Hey (Y/N) so how long are you gonna stay?"UT!Frisk
"For about 3 more days"
*You looked at her with a neutral look
"I mean"UT!Frisk
*You smiled..UT!Frisk looks away

*UT!Undyne puts her left hand on your shoulder and leans in between you and UT!Frisk

"Over there nerd where you see those huge columns with a big white marble stairway"UT!Undyne
<Almost like a Court House>

*You flew down while you see humans looking confused and curiosity.
"Thanks (Y/N) we'll take it from here"UT!Frisk
"Let's go Frisk"UT!Undyne
*You see UT!Undyne and UT!Frisk opening a glass door then walked inside

"Excuse me kid using magic in a public area is a minor crime.I have to take you in" ? Said

*You turned around and see an adult human mustache man wearing some kind of light blue uniform
*You will respond in Grey Magic for the whole day

"I can't if I can't speak?"
"You're Uhh on of them mutes or uhm deaf-mutes?" ?
"Well using this level of magic is fine but that scary looking skeleton hand made these people scared.Since I never seen you before I leave you with a warning.Whats your name?" ? Said
"Last name?" ?
"Don't have one"
"I'm serious kid no games" ?
"I'm serious too"
"Well I have to take you in.If you're lying I'll call your parents"
(You seriously won't listen to this guy right?)
(I'm curious about the laws.Its seems I will know everything if I follow)
(You want to have some new experience in the surface)
(Because its "new")

*You followed the person in a light blue uniform with a emblem his shoulders saying "Police Department of Ebbot"
<I'll research about cops later>

*You walked to a car with red and blue stained plastic colors shape like a skinny rectangle

"Sit in the back" ?
*He opens the back door and you sat at the back.Its comfy like a chair but cramped.You decided to put your legs on the seats

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now