Chapter 92 Tems

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<Forgot to tell you that you mentally blocked Partner from watching you do that with SF!Chara>

Your POV

*You went inside the shed and see SF!Asriel in the prison cell
"What happen?"
"There you are!Where were you?!"SF!Asriel putting his hands on the bars
"I was eating some morning breakfast"
"Where at?!"SF!Asriel
"Well you know later.Why are in there?"
"Those damn Temmies put me here who else would've done it?!"SF!Asriel

(Huh I got give those six another gift.If they hadn't done this..I wouldn't had so much fun with his sister)

"And how did you end up inside?"
"I tried asking where you were from those Temmies then they thought I was planning to kill you..And now get me out before they kill me"SF!Asriel
"Alright but did you ask with words or with something else?"
"I knew you didn't ask nicely"
"Why would I?!They took my house!"SF!Asriel
"Well doesn't matter"
*You unlocked the cell door

"So where did the Temmies go?"
"They were talking about another human entering the Underground and now they're on the hunt to find it and bring it to you"SF!Asriel
"They thought it would make you smile or some shit"SF!Asriel
"(Sigh) Those idiots"
"Where did you get those clothes?"SF!Asriel
"I created it"
"Like those baskets and trash can?"SF!Asriel
"Yup..Now let's find that human before the Temmies do"
"That's me and my sister's job.Just stay here until we return"SF!Asriel
"Heh I'll watch you from afar.So you know you won't die"
"I'm not a weakling!"SF!Asriel
"I know..Just being cautious.Now go get your sister..unless you want me to"
"No I'll do it!Don't even get close to her!"SF!Asriel
"Such a protective brother"
"Oh shut up"SF!Asriel

*You and SF!Asriel went back inside the house and see SF!Chara wearing your jacket over her white shirt.

"Chara why are you wearing that?!"SF!Asriel
"Because I want to"SF!Chara
"Take it off!That belongs to this creep!"SF!Asriel
"I found it on the ground..So it's mine now"SF!Chara
"I don't care where you found it! You're making me pissed off just by looking at you"SF!Asriel
"Then don't look and he doesn't seem to want it back"SF!Chara
*You smiled
"I'm gonna burn that jacket the moment you take it off!"SF!Asriel
"Well it ain't coming off"SF!Chara
"Hey Asriel"
"What?!"SF!Asriel staring at you
"The human"
"Oh..Chara,a human has fell to the Underground.Lets capture it before those damn bastards find it first"SF!Asriel
"Again?..We already have trouble trying to capture this one"SF!Chara
"Well you did capture my heart"
"Don't talk to her like that!"SF!Asriel
"And quit staring"SF!Asriel
" are we leaving?"SF!Chara
"Yes and you don't follow"SF!Asriel looking at you then he walks out
*SF!Chara walked pass by you
"Stay safe Chara"
"Chara ignore that idiot and follow me!"SF!Asriel
"Don't tell me what to do...Quit talking to me idiot"SF!Chara said the last part quietly

*SF!Asriel and SF!Chara left the house
*You created a Gaster Palm and stood on top of it.You teleported over Frosted Fields and see the siblings run towards the Forest.You follow them while flying over in the Underground.

*You see SF!Asriel stop and arguing with SF!Chara. SF!Chara walked back towards Frosted Fields and see her teleport.She teleported..You see your Temmies surrounding a small human.
*You teleported above your Temmies

*You see a human that looks like SF!Chara but she's holding a flower with a familiar face
*You listen in on their conversation placing A small Gaster Palm behind the closest tree

"Hoi!"Leader Temmie
"Human we come to take yous"Greedy Temmie
"We wants to come with us"Nervous Temmie
"You never been here before"SF!Frisk
(Oh it's like that is it?)

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now