Chapter 123 Eyes on Family

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<Another long Chapter..By accident I swear>
<2,900 words>
Your POV

*You lead Chara's parents down to the Underground
"How is Chara?"Human Woman
"Is there anything wrong with her?"Honey
"Oh and Frisk!What about her?"Human Woman
"They're both safe and sound.They are with the Majesties of the Underground"
"And their physical condition is fine as well.I think they're eating breakfast right about now"
"What's your name?"Honey
"Oh it's (Y/N)"
"How do you know Chara so well?"Honey
"Well the moment we met was the time I saw Chara and Frisk falling from the hole at the Entrance of the Underground"
"And they're unhurt?"Human Woman

"Yes..luckily I was there to catch them.They were covered in blood and smoke..May I know why?"
"Honey she's definitely here"Human Woman
"I know..I don't know you so I only say that they were about to be killed but we saved them just in time"Honey
"Killed?"You said and stopped
"And why did you stop?"Human Woman
"Sorry..But I'll tell you later about me..I just care for Chara and Frisk a lot"You said and continued walking
"In what way?"Honey
"In a love kind of way"
"You best watch your mouth boy.Thats my daughter that your in love with"Honey
"Honey stop!"Human Woman
"Well she's waiting for your return.Once you three meet I'll have to leave and continue with my task"
"Task?"Human Woman
"Nothing for you to worry about"

*You entered the Throne Room and see Royal Guards and the Twelve Judges.

"Greed..Truth.Come here for a moment"
*They did and stood in front of you
"I want you two to escort these two to the Majesties and to Chara..Especially to Chara"
"As you wish"Truth
"Please be safe Dearie"Greed
"I will"you said to them
*You turned around
"Sorry I wasn't the one to reunite you with your daughter and don't worry about the Guards..They won't hurt any of you"you said and left

*You teleported to the exit of the Underground

(Earth Manipulation)
*You created a rocky wall and made it perfectly flush that it just looks like a side of a mountain on the outside.You made an Four energy Barriers to make sure the safety of the Underground.

*You teleported back to the Throne Room and see Ten Judges and the Royal Guards in Royal Entrance and are standing in formation.

*You walked to the next to right side of the Two Thrones and waited
. . .
*You see the Royal Guards standing tall and see the Majesties walking in with Asriel.
*You see the King and Queen sit down and Asriel stood on your left.
"(Y/N) where were you?"Asriel whispered
"Busy..How's Chara?"You whispered
"She's coming and with two humans"Asriel whispered
"I see"
*You literally see Chara and her parents walking in the Throne Room.

*Chara worried face quickly disappeared the moment she saw you.
"New humans..What are your names?"Asgore
*Chara's parents looked nervous
"My name is Prota Cter"Prota
"And I'm Roine Cter"Roine
<I am so funny>

"Well, you said (Y/N) brought you here?"Asgore
"(Y/N) step forward and stand in front of me"Asgore
*You did and looked at Asgore
"Why have you brought these humans here without my notice or consent?"Asgore
*You kneeled
"I'm sorry my King.I brought them here because these are Chara's parents.I just want her to be happy when I told her I would go out to the Surface.I hope they didn't cause any trouble"
"Don't worry.They haven't"Asgore
"But I also ordered you to not do anything today"Toriel
"For that you will be punish"Toriel

*The room went silent

"You will have to keep watch on Prota and Roine until they are comfortable with this Underground"Toriel
"As you wish my Queen"
"Stand back up"Asgore
*You did
"Now, have you completed the task?"Asgore
"Yes, I made a rocky cliff side at the exit and made it look naturally formed.I also created Energy Barriers to be more secure"
"Well done.Now that is all.Return to Asriel's side"Asgore
*You did

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now