Chapter 47 Spar

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Your POV

*You got out of the shower while Frisk and Chara were still eating the soufflé
"Chara..Frisk you can go take a shower now"
"Could you make something to eat when we go to Waterfall?"Chara
"Sure what do you want?"
"Surprise us"Chara
"Heh Alright"
*They left to take a shower

*One moment of cooking later
*You put the food in the picnic basket

*You see Frisk and Chara wore the clothes you bought them
"We're ready"Frisk
"So what did you make?"Chara
"That's a surprise"
*You stare at them
"I just realized I can't carry this and hold your hands at the same time"
"Then just hold it.I don't see why we need to hold your hand"Chara
"Well..its makes me happy"
*Frisk whispers to Chara
"Alright Frisk gets to hold your hand on the way while I hold your hand when we get back"Chara
"Yes"you celebrated
"Alright let's go"

*You hold hands with Frisk while you stare at Chara
"What again?"Chara
"It's just I don't feel complete without you holding my other hand"
"Just freakin move already!"Chara
*Frisk grips tighter
"Frisk I didn't mean it to hurt you.You know"
"I know but that doesn't it's ok to say it"Frisk
"It's ok.I'll forgive you"Frisk
*Chara holds Frisk right hand
"See now you're complete"Chara
"That definitely doesn't count"
"But we're all holding hands?"Chara
"Heh fine.Your logic has no holes for me to go around"
"Because I'm always right"Chara
"As you"
"Don't..only when we're alone"Chara
"But we are"
"Out in the open and potentially being interrupted doesn't seem private"Chara
"Oh..right.Now there's no fun making you blush when we go out"
"You can always "not" do that"Chara
"But you like it don't you"
"I will push you in the cold water"Chara
"Heh....Ah shoot I forgot my guitar"
"What for?"Frisk
"Well I was planning on playing it for you two in a certain area but I guess I'll get it next time"
"Hmmm is it gonna be another love song?"Frisk
*They chuckled

*Your at the Boatman location near Snowdin
*This time he didn't say anything weird and the boat didn't turn into a cat.
*You arrived at Waterfall and headed to Undyne's place.You see Asriel FIGHTing Undyne.
"Hey hold on.Let's watch"

Alsriel's POV

*Undyne blocks you from escaping by forming blue spears and form a cage.The only exit is up
"Come on Prince.This is gonna end like last time"Undyne
"Then how about I change that"
*I tried to make a fireball...Success
*I aimed at the blue spears and created a smoke screen..The smoke subsided but the blue spears were still intact.But...
"Hey where did you go!"Undyne
*The blue spears vanished
(Now's My chance)
*I quickly and quietly run behind Undyne
"Heh jokes on you.."Undyne forms a white spear in her hand
"I was lying!!"Undyne throws it at me
(Oh Golly)
*I got out the way and revealing my location with the shifted dirt
"There you are!"Undyne throws another spear
*I dodge but carefully looked at the spear and shifted my body without moving my feet.
"What the.."Undyne forms another spear
*I quietly grab a rock on the ground and made it invisible.I threw it behind Undyne and the noise distracted her revealing her backside.
*I quickly ran forward while forming a fireball
*She turns around but it's too late.I aimed point blank at her.
"Waoh Prince that's some fire you got there"Undyne
"Thanks"I said
"I can't believe I lost this early.The humans must've thrown off my game"Undyne
"So did I pass?"
"That's something for him to say"Undyne said pointing behind me
*I turned around and see (Y/N) with the humans
"Did you see the whole thing?"
"Not quite but I saw how you won"(Y/N)
"So did I pass?"
*He stares at me
"Hmm.Did you complete the basic exercise training"(Y/N)
"The endurance test?"(Y/N)
"And the mental training"(Y/N)
"Umm I never done that yet"
"Well then let's get started then.You pass the other test.Now it's time to train with me!"
*I gave an excited expression

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now