Chapter 114 Blood

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Your POV

*You walked out of the shower

*You went out wearing a black sweater with blue and red stripes and black pants.
*You see everyone getting comfortable in their beds

*You see Rei and Asriel snoozing on the rainbow bed and see the humans chatting on the other.You went to your room and checked the red knife necklace.

*Its Determination is still strong but you felt an attraction towards it..but you couldn't figure out why

*You equipped the Red Knife Necklace.You went on your bed and got ready to sleep.
*You hear the door opening
*You didn't reply
"Too bad he's asleep"SS!Chara
"Hah no I don't think so..(Y/N) get up or I'm telling them you what you did to me"Chara
*You shot up and quickly look relaxed
"Oh hi..I didn't hear you come in"
"Shut up you liar"Chara
"And she already told us what sin you committed"Frisk
(This little trickster)

"So what brings you all here?"
"Obviously to sleep with you"Frisk
"But you have to choose one of us to cuddle with"Chara
"We won't get angry"SS!Chara
"I seriously can't my brain can't process this"
"Well you better choose or your sleeping alone tonight"Frisk
"You of course"
*Chara happily jumps to your bed and lays on your left
"Now choose the second"Frisk
"Did I stutter"Frisk
"Then Frisk"
*Frisk walks to the other side of the bed and lays on your right
"You said you wouldn't get mad"
"I'm not"SS!Chara
*SS!Chara crawls on the bed and between your legs

"I think I found a better spot though"SS!Chara
*You blushed
"Ha I made him blush!That counts for something"SS!Chara
"Yeah nothing"Chara
"We make him blush before we started dating"Frisk
"Well how long has it been since after you started dating?"SS!Chara
"...A while"Frisk
"That doesn't mean anything"Chara
*SS!Chara crawls up to your face
"What's my reward honey?"SS!Chara
"And I'm made him stutter"SS!Chara
*Frisk blocks your mouth
"Frisk please, this isn't a game"SS!Chara
"Well it is now"Chara
(That sounded familiar)
"Let me kiss him or I'm going to do that with him in front of you"SS!Chara
"You don't have the guts"Chara
*SS!Chara started to unzip your pants

"No!"Frisk and Chara stopped SS!Chara
"Your crazy!"Chara

"Hah he seems to want it"SS!Chara
*They all looked at you"
*You tried to look away
"(Y/N) I swear your the worst"Frisk
"You're getting excited by this aren't you"Chara
"I can't help it"
"Aw he wants it to happen"SS!Chara
*SS!Chara lays her head on your stomach
"Well he can do it in his dreams"SS!Chara
"Wait what's this in your neck?"Chara
*Chara pulls the red necklace underneath your sweater

"It's something I made when I met the new Chara"
"Oh..So is this her red knife?"Chara
"Why did you make it?"Chara
"It's too find her Universe just in case I can't go back to her"
"Maybe you shouldn't"Chara
"Chara no"
*Chara puts back the necklace under your sweater

"Don't you want mine?"Chara
"Why did you hesitate?"Chara
"Because I thought you were gonna stab me"
"Hmm a good answer but you know I would never stab you"Chara
*Chara pinches your cheek
"Hey I won't do that"Chara
"Not ok..I want you to believe me"Chara
"Ok Chara I believe you as long as you kiss me"
"I don't want to"Chara
"Then give me a red little knife"
*Chara made a red knife

"I don't know how to make it smaller"Chara
*You touched the tip of the knife.The top of your finger bled a little but you absorbed the Determination Knife until it became the same size as SF!Chara's knife

*You glide your bloody finger onto Chara's knife and see your blood being absorbed

(Interesting it's almost like it wants blood)
*You took out the red necklace and tied Chara's knife along side SS!Chara's knife.
"(Y/N) I saw you cut yourself"Chara
"It's just a small mistake"
"No I saw you intentionally touched the tip of the blade"Chara
"It's healed so don't worry"
*Chara grabbed your tip of your finger and checks it
*Chara puts your finger in her mouth and started licking it.You quickly pull your finger away from this weird new feeling
*You look at Chara and see her red face
"Chara.My blood isn't the same as humans!"
"Is that the reason why I feel weird~?"Chara said softly
"I don't know what will happen so tell me what your feeling"
"I feel, all of the sudden"Chara
"(Y/N) don't touch her"SS!Chara
"Chara look at my eyes"SS!Chara
*Chara looks at SS!Chara

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now