Chapter 27 Glass

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Your POV

*You finally left Grilby and headed back home
*You came back home and fell asleep on the couch

*One night of sleep later
*You feel something on your chest and your right arm
(Oh god not again)
*You slowly open your eyes and see its Asriel
(Oh it's just him)
*You feel something on your left arm
*You looked to your left and see Chara and Frisk resting on your arm
(Never mind it's the same situation)
*You try to wake up Asriel by shaking him
*He wakes up

"Can I ask what are you doing out here?"
"Ah...(yawn) we heard you come home and...(snooze)"Asriel
*You shake him again
"Oh what?"Asriel said with tired eyes
"Just get these two off of my arm already"You said while shaking him some more
"Oh alright"Asriel
*He gets up and takes Frisk off your left hand.You feel the blood flow back into it
"Ok now-"
*He stands on the table and put Frisk on your chest
"Asriel whats the meaning of this"
"You said to get them off your arm"Asriel
"I did but Chara is still on it
*He looks at you
*He left
*You hear him rummaging your fridge
(You TRAITOR!Damn I didn't see this coming.But man this feels cozy)
*You slowly drifted back to sleep

*Some time later

*You hear voices.You moved a bit to get comfortable
*Now you feel something in front you
(Oh yeah I forgot)
*You slowly open your eyes.You see Frisk wrapped around in your right arm and she's awake
"Oh...umm..good morning"Frisk
"Good morning to you too"
*You closed your eyes
"So do you mind explaining?"
"Explain what?"Frisk
*You open your eyes again
*You hold her tighter
"That's ok I'm not interested anyways"
*You feel her face got hotter
"Hey stop holding her already!"Chara
*You looked around and see Chara
"Hmm.I will if you let me hold you in her place"
"I am not doing that!"Chara
"Then she's trapped here forever"
*You hear Chara pace around the room
"Hey Frisk"you said
"Frisk?"You said and looked at her
*She's red as her magic shields
"Heh sorry I let go now"
*You released the flustered Frisk
*She doesn't move
"Um are you ok Frisk?"You said while looking at her
*She doesn't respond
"Chara I think I broke Frisk"
*Chara comes to check and takes away Frisk
"You Monster!"Chara
"Heh your half right"
*You see her take Frisk back to the bedroom
*She gave you a scary look
*You just wink back at her
(Alright I guess it's breakfast time)
*You got up and see Asriel snoozing on the dining table
*You checked the fridge.Its barren
"Asriel where's the food?"
"(Sigh)I guess I ask Grilby for takeout
*You when up to the bedroom and knocked on the door.
"Hey I'm going to Grilby's to get something to eat"
"Go away!"Chara
"Ok then I'm just buying whatever's good"
*You jumped down off of the second floor.You got Asriel and put him on the couch
(I'm gonna tamper your food for payback)
*You left your house and went to Grilby's
*You ordered some Omelettes and two Chocolate Shakes
*You came back home and put the shakes in the fridge and the food on the dining table
*You see Asriel still sleeping on the couch
*You went to the bedroom and knock on the door
"Hey I brought the food so come out and go eat downstairs"you said
*No response
"Hey if you don't answer I'm seriously gonna break this door"you said
*No response
(That's it)
*You kicked the door open
*You walked in and your heart sank
*You see broken window glass inside the room and Frisk and Chara isn't here
(Oh shit)

*You called Alphys to look for the humans.Then you called Undyne to watch Asriel.
*You ran at the back of the house and see some bloody snow and footprints
*Your heart raced and followed the tracks
*It lead all the way back to the forest in front of the Entrance of the Underground.
*The falling snow made the tracks disappear little by little.
*Your phone rings
*You answer
"(Y/N) the humans are with some monsters and their behind the big bush near the doorway"Alphys
"Got it.Thanks Alphys"

*You races towards the door way while only thinking whoever kidnapped Frisk and Chara isn't walking away.
*You finally reached the doorway and slowly creeped around the bush
*You see someone
(Its that damn rabbit trio and with two Royal Guards)
*You don't see Chara or Frisk
(Screw it.If they don't have them then I force them to talk)
*You hear the bush rustle a bit and a faint voice
"Ahh these damn human cut my freakin face"
"That's what you get for rushing the plan"
(A plan huh)
"Yeah whatever.How about I give the human a taste of its own medicine.Hahaha"
"HEY!"you said while walking closer
*They all looked at you.You see Chara and Frisk tied up stuffed inside the bush and see blood on their clothes.
*You mentally snapped
"Don't come closer (Y/N) or I cut them right here"Royal Guard A said
*You paused a bit.You think of a way out
"That's it just stay their.You there!Tie him up"Royal Guard-A ordered
"What are you serious.Do you know what he's capable of?"Small Rabbit Monster
"Are you scared of one kid"Royal Guard B
"Well you should be"you replied

*You ran towards the Royal Guard A and kicked his elbow making him drop his battle axe
"Why you little!"Royal Guard A
*You picked up Frisk and Chara and ran back to Snowdin
*The other Royal Guard throws his axe missing you but cutting down a few trees.
*The trees are falling towards you and you quickly put down Frisk and absorb the impact with your right hand.
*You tossed the trees away and picked up Frisk
*The Monsters used ice magic on you.Casting ice crystals blocking your way and making the falling snow into flying bullets.You try to dodge the bullets as fast as you could.
(Dammit I should've called Undyne for backup)
"Your not going anywhere!"Big Rabbit Monster
*You ran on top of the fallen trees and jumped over the ice crystal
(I have to make them lose sight of me as fast as I can but it's really hard carrying these two while dodging that damn snow magic)

*You ran all the way past the sliding ice puzzle and almost at Snowdin
*Suddenly more Monsters are coming out of Snowdin and tried to attack you
*You dodge them the best you could but was hit by overwhelming numbers
(Y/N) HP:15/20

"You have no where to run!"Random Monster from Snowdin
*The Monsters behind you are quickly approaching
(Dammit at this rate it will be impossible to escape)
*You think carefully for a moment
(I don't care anymore.No Mercy)

Next Time

<You could totally absorb all the incoming attacks but Frisk and Chara are in the way>

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now