Chapter 35 Honesty

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Happstablook's POV

*I went back to Waterfall to get Blookey
*I didn't see him at the Snail Farm
(I Guess I Made It In Time)
*I rang the Doorbell and Blookey let me in
"Oh your back already"Blookey
"Yup.And The Mission Was A Success"
"Now Let's Go And Put These Stories Across The Whole Underground"
"But what about the snails.No one is gonna watch them"Blookey
"Blookey My Sweet.The Snails We'll Be Fine.These Stories Will Help Us Increase Our Reputation And Giving Us More Opportunities To Leave This Place"
"But..I like it here"Blookey
"Blookey This Place Is Near The Dump.I Can't Keep Living Here If Everyone Wants To Meet Me"
"What about me?"Blookey
"...Oh Blookey.I Didn't Mean It Like That.Im Sorry.But My Dreams Isn't Here In Waterfall"
"It's alright..I get it.Now let's give those Monsters something to drool over"Blookey
"Haha.Thank You Blookey!"I said giving him a Ghost Hug

Your POV

"Oh did I appear at a bad time?"
"When-ugh never mind.Asriel why"Chara
"(Y/N) said to do it so I can be forgiven"Asriel
"Indeed.But I never thought I would hear something interesting"
"(Y/N) when your eyes are red..Do you have a split personality or something"Frisk
"Like a said.I can tell if your lying...but in return I can't tell a lie"
"How does that even work"Chara
"No clue but let's forget that and go on continue what you guys are talking about"
"No!"Chara and Frisk
"Don't be selfish.Right now you can ask me anything and their won't be a hint of lie"
"Why are so insistent of making you tell us"Chara
"Asriel go take a shower.Then we go over to Grilby's"you said
*Asriel left
*You layed down on the couch and closed your eyes
"So anything you want to ask?"
"Who do you like more?Me or Chara"Frisk
(Whao starting off strong)
*You open your eyes
"I like you both equally"
"Then why...why you don't you compliment me more?"Frisk
"Because Frisk,you are too cute.And I'll be only saying the obvious"
"...Then compliment me now"Frisk said shyly
"Hmm.I know this too late but..When you were holding me, it makes me feel something inside and I didn't want that feeling to go away"
"That's not a compliment!"Frisk said flustered
"It's not? have to give me an example"You replied
" Chara's eyes.You said when your eyes get red you think of her.Oww"Frisk said as she got punched by Chara
"Well I don't know if you notice but when you really want something your eyes turned into a golden color.If you had them now I would want to keep you to myself so I can gaze at them forever"
*Chara looked at Frisk
" feeling alright"Chara
"Chara do you want to ask me anything?"
"..No I'm good"Chara

"Hm"You said staring at her
"Is my eyes still red?"You asked
"Then we have a problem..and theres only one solution.I have to hug you"
"Why not we did it when we first started living together"
"Y-You saw?"Chara said embarrassed
"And felt.Now I want to feel it again"
*Her face turn red
"(Y/N) why are so straight forward all the sudden?!"Frisk
"Because two certain humans made me run around Snowdin and worry about them while thinking they could have been hurt..or worse"You said with a serious look
*They didn't say anything
"It doesn't have to be now.But I do expect to receive it later"
"Do I have to do it as well?"Frisk said shyly
*You covered your smile and holding back your chuckle
"Frisk that depends on you and Chara...I'll be waiting"
"Yeah, never"Chara
*You tried to calm down.Breathe in,Breathe out
"So is it gone?"
"Alright then you two get ready while I check for anything to do today"
"Actually Happstablook wanted us to visit her at Waterfall later"Frisk
"Hmmm...alright.Do you need me to come?"
"I think we'll be alright"Frisk
(Nah fat chance)
"Alright I'll look after Asriel and wait for your return"
*They both looked at you
"(Y/N) I know my eyes are red but I also can tell if you're lying"Chara
(Ah so close)
"What makes you say that?"
"Because you didn't leave our side when me and Frisk were resting"Chara
"So did he tell you everything?"
"Yup"Chara and Frisk
"Nothing to say?"Chara
"I'm gonna stuff my head in the refrigerator now"
"(Chuckles) Why?"Frisk
"My head feels hot for some reason"
"Ok have fun"Frisk
*You left to cool off
"(Y/N)!I thought you were joking!"Frisk
"Get your head out of there!"Chara
*Frisk and Chara pulled you out
*They checked your forehead
"Wow your head is hot"Frisk
"Are you sick?"Chara
"No no.I think my eyes were red for too long and...I'm feeling the backlash"
"So you feel like this after your eyes turned red?"
"Not all the time.The last few days were kinda eventful.I just need some rest"
"Then stay here for the day"Frisk
"NO!..It's fine I can just rest when we get to Napstablook's house or wherever you meet at"
"No!You have to stay home"Chara
"I'm not leaving you out my sight again"
"Well you can't even FIGHT if your like this"Chara
"I don't need to FIGHT.I just need to be next to you.I know you can take care of yourselves.I just don't want to worry about never seeing you two again"
"Well we can't carry you like this all the way to Waterfall"Chara
"Well we can always ask the Boatman"you said
"Oh alright.I guess that works"Frisk
"Really?"you replied
"NO of course not!Just stay home you need unbothered rest!"Frisk
"How can I rest easy if you two aren't with me?"

"...Just don't push yourself"Chara
"Heh you got it"
*Asriel came down and sees you laying down on Frisk's lap.
"Can we eat now?"Asriel
"When Chara and Frisk showers,you know the drill"
"Alright I'll wait"Asriel went to sit on the couch
"You two can go now"you said
"Are you just gonna lay there?"Frisk
"Are you gonna stuff your head in the fridge"Chara
"(Sigh)Asriel watch (Y/N) and don't let him near the fridge he's sick"Frisk
"Sick?(Y/N) never gets sick"Asriel
"But his head is burning up"Frisk
"Asriel not another word"
"Are you still keeping secrets?!"Chara
"(Sigh)Never mind let's go Frisk"Chara
"Asriel watch (Y/N)"Chara
*One Shower Later

*You were drinking water and saw Frisk and Chara walking down
*You spat out the water
"(Y/N) what's wrong?!"Frisk
"It's nothing.Those clothes your wearing caught me off guard"you said wiping your mouth
"..Does it look weird"Frisk
"No you two look great"
"Well then it's fine right?"Chara
"Yeah it's perfect.Alright let's go Asriel!"
"Why is your face red"Asriel
"Because I'm just feeling sick!Now let's go"You said pushing Asriel
*One moment at finish eating at Grilby's

"Alright let's head to the Boatman"you said
"Is it near the Entrance of Snowdin?"Frisk
"Yup and be calm when something..odd happens"
"What do you mean?"Chara
"Well let's hope it won't"
*You arrived at the Boatman location
"Hey Boatman, can you take us to Waterfall?"you said
*They nodded
"Alright watch your step"you said as you got in
*Asriel hopped in after you
*Frisk almost trips on the boat but you caught her grabbing her waist
"Whew Thanks"Frisk said
"I told you"
"Yeah sorry"Frisk turning a bit red
*You offered Chara your hand
"Take my hand so you don't fall like this clumsy one"you said
*Frisk punched you
"Ow"you said
*You didn't see that coming
*Chara took your hand and the boat suddenly rose up
*Chara and Frisk hold on to your arms
"Um could've warn them ya know.Its their first time"
*They didn't respond and the boat started to run across the river
"What the heck is this?!"Chara
"Heh its Boatman version"
"Not all Stories have happy endings"Boatman
"Hey what does he mean by that?"Frisk
"Don't mind them.They say random stuff from time to time"
(But this time it doesn't
*You arrived at Waterfall and headed to Nastablook's house
"Hey (Y/N) are feeling alright?"Frisk
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Let me check"Frisk
*You let Frisk touch your forehead
*You smiled
"What's with the smile?"Frisk
"For a person who was complaining about me being different.Your acting pretty forward as well"
*Frisk pulled her hand away
"Well it feels like your still sick.You better rest when we arrived"Frisk said walking onward
"Aww that's sweet"?said
*You looked around
"And you are?"You asked
"Well I'm not here for you.Im here for them.But if you want to know who I am.Come closer and alone"?said
(Yeah not falling for an obvious bait)
"Why don't you show yourself"you said

"...I heard that humans hate spiders"

Next Time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now