Chapter 55 Clone

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Your Partner's POV

*I finally reached the damn Kingdom

(Oh what a delightful sensation of negativity.This place is a feeding ground! If I eat enough I can sustain this body longer than he wanted it too.But I made a deal with partner.I bet he could just absorb me again if I betray him....Jactitation?How did he do it...Oh fuck it...I bet I'll see some strange shit if I stay with him.Oh What Fun it's gonna be when we leave...
Oh what's this?So this is why he doesn't like it here.I feel nothing but negativity towards him and the humans.Those are my targets!!!

Your POV

*You were getting ready to leave.Happstablook felt better already but Alphys was still making you the machine.
"Alright let's go to the Lab"you said
"I ask Alphys to make something for me, so I have an unlimited energy supply"
"Wouldn't that make you invincible?"Frisk
"Are you trying to be Goku?"Undyne
"No I'll be stronger than Goku"
"Waoh there..calm down.Your saiyan is showing"Undyne
"Well I'm just saiyan I can be"you said
"Alright, let's leave"Undyne
"I don't get it"Frisk
"Don't worry, you'll know soon if you hang out with Alphys or Undyne"
"Yeah we'll teach you the way"Undyne
"Heh..Happstablook we'll be leaving now"you said
"Alright Call Me Again If You Go Shopping Or Whatever"Happstablook
"Ok"you said and left towards the Lab


"Should we put this home?"You asked about the bags
"No save your energy"Frisk
"It's just a little toss back in the house"
"No I don't want you to faint or something"Frisk
"Heh ok"
*You see Alphys on the border of Hotland
"O-oh your h-here already?"Alphys
"Yeah you left but you didn't say when you would come back"
"O-oh right.But y-you said to make a gi-giant machine so.."Alphys

"Right..So is this the machine?"
"Y-Yup.By using the heat from Hotland and the cold water in Waterfall I created a small steam powered giant piston"Alphys
"I see but why does it look like a giant fist?"

"I tried to make it look like a giant robot fist!"Alphys
"Good job.Is it from that Gundam movie?"Undyne
"Yes!I lacked the paint to color it but I successfully replicated the outside design of the mecha!"
"Is it finish?"Chara
"I just need to test it first so it doesn't explode"Alphys
*Frisk and Chara took a step back
"True no one ever designed something this size.Fire it up Anyways"You said
"B-But It-"Alphys
"Don't worry if it explodes then I will protect everyone here...If they stood behind me of course"you said

*Chara and Frisk huddled behind you
"Aww cute"You said
"Shut up and protect us"Chara
"I just hope it doesn't explode"Frisk
"Don't worry I trust in Alphys's work"Undyne
"Ok Alphys switched it on"you said
"O-ok"Alphys said and pushed the button

*The water from Waterfall flooded into the container and the pump started slowly going up and down

"It will take some time to generate enough force"Alphys
"How long?"
"Well about...fifty minutes"
*Chara and Frisk left
"Alphys I can't wait that long!"
"S-sorry But it takes a while since we're using steam"Alphys
"Hmm.Is it possible I could toss it up and catch it back?"
"Yes But you only gain the same amount of force you just used to toss it so it would be pointless"Alphys
"What if Undyne tosses it and I caught it?"
"It would be the same situation"Alphys
"Let's try this" you created a two small Gaster Palm and stacked them vertically
"Don't worry it's just a baby version"you said and put a small stone and put in the center of the portal and dropped it.The rock is falling infinitely through the palms
"I see.Your using a the kinetic force from the rock and absorbing the impact to regain your energy"Alphys
*The rock becomes blurry
"Um is this safe?"Frisk
"Actually no.If anything disturbs the falling object, it will slant and either hit the ground or the skeleton hand"Alphys
"Don't worry I got this"you said
*The rock is generating wind and high pitched sound
"Ok I think it's going too fast"Chara
"Your right"You said and quickly caught the stone in your hands
"So how do you feel?"Frisk
"I wonder how much I could get if I get a pillar through here"
"I take that he's mad with power"Frisk
"Yup.Alphys you won't mind if I send your machine through my skeleton palms right?"
"It's alright I want to see if you can"Alphys

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now