Chapter 83 Bright Sky

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Your POV

*You wake up and see SS!Chara gone.You got up and went out and see she's sleeping on the couch, wearing her hoodie.
*You went up to her
"Don't scare me like that"
*You kissed her cheek.You see her cheeks blush

*You made a black Monster soul heart locket and wrapped around her hoodie.She opens her eyes.
"You're leaving?"SS!Chara
"Is this the portal?"SS!Chara said holding the locket

"Yeah all you have to do is be determined to break it.This locket is unbreakable but I believe you can break it without any problems"
"(Sigh)Can I get one more kiss?"SS!Chara
*You gave her a passionate kiss.You kissed her cheek then her forehead.
"One more?"SS!Chara
*You kissed her lips one last time
"I-I love you"SS!Chara

"I will always love you.I see you later..and tell Toriel I'll give her a present for leaving you so early"
"No it's ok"SS!Chara
"No she'll think I'm just dating you for fun.I want her to believe I'm serious about you"
*She kissed you
"I'll be the one to decide that.Not her"SS!Chara
*SS!Chara chuckles

"Should I make you breakfast?"
"No(chuckles)..You can go now"SS!Chara
*You made a chocolate rose behind your back

*You made SS!Chara sit up straight
"Close your eyes and hold out your hand flat"
*You place the rose on her hand.She opens her eyes and sees it.

"It's chocolate"you said and picked up her other hand then you kissed it and backed away

*You see her blush and you smiled at her one last time

"Stay safe my Sleeping Beauty"you said and teleported to Undertale Universe

*Your in Snowdin.You sense the area searching for UT!Asriel...Nothing.You teleported to Waterfall...Nothing.You teleported to Hotland...He's here.

*You went towards his magic energy and see him near the lake of lava.You teleport behind him
"What are you doing?"
*He got scared and almost fell in the lava but you caught him and teleported back to the top.

"Hey!!Where were you?!"UT!Asriel
"I had plans bro.Trust me"
"Yeah whatever.Why are you back?"UT!Asriel
"Because I made a promise.Now I can complete that promise, but since you seem angry at me I guess I'll go to the next Universe"
"Wait no!You disappeared again and you didn't say goodbye!!"UT!Asriel

"I ask Sans to tell you beforehand I left but it appears he was a lazybones and forgot"
"But why did you leave?"UT!Asriel
"To save the universe bro"
"I'm not lying.Ask Sans or Frisk.I'm sure you noticed they were gone for a while"
"Yeah..they were."UT!Asriel looking sad
"Okay quit crying and start training"
"I wasn't crying!"UT!Asriel
"Ahuh.Quit stalling and let's go"
"I'm not!"UT!Asriel

*You trained with UT!Asriel to reach his stage three potential.He struggles at the start making himself burn out..literally.You sense him holding back and fearing that he might make himself explode.You tell him to "go out of control and his magic output will go beyond his limit".
"You got to keep that up, nonstop.Like it was your normal body temperature"
*You see him struggling
(Let's just test this)

*You made and ball of iron....You don't see it melt
(I guess he's still not there yet)

"Okay Asriel cool down"
*He doesn't
(Heh not a quitter huh)
*The temperature is rising and you see the iron ball glowing red.
(It's getting hot but it's still a long way before it really melts)
*The temperature is getting lower and Asriel finally cools down

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now