Chapter 87 New Universe

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Your POV
<Your Still LV.2>

*You strolled into town and see the houses boarded up,broken windows,iron spears forming a barricade and a lot more black smudges in the snow
(I feel like your enjoying it here)
(Well I cant say I'm not..Even though I don't like fighting, I do enjoy Monsters getting out my way)
*You came across a diner named Grillby's.You went inside and see a purple Pyro Man.You see some ruffed up looking Monsters sitting inside.
*You walked in and sat at the bar
*It got quiet
(I think they want to kill you)
(I just hope they do it after I eat)
"I don't serve your kind here"Purple Pyro Man
"Yeah now scram before I kill you"Purple Pyro Man
"(Sigh) I see.Sorry for wasting your time"
(I forgot I don't have Gold on me)

*You started walking out but you were stop by...
(I hate this place now)
*You see an edgy version of the Rabbit Trio
"Where you going little guy"Big Edgy Rabbit
"You got scared by Grillby?"Medium Edgy Rabbit
"Hahaha if you did then your just another human wimp"Small Edgy Rabbit
*The Rabbit Trio we're holding axes and started a fight with you

*The Rabbit Trio dropped their weapons and fell to the ground.
(Now steal their gold)
(Quit reading my mind)

*You search their pockets and found 30 G
(Man that's little)
(I know)
*You walked back to Purple Grillby
"Can I have something to eat?"
"Just because you took out some weaklings doesn't mean I'll serve ya"A-Grillby
"Then what if I help you out on a favor?"
"Ha Who Do you think I am?"A-Grillby
"A chef"
*A-Grillby looked shocked
"I ain't making a deal with you.Now scram!"A-Grillby
"Heh what if I beat you in an arm wrestle?"
"Kid I'll burn your arm before you even make contact with me"A-Grillby
"What are you scared?"
"Ooooooo"All the Monsters in the diner

"That's it!Bring it on you little shit"A-Grillby

(Kinetic Conversion-Heat)
*You and Grillby started arm wrestling on the bar
*All the other Monsters are watching

*You rolled up your sleeve and gripped Grillby's hand
"Huh you're hand is cold"
"You little fucker..Let's get this over with"A-Grillby
*You see your arm moving down.You fought back but pretended to lose strength.
"Get ready to eat shit little man"A-Grillby
"Heh what a cocky monster"

*You started to turn the tide and see Grillby struggle but to no avail..He was about to lose then he suddenly got serious and pushed you back.
"I'll admit you got the heat but your very weak"A-Grillby
*You smiled
"You said, I'll eat shit when I was about to lose..Then that means I'll get to eat your food when I win right?"
"Haha say that to a weakling.Not to me!"A-Grillby
*You were about to lose then you got serious and push Grillby back and his arm began to shake.
"I want the best food you got Pyro Man"
*You slam his hand on the bar
"Oooooohhhhhhhhh"All Monsters behind you
"Holy shit!!"Random Monster
"Hahaha!!"Another Random
"Grillby what happened bro?!!"And Another Random
"This fucking human is crazy strong!"Again Another Random

"Ahhh Shut up!..Kid Who are you?"A-Grillby
"The name is (Y/N).I hope you'll honor the deal"
"Yeah yeah..I'll just fucking poison ya"A-Grillby muttered

*You sense a bunch of Monsters behind you
"Hey human..Why don't you hang with us"Gorilla Monster
"You seem pretty strong"Croc Monster
"Let's grab a drink human"Bear Monster
"Heh no thanks..I'm just visiting this place"
"Hey you're being very rude"Bear Monster
"We don't act nice all the time"Croc Monster
"How about you think on that and if you leave we'll definitely hunt you down"Gorilla Monster
"Okay I'll think about it"
(Yeah thinking about killing them)

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