Chapter 85 Blind

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Your POV

"You can teleport here?!"UT!Asriel
"Yeah and-WHAO!!!"You said and covered your eyes
"What's wrong?!"UT!Asriel panicking
"It's bright!"
"Oh then-"UT!Asriel
*You hear the front door swing open

"Asriel oh my..Did you get here safely?Did the humans bother you?"UT!Toriel
"No (Y/N) brought me here without a scratch.But (Y/N) needs to get inside!"UT!Asriel

*UT!Asriel helped walked you inside
*You sat down on a soft couch
"What happened?"UT!Toriel
"It's the light.Its too bright I thought I was gonna go blind"you said still covering your eyes

"Just stay here for a while...Asriel go talk to your sister while I heal him"UT!Toriel
"Okay"UT!Asriel leaving

*You feel your eyes getting better
"I thought you were strong and one look in the sky and you go blind?"UT!Toriel
"I'm not used to it.I visited here at night"
*You opened your eyes

"It's still a bit blurry"
"Well it seems you just need some time to adjust your eyes but if you still can't handle the light just stay here"UT!Toriel

*You got up with your eyes closed
"No I can still move without my eyes"
"Oh yeah?"UT!Toriel
*UT!Toriel tries to hit you with an object
*You caught it and it feels like a rolled up magazine
*You let it go and hear you put it back down

"Well you're still not going out there"UT!Toriel
"I am and you can't stop me"
"No you're not!"UT!Toriel
"What's wrong?"UT!Chara
"Chara he's eyes are a bit blind"
"From the sun?"UT!Chara
"You didn't adjust your eyes when you left the Underground?"UT!Chara
"I teleported here and I instantly got my eyes burned"
"Ha idiot"UT!Chara
"Chara!"UT!Toriel and UT!Asriel

"(Y/N) are you gonna be alright?"UT!Asriel
"Yeah and I'm still going out"
"No you're not!"UT!Toriel
*You created shades and put them on
*You slowly opened your eyes
"Now it's better"
"Your vision is fine?"UT!Toriel
"How many fingers I'm holding up?"UT!Toriel
"Okay he's good"UT!Toriel
"Alright let's go"
"Now hold it.Where are you going?"UT!Toriel
"To see Frisk"
"Alright be sure to be home by dinner and Chara I hope you don't stay out like last night"UT!Toriel
"I won't"UT!Chara
"(Y/N) I'm expecting you to take care of them"UT!Toriel
"I'll be sure to keep them away from harm"
"Well then I'll see all tonight"UT!Toriel said and went upstairs

"Let's go"UT!Asriel
"You want to walk?"
"Are you gonna teleport us there?"UT!Chara
"No..I..uh never walked in the city while it's still bright and when there's humans around"
"Then let's take it slow"UT!Asriel
"After you.I have no clue where Frisk is"

"Alright follow me"UT!Asriel
*You and UT!Chara followed UT!Asriel into the city

"Alright follow me"UT!Asriel*You and UT!Chara followed UT!Asriel into the city

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<My old drawing I did in school..But at least you got a picture of the city>

"So where's Frisk exactly?"
"She's in that big tower"UT!Asriel
"That's where the meeting is?"
"Oh no that's the school"UT!Chara
"For studying?"
"I'm in shock as much as you are"UT!Chara
"Why aren't you two going to school?"
"We are.But at home"UT!Chara
"So homeschool"
"But you've been inside that tower?"
"..Only once"UT!Asriel
"So you're a veteran.Alright lead on"
"N-no way.You go first"UT!Asriel
"Because you look like a human"UT!Asriel
"But I never interacted with any other human besides the Frisks and Charas"
"..Why do you say it like we're a different species?"UT!Chara
"Well..because I've talked to literally two other versions of you in the past week"
"In different Universes?"UT!Chara

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now