Chapter 136 Date with Frisk

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Your POV

*You and Frisk are now walking besides the humans but are still near UT!Toriel's house

*You eventually walked on the sidewalk with the road on your left and tall buildings on your right

"They keep glancing at me"Frisk
"Because you're beautiful but I can take care of them if you want"
"Haha no that's ok.I'll just ignore them"Frisk
"Good because I'm the only one you should pay attention to"
"Hmm maybe I should talk to one of them"Frisk
"How about no"
"What's wrong with talking to them?"Frisk
"We're on a date"
"Maybe I'll just ask for directions"Frisk
"Don't worry we'll walk right back so don't worry.I already memorized the layout of the city so far"
"In a day?"Frisk
"No when I was flying around"
"So how far is the place we're going?"Frisk
"Umm about another 10 minute walk"
"That far?Can we at least fly while we're still close to the ground.Like an inch of the ground?"Frisk
"Hm..I don't think so.I haven't read the magic law book so if you want to spend our date in a cell then we can try"
"Then teleport us"Frisk
"Aww but I like walking with you"
"But they're staring"Frisk
*You teleported with Frisk to the other side of the city where Greg drove you around.

*You and Frisk are in a dark alley but see the road on your left and a bricky dead end at your right
"Now we're really alone"
"U-uh (Y/N) don't you think this is too soon?"Frisk
"I'm not gonna kiss you"
"Unless you do"
*Frisk looks down
"No I was just-"Frisk
*You grabbed her chin with your right hand and kissed her left cheek

"Stop being cute.You're distracting me"
*Frisk looked at you and smiled
*You walked out of the dark alley way and see the road on your left.Ysee cars passing by on both lanes.It seems almost crowded but enough to not complain about.You smell a familiar scent in the air.

"(Y/N) you got to be kidding me"Frisk
*Frisk notices something in the air
"I already know where we're going.I know this smell"Frisk
"Oh so you caught a whiff of my plan"
*Frisk smiles
"Yes you could say someone scent an aroma to me"Frisk
"Did you imagine something more odoring?"
"(Chuckles)But its been forever since we ate something I didn't make"
"Well because you don't give us a chance to help you"Frisk

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if you helped.Every time I comeback from the kitchen you have this big smile that I really adore"
"Because you make these different foods everyday.I just want to know if the smell is good as it tastes"Frisk
"Well if you want something better to taste..."
"What is it?"Frisk
"Nothing I was about say something indecent"
"U-uh Frisk don't call me that"
"Then stop being a Sicko..Sicko"Frisk
"(Sigh)I wish you hadn't said that"
"Don't like being called Sicko?"Frisk
"Of course not..It makes feel like you hate me"
"I would never hate you..Unless it's for a good reason"Frisk
"Now that I think about it you and Chara pulled that prank on me when I thought you were dead when all along you were invisible on the couch"

"It was just a prank but I guess you didn't like it"Frisk
"Why would I like a prank that would make me think someone took you from me again?"
*You held her left hand tighter
"That was the first time I honestly hated you two"
*You stopped walking and Frisk stared at you
"What's wrong?"Frisk
"Frisk when we cuddle tonight..Can we continue with that soul thing?"
"No that would make you-"Frisk
"It just one sided..I want to feel it again.It makes me feel something new..Unless you want some other girl to let me experience it first"
*Frisk looks away and thinks to herself for a moment
"Ok..but don't you do anything to me..Promise me that"Frisk
"I promise"
"Ok..Can we go now?People are staring at us"Frisk
"Heh I love you now"
*Frisk blushed a little
"Be quiet and move forward"Frisk
*You both walked towards the familiar smell and finally reached... "Grillby's Diner" and below it says "Only gold as payment"

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now