Chapter 28 No Mercy

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Your POV

*You put down Frisk and Chara.You took off your hoodie and tried to wrap up Frisk and Chara as best you can
*The Monsters in Snowdin continued their attack
*You absorb most of the impact but was damaged by ice javelins and falling icicles

(Y/N) HP:10/20

"Just give the humans or we will kill you"Monster Leader
"...So what are you gonna do to them if I let you?"You replied
"No of your business!"they replied
"Well then.I say Fuck You too then"you said
"Ignorant human!Everyone attack!"Monster Leader
*You looked behind you and the pursuers are almost near
(I'm not the one to take gambles but..)

*You called for help.
"UNDYNE!!HELP!!"you shouted
*The Monsters of Snowdin stopped approaching
*All of Snowdin just shook to your voice
(Damn my throat hurts)
"D-Don't be scared just attack!"Monster Leader
"Attack!"Random Monster
*The Monsters of Snowdin launched their attack.You were damaged again but gaining more strength to fight back.

(Y/N) HP:5/20

(I should've brought that Chocolate shake)
"Give up now or we'll turn you into dust"Royal Guard A
*The pursuers are here.
"Give up?Why should I?"You replied
"Fine by me.Kill this guy"Royal Guard A
"Everyone attack!"Royal Guard B
"Wait!"You said
*The Monsters paused for a moment
"I give up"you said
"Well wise choice.Now give the humans to us"Royal Guard A
"Ok give me a minute to breath"you replied
"Hurry up!What are you waiting for?!"Royal GuardA
(You'll see)
*Suddenly the Monsters of Snowdin were all pierced by blue spears
(Took you long enough)
*Undyne answers your call
"Undyne hold them off.And get the humans while I take care of these guys"You said with glowing RED eyes
"Oh god no!Hey we should just leave"Small Monster Rabbit
"Why are cowering now.We have him outnumbered and he's already one foot in the grave"Royal Guard A
"I don't know about you but I don't see a scared human!"Small Monster Rabbit
*You slowly got closer to them
"Then get of my way.I show you how it's done"Royal Guard A
*Royal Guard A swung his battle axe at you and you dodged making him hit the ground.
(I've got calm to down and carefully...)
*You punched the Royal Guard's armor chest and sent him flying to the Rabbit Trio
"What the...He let his guard down that's all.Your just a weak monster wanna be"Royal Guard B
*You got closer to the other Royal Guard
*You are now face to face
"I'm not holding back like him!Take THIS!"Royal Guard B
*The other Royal Guard swung his battle axe at you.You dodged and grip the iron battle axe.
*He struggles to pull it away from you
*You gripped harder,shattering the iron battle axe
*The Royal Guard fell to backwards
"So you wanted to make the human taste their own medicine huh?":)
*You put all the absorb energy into the Royal Guards armor chest breaking his armor and piercing his chest
*He coughed up blood
*You pulled your fist out of his chest
*He tries to crawl away
"Still alive?Lets change that":)
*You were about to kill the Royal Guard but

*You stopped and turned around
*You see Undyne
"Hey what's with that look"Undyne
*You didn't respond
"(Y/N) come on now don't do this.The humans need you to look after them.Don't do anything stupid that would change that."Undyne
*You breath for a moment and closed your eyes
"(Exhale)"you said and opened your eyes
"Heh that's more like it.Theirs the punk I know"Undyne
"Yeah sorry.I lost my cool there."
"That's alright I get it.I would've rage like that if I saw the humans like this"Undyne
"Yeah.Lets get them back home"
"What about them?"Undyne
"I'll take care of them later.I already burned their faces into my mind"
"Alright...just don't do anything crazy after we get these two back to your place"Undyne
"Right..So where's Asriel?"
"He's back their punishing the Monsters"Undyne
*You see Asriel ordering the Monsters to say "sorry" while their still stuck in the blue spears
(Heh very Prince-like Asriel)
"Alright let's get him and the humans back home"you said
*You and Undyne went home with Asriel and the humans

*You entered back home putting Frisk and Chara on the couch.You scrubbed off the blood on your hands then you took the mattress from the bedroom and put it on the floor next to the fire place.You asked Asriel if he could clean up the bedroom while
you and Undyne checked the wounds on Frisk and Chara's body.Undyne complain about me seeing them without clothes on but I replied "That doesn't matter.Its my fault that they got hurt.If I didn't leave them this wouldn't have happened".She stop complaining and we went on taking care of their wounds.You finish and watched over them while you sat down near the lit fire place while Frisk and Chara are resting and warming up.

*You looked at the patched up Chara and Frisk
(Those damn monsters aren't gonna leave with light wounds)
"Hey (Y/N),your eyes"Undyne
(Oh no not again)
*You closed your eyes then you breathed in and tried to relax
*But failed
*You opened your eyes
"Hey (Y/N) it's still-"Undyne
"I know.I just can't stop thinking.Don't worry I'm not going anywhere"
"(Sigh)Lets just see about that"Undyne replied
*You stared blankly at Chara and Frisk
(There were too many Monsters back there.They also had a plan but if they wanted them dead they wouldn't have captured them.They also went to a dead end.They had a plan after that but they couldn't go past the doorway without my key.They were waiting for someone.But who could it be.)
*You slowly closed your eyes and tried to think of anyone capable of quick transportation.
(Gaster?No it can't be.This plan was too sloppy.And it had a backup Monsters.Gaster always executes his plans with no flaws.Then who.Boatman?No the river is frozen near that area.But who has the authority to order the Royal Guards.Theres no one else but the Royal Family.It could never possibly be them.DAMMIT WHO IS IT?!")
*You were frustrated about failing to figure out who it is and went to get the Chocolate shake in the fridge.
*You sat at the dining table and still watching over the humans.
*You drank the Chocolate Shake

(Y/N) HP: 20/20
*Chocolate...the best flavor

"Hey (Y/N) your eyes are still red!"Undyne yelled
"What really?!"
*You went over to the mirror in the bathroom
(Shit She's right.Its never been like this.Except like those days back then.I need to to be calm.My heart is beating normally.But why?Dammit more problems keep popping up.)
*You went back out and sat on the dining table again
"Hey are you feeling alright?!"Undyne
"Yeah I'm good.I don't know why they aren't disappearing."
"Maybe Gaster knows."Undyne
"Hey chill.It was just a suggestion.Whats with the sudden aggression."Undyne
"Sorry I don't know.I think it's best if I take a walk"
"Nice try.But you aren't leaving."Undyne replied
*You stared at Undyne
"You know very well why they are still red"you said
"Yeah I do.But your still not leaving this house"Undyne
"Undyne what if the humans see me like this.I might be more stressed out and end up hurting them!"you said
"Hey that's not happening.You know why?Because you face this shit before."Undyne
"Before I had something to let my stress out!Now that's all the way back in the underground Lab.And I'm pretty sure if I leave,I'm not exactly going to the "Lab"
"Don't you have it in your hidden rooms?"Undyne
"I do but-...Its not something I should open for no good reason."
"And what would you call this situation?!You have no ther choice"Undyne
(I regret showing you my hidden rooms now)
"(Sigh)Fine call if something happens to them.And Asriel I know your here.Im also counting on you to watch over them."You said while getting up
*Asriel appeared on the couch
"You can count on me"Asriel
"When did you notice him?"Undyne
"Undyne I'm his brother.I saw him ever since."
(And the couch looked like their was ghost is sitting down on it)

*You left the dining table and headed to the fridge.
*You pushed the fridge aside to the left revealing a hidden ladder going down.
*You left the first floor

Next Time

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