Chapter 13 Trouble

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Chara's POV

*We all arrived at Snowdin
"I guess I know why that called it "Snowdin"now"Frisk said
"Yeah, the snowiest place in the Underground"Toriel
"Could we go in somewhere inside already it's freezing"I said softly
"Oh my child, your voice has your returned"Toriel
"A little" I replied softly
"Do you need a checkup still?Toriel
"No it's fine now,I just need some more rest"
"Well if you say so.Just ask me again if need anything"Toriel
*Me and Frisk are walking,while (Y/N) was in front of us while the King and Queen were leading us into the Snowy town.They were greeted by the approaching monsters and they look very happy seeing the King and Queen...until they saw us.
"My King!Why are you next to the humans?!"Monster-A

"These humans are not a threat.They came here in the Underground injured and scared.We came here for these two safety, and it is to be kept like that at all times.And all of you here before me, I'll say this once, if you hurt any of the humans or disrupt their peaceful life I will personally punish you"Asgore ordered with glowing orange and blue eyes.

"And to those who still hold ill will towards humans you should keep those emotions to yourself.If you spread misinformation what King Asgore said.That will also be a punishable offense"Toriel

"You see that Asriel, that's your mom and dad"(Y/N)
"Yeah!"Asriel said being happy
"Aren't they always like this?" Frisk asked (Y/N) in front of us

"Hm.Not all the time.They only act serious about something if they both really cared about it"(Y/N)
"I see"Frisk
"Hey Asriel go and (whisper whisper)"(Y/N) said something I couldn't hear
*(Y/N) let Asriel down
*Asriel offered to hold hands to me and Frisk
*We accepted

*Some of the monsters left the area.The rest of the monsters that stayed gave us a warm greeting.They had smiles and we talked a while.
*We were still talking while they also talk to Asriel

*And still talking.

*I sneezed into my left side covering my face as I felt my nose being cold
"Alright everyone I think that's enough.If they stay out here any longer they're gone end up sick because of you"(Y/N) said
"But-"Random monster
"No buts.You all heard Asgore.Now
move aside"(Y/N)
(We're saved)
*The monsters stepped aside and The King and Queen smiled at (Y/N)'s display of concern

Your POV

(Jeez these monsters are a hassle)
"Let's get inside now"you said to Frisk and Chara
*Your group headed towards your house but was blocked by a wall of monsters
(Oh my fu-I have no time for this)
"What are you doing your blocking the path"you said
"There's no problem here.We are only disrupting "your life" (Y/N).No hard feelings"Monster A said
"Move now!By the order of your King!"Asgore
"You can't punish us for having a group meet up my King"Monster A
"You ignorant little-"Asgore
"My King would you please allow me to handle this"you offered as you walked on Asgore's right side
"Hm.Of course"Asgore said setting down

*You called for help on the phone
"Nyaa!What Do you want punk?"Undyne
"Can you come here in Snowdin?"
"Why should I?"Undyne
"Some monsters are bothering the King and Queen and do you remember the time we fought"you said the last part very clearly
*No response

*You here an explosion in the distance, at a nearby area,in front of you.You see something falling from the sky
*Undyne crashes into the protesting monsters. and they all of them flew away into every direction but your way
"Huh...Thanks Und-"you smiled
*Undyne picks you up by grabbing your collar of your shirt
"Don't thank me just yet because I'm gonna pay you back from last time"Undyne said looking mad
"Well could we settle this later?"You said while pointing to the King and Queen
*Undyne notices and puts you down
"We'll settle this later...Definitely"Undyne
*Undyne leaves Snowdin

"Welp now thats cleared let's continue shall we"You said
(I don't care if these humans stay at my house I just wanna take a long rest already)
*You all continued
"Did you and Undyne have a fight"Asgore
"Yup"you replied
"That's no good.You two should make up later after this is done.And that's an order"Toriel
(Damn you again Gaster)
"Of course your majesty"you replied

*You have arrived back to your home
(I'm home baby)

*You all entered inside
"This place is even bigger than the other area you showed us"Toriel
*Asriel,Frisk,and Chara ran around exploring again.
(These guys have too much energy)
"I'm surprise I can stand inside here."Asgore
"Would you like a tour"you ask
"Yes of course.Alsriel,Chara,Frisk.Come back here and we'll explore the house together"Toriel
*The children returned

*You showed them all around making sure your house is suitable for Frisk and Chara.You finished touring around your house and waited for their opinion.
"So what do you think children?Do you like this place better than the other one?"Toriel
*They look at you
*You looked away

*Frisk and Chara talked amongst themselves.
"We would LOVE to stay here"Frisk and Chara said the "LOVE" very distinctly
"Excellent"Toriel said smiling then she turns to you

"(Y/N) I hope you would take great care for these two"Toriel
"Wait...Im looking after them?"You asked
"Yes was that not obvious?Hm, maybe I should've said this?..I "order"you to look after these two"Toriel
(Ima start hating that word)

"Of course I will don't worry"you said with a fake smile

"But can Asriel stay as well?"you asked looking normal
"What for?"Toriel and Asgore
"To let the rest of the monsters know these two are safe to be around with"you replied
(Honestly he's gonna be their shield.I don't want anymore problems like that wall of monsters incident)
"Hm.Yes I think that will be an excellent idea"Toriel and Asgore agreed
"How about you Asriel do you wanna stay here with the humans and me?"you asked
"Yeah!"Asriel replied looking excited

"Then it is settled.The humans will be under (Y/N)'s care and Asriel would stay here as well,making a change of the negative feelings towards humans"Toriel
"I promise to keep them all safe"you said bowing a bit
"We won't even have a doubt"Asgore
"Alright Asriel be sure to play nice and listen to what (Y/N) tells you"Toriel

"Okay I will"Asriel said as he hugs Asgore and Toriel
"Then we'll be heading back to the Kingdom"Asgore and Toriel
"Please have safe trip"you said
*Asgore and Toriel left your home

"So what now?"Frisk asks
"First we'll find you three a place to sleep...and I'm gonna(yawns) I'm gonna go to sleep after we do"
"But we haven't eaten anything yet!"Chara complains
(Ah crud)
*You looked into your fridge just leftover Butterscotch Pie and some Chocolate Pie.

"Do you guys want to eat the Butterscotch Pie or the Chocolate Pie"
"YES" they said
(Oh alright I guess this will do for now)
*You bring three slices of Butterscotch Pie and three slices of Chocolate Pie
"If your still hungry, we'll head somewhere to eat tomorrow"you said as you gave them the pies while they all sat at the dining table

*Oddly the Chocolate pies suddenly vanished
*You all looked puzzled and heard someone eating.
*It was Chara
"Chara did you really have to eat every single slice of chocolate pie?"Frisk
"Yes" She said with her mouth full and having chocolate stains around her mouth
*You chuckled to yourself and handed Chara a napkin
*She took it a wiped off the chocolate around her mouth

"Well I'll go prepare your beds and I'm gonna sleep on the couch"
"Wait why the couch?"Frisk
"This house was only made for me I didn't think I would be having anyone over.So there's only one bed.Dont worry I never slept on it yet so the room and bed are still clean."You said

"Anyways(yawns)Asriel you cool sleeping with the two humans?"you questioned
"Yup I don't mind"Asriel replied and yawning as well
(That's my boy)
"Then good night to all of you and have a pleasant sleep"you said and bowed then walked to the couch

*You later on the couch getting ready to sleep
(Ah finally)

Next time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now