Chapter 141 Answers

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Your POV

*You feel someone behind you.It feels like UT!Frisk's soul..And a piece of her standing beside her.
"Why did you bring me?"UT!Frisk
"To help me to wake them"UT!Chara
"And how?"UT!Frisk
"I don't know just poke his cheek"UT!Chara
"But that's weird"UT!Frisk
"What do you expect me to do?"UT!Chara
"Show him your scary face"UT!Frisk
"He's facing the other way"UT!Chara
"Umm...I got nothing"UT!Frisk

<During the middle of UT!Frisk and UT!Chara's Conversation you talked to Partner>

(Partner Where are you?)
(Good Morning to you too)
(Uh Yeah..Then sun is rising right now)
(Teleport back here and get these two out the room)
(Original Frisk and Chara)
(Alright and just wait till you see what I collected)

*Resuming back
"Umm..I got nothing"UT!Frisk
*You sense Partner at the door of your room.It walks in
"Alright what's going on here?"Partner
"Shhh" UT!Frisk
(Don't tell themI'm awake)

"Don't shhh me.Get out away from Partner who is in the dream world"Partner
"Dream world?"UT!Chara
"His version of dreaming.Now move it"Partner
"Hold on where did you go?"UT!Chara
"I don't need to answer that"Partner
(Just get in here I'll make them go away)

"If that's what's gonna happen then I wouldn't even talked"Partner
"We didn't say anything"UT!Frisk
"Not you"Partner
*You absorb Partner and his collected negativity
(Holy shit this is...this dumb)
*You feel a strong hatred to sports teams from outside of the city and hatred towards monsters again
(And monsters had a bad outlook again)
(Because they took some of their jobs)
(Alright let me talk to the girls)

"Can we just leave?"UT!Chara
*You made a hummingbird
"Oh no"UT!Frisk
"Chara let's go"UT!Frisk
"It's just a bird"UT!Chara
"It can take away your clothes and leave you naked!"UT!Frisk
"Tell me that sooner!"UT!Chara
*You hear them leave..The hummingbird went back in your body

*You stroked Frisk's hair with your right hand awkwardly because she's still on your arm.
"I knew you were awake"Frisk
"So that hummingbird...can take away people's clothes?"Frisk
"(Y/N)..Who's clothes did you take?"Frisk
"It's not giving me the clothes..Only the bird will teleport somewhere else..and drops it"
"Wow..that's some level of jerk (Y/N)..We have a word for that"Frisk
"It's called asshole"Frisk
"Mmm please don't call me that"
"I won't..if you never do that again"Frisk
*Frisk leans back to your right hand to make it easier for you to stroke her hair.Her face is close to yours.You stare at her sleeping face
*Frisk opens her eyes.You quickly closed yours
"(Giggles)Why did you close them?"Frisk
"Because...I wanted to quietly stare at your sleeping face"
"Well my eyes are close so you can do that now"Frisk
*You peaked..Frisk's eyes are closed
*You open your eyes and resumed staring at-
*She opens her eyes again.You closed your eyes

"Am I that scary?"Frisk
"No..Your just..adorable to stare at"
"Hmm~"Frisk said playfully
*You peaked..She's staring at you
"Um can you turn around?"
"You don't like me staring at you?"Frisk
"I do..but not this close?"
"I want to do more than just staring"
"Hmm like what?"Frisk
*You kissed her cheek while you still had your eyes closed

"Oh just on my cheek?"Frisk
"Then give me your soul"
*Frisk lightly punches your chest
"It's my day today.So stop flirting"Chara
"Oh did we wake you?"
"No I was awake when they came inside then I listened to you two and you can let go of my hand now"Chara
"You were holding her hand?"Frisk
"I could hold your soul"
*Frisk lifts up her head.She pushes you off the bed and you let go of Chara's left hand

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now