Chapter 15 Order up

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Your POV

*You,Frisk and Chara all waited for Asriel to finish showering

"So Undyne, are you gonna join us as well"you asked
"Nah"Undyne replied
"Oh you ate already?"
"No I think if I stay with you guys and Grilby the temperature is gonna be hot as Hotland"Undyne
*Chara and Frisk was listening in and blushed a bit
"Are you sure you guys ok?Your face's are red?"You asked
"What you mean?"you asked
"Nah it's nothing.Im gonna leave you guys alone.The temperature here is too hot for me already"Undyne said as she left

*Asriel came down and met up with the rest of you

"So is everyone ready to leave?"
"Yup" They all said
*You all left your house went over to Grilby's
*You all went inside and luckily all four seats at the bar are empty.You all sat down and looked at the menu.

"How does the food here taste?"Frisk asked
"Oh it's the Best!My first meal here was the most delicious food I ever tasted!"Asriel
*You smiled
"You can order anything you want"you said
*Grilby came out of the kitchen
"Hey Grilby hows the business coming along?"You signed

"It's going great it was a huge success.It was difficult at first but now I think I got it under control"Grilby signed
"Nice.So what are you guys gonna order"you ask the humans
"Um.."Frisk said as she looking at the menu

"You guys should try the Burgers!"Asriel pointed out
"We sold out on Burgers today"Grilby signed
"Sorry Asriel, Grilby said there's no more.How about some pancakes instead?"you said
"Aww ok I guess"Asriel
"How about you two?"You asked
"I'll get the CHOCOLATE shake"Chara said
"Um I don't think that's something you should eat after you wake up."you said
"But you said we can order anything we want"Chara smirked
(I got to watch what I say or I'll end up like Gaster)

"Ugh fine and you Frisk?"you asked
"I'll order the omelette"Frisk said <fillings in the omelette are ham,bacon and some vegetables>
"Whoa big orders to fill.How about you
(Y/N)?"Grilby signed after he wrote down the order

"Nah I'm ok.I'm just here for them"you replied
"Nonsense you helped me more than I ever hoped for.Now, what do you like?"Grilby signed
(I think if I say no again he'll really be flaming)

"I'll have the Chocolate shake as well then"
"That's it?"Grilby signed and gave you a look
"And fries too"you said
(Yeesh this guy is scary when he's being generous)
"Alright I'll return when it's done"Grilby replied
"Ok"you said
*Grilby went into the kitchen

"So what do you guys want to do today"you asked
"What is there to do?"Frisk
"Well we can visit some friends at Waterfall or we can go around exploring Snowdin's buildings"you offered
"I think we should go to Waterfall"Frisk
"Yeah I think so too"Chara
"Oh you two will love it there.It has some-"Asriel

"Hey Asriel I think it's best for you to not spoil it for them.I want to see their reactions when we go there"you said
"Oh alright"Asriel getting excited thinking about it
*You here the front door open

"Well looky what we got here boys"Monster Rabbit
<A big one at that>
*Frisk,Chara and Asriel turned around while you ignored it

"Looks like the humans really got comfortable, when the majesties left"Small Monster rabbit
"What right do they have for even staying in the Underground?!"Medium Monster rabbit
*You turned around feeling annoyed

"I thought everyone heard the rule that the King and Queen put down yesterday?And hold your tongue you in the presence of the Prince!"You said

"Be quiet (Y/N), we were fine when it used to be just you but now there's two more"Big Monster Rabbit
"And your complaining about that because?"
"I'm complaining because there's two more humans that don't belong here!"Big Monster Rabbit
"Look here pal I don't like your tone when you keep saying "humans".If your gonna complain this much take it to the King or are you just scared?"you said
"What was that you little shit?"Big Rabbit Monster
*That set you off
*You had a pissed off look

"Oh no"Asriel said and while grabbing Frisk and Chara going to the other side of the bar.

*You got out of your chair and approached the three Rabbit Monsters
"Hey bro I think this guy wants to FIGHT!"Small Rabbit Monster looking excited to see what you do

"Ha he looks like he couldn't put much in a FIGHT"Medium Monster Rabbit
*You are now faced to faced with three Rabbit Monsters in the middle of the diner

"What are you gonna do little shi-"Big Rabbit Monster
*You punched the Big Monster Rabbit in the stomach while he was still talking.It looks like that hurt.

*But he didn't go down that easily.He tried to punch you but stopped him the moment he landed his punch on your left palm.
"What?!"Big Rabbit Monster said confused
"Don't touch me"you said
*You tried to punch him again but the other Monster Rabbits started to join in.One grabbed a nearby table and slammed it on you while the other tried to punch you from behind.
*No effect
*In that moment you released a bit of energy making them all step back.You ran behind the big one and knocked him by hitting his spine,between his neck and shoulders,with your elbow.You grabbed the table on the floor that the medium rabbit grabbed and returned the favor.The table slams,but it doesn't break, against the his body making him go unconscious
*You looked at the little scared rabbit behind you
"You still wanna go "little one"?You said giving him :) expression
*He ran away and leaving the two monster rabbits

*You heard Grilby stepping out.
*You used the last bit of energy and tried to hide the evidence.You put the table back where it was and stuffing the bodies under the family tables near the door then running back to your seat looking normal and the same when Grilby left.

*Grilby sees the kids on his left side and you sitting across from them
"Hey Grilby, the kids wanted to see what you got on the other side of the bar when you were making the food"you said casually
"Okay but they are wearing an expression like they witness a massacre"Grilby signed
(Heh they did)

"Oh don't worry about that.Alright you three play times over, go back to your seats and eat your food while it's still hot"you said while giving them a smile
*They returned back to their seats without saying a word
*Grilby gave everyone their food

"Thanks Grilby and here's the money"you said
"No it's alright.You are the co-owner just think of it as payment when you help me out"He replied
"No need for that I have a feeling you'll need it"you replied
"Well if you say so"Grilby signed while giving a suspicions look as he took the gold

*You looked away and as you sipping the Chocolate shake
"Hey this is pretty good.How's your food you three?"You said
*They jumped a bit
"It tastes great"Frisk looking nervous
"Yeah it's delicious"Asriel said looking happy
*You looked at Chara.She's already about to be finished her shake

"Hey Chara if your still hungry you can eat my fries"
"Ew no.Fries with chocolate?"Chara said
"Hm why not I think it tastes pretty good together.Just try it out"you said
"Hmm alright"Chara said
*Chara ate some of the fries and tried it with the chocolate shake
"It's alright I guess"Chara said
"Well as long your ok with it, I'm satisfied"you said
*You all finished the food.And decided to head out to Waterfall.As you were leaving the two Monster Rabbits were waking up.

"Go go go go!"you said as you were lightly pushing Frisk,Chara and Asriel out of Grilby's

*You all ran to Waterfall

Next time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now