Chapter 42 Trip

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<Let's see what's Gaster State of Mind is like now>

Gaster's POV

Damn I need more Determination.This..pain is too much!The humans I can get more from them.But (Y/N) won't let me get them that easily.Those damn Monsters made him on edge...No he cares for them.If they can make him feel Love.Then..Then his true form will show.But time.Ive got none left.
But this machine.A machine that could make you cross time and space.If I get this Fucking thing to work it could save everyone.But DT is needed and I put most of it make them..I'll just take it back!!..Survival of the Fittest!!

NO I CAN'T!!BUT IF I DO IT WON'T MATTER BECAUSE THEY WILL BE ALIVE IN THE END.ITS OK RIGHT.ITS JUST GONNA BE LIKE A BAD DREAM.YOU'LL FORGIVE ME..RIGHT?Let's..just get this over with before I lose my insanity.If this works I could rewrite my mistakes and execute my plans with no risks this time.Yes.My forgotten sins will finally be forgiven!

Let's start our Rebirth of all Monster Kind!!!

Your POV

"U-um what is it?"Frisk and Chara
"Would you two like to go the flower field again?"
"Yes!"Frisk and Chara
*That gave you a surprised
"Cool.Then lets go now.Undyne can.."
*Undyne and Happstablook has big smiles on their face
"..Can you watch Asriel in the meantime?"
"Yes.Of Course Darling!"Happstablook said floating around joyfully...for some reason
"No worries punk I got this."Undyne
"Asriel you remember what we talked about right?"

"Yeah.Train with Undyne to get strong then if I pass her test I can train with you!"Asriel
"That's it.Give it your all little prince.And Undyne please don't traumatize him"
"What?Those two came out fine.Im sure Asriel can survive"Undyne
*You look at the humans
*They gave you a "Asriel is gonna die" look
"Just turn it down a notch"
"Hah no way"Undyne
"(Sigh)Happstablook please watch over Asriel too"
"Don't Worry Darling.The Little Prince Is Safe With Me Around"Happstablook
"Heh Alright"

*You look at the humans
"You guys ready?"
"Y-yeah"Frisk and Chara
"Hold On Darlings"Happstablook
*Happstablook handed a black plastic bag to Frisk and Chara
"What's that?"
"It's Just A Little Present"Happstablook said and winked
(She's planning something)
*The humans checked the bags and had a surprised look.They looked happy
"Can I see it?"
"No!"Frisk and Chara
"Yes Darling You Can't Look At It.Its Something For Them To See"Happstablook
"You can see it later"Chara
"Alright.Then let's go"
*You and the humans went to your home in Snowdin
"(Y/N) why did we go here?"Frisk said nervously
"I need to get something upstairs"
"U-um can we shower first since we're here?"Frisk
"Sure I'll be waiting downstairs when you're ready"
"Ok"Frisk and Chara
*They quickly went to take a shower
(Are they having a race?)

*Ten minutes Later

*Twenty more minutes Later

*Twenty More Minutes Later

*Two seconds Later
(Alright I'm checking them.They're taking forever)

*You Knock on the bathroom door
"We're not ready!"They yelled
"It's been about an hour.What are you two even doing?"
"Getting ready.Just give us a minute!"Chara
(Do humans even need to take long showers?I could've put this case to the Flower Field and come back during that time)
*You hear the bathroom door open
"Are you tw-"
*They ran to the bedroom
(Oh my Asgore.If I wait another hour.Im gonna go insane)

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now