Chapter 137 Ebbot Park

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Your POV

*You left the flower shop while you're holding the flower pot with both hands

"Where should we put you"
"In your flower field"Frisk
"Mmm no.I think I should put this something more special"
"Where would that be, because your flower field isn't exactly something no one can complain seeing"Frisk
"I can put where we're gonna live"
"If they agree"Frisk
"Yeah...I really like it here"
"Me too"Frisk said holding your right arm

"Do you want to live here in the city or do you wanna live next to Toriel"
"Why?Because the other Frisk is there?"Frisk
"No it's because it's lonely living at the one hill with no neighbors to walk by"
"Oh..Maybe we should.But your not allowed to sleep over there without me or Chara"Frisk
"You mean you and Chara..You two aren't separating from me in my sleep"
"Look who's controlling now"Frisk
"It's still you since you aggressively chase after Frisk"
"I did not!"Frisk
"She wasn't interested in you when I was around"Frisk complained
"Maybe she notice you were being so adorably protective of me"
"I am not"Frisk
"Then Preciously Protective"
"Heh.Want to walk some more?"
"Umm I think I'm happy now.Unless your planning something else"Frisk

"How about we go to the park near the forest.There was a cluster of trees surrounding a giant grass field with a stone pathway,a water fountain and some flower beds"
"So we're just gonna walk there?"Frisk
"It's close, we just have to cross that bridge up ahead and it will be a 3 minute walk"
"Hmm ok"Frisk
"Yes"You said happily

"Hah dork"Frisk
"It's been awhile since you said that to me"
"Then Sicko"Frisk
"No I don't like it"
"So silly..Can I hold those flowers now?"Frisk
"Because you're clumsy"
"No I'm not"Frisk
"I saw how you stumbled around when you were training with Undyne"
"When did you see that?"Frisk
"When I came back with the Story Group"
"You were watching!"Frisk
"Why didn't you come to us sooner?!"Frisk
"Because I didn't want to interrupt"
"So you saw everything?"Frisk
"No only when I saw you running..And I saw you almost tripped"
"I was exhausted"Frisk replies
"You were sweating so much"

*Frisk pinches your right cheek
"Don't bring that up"Frisk
"Ok I won't"
*Frisk let's go

*You and Frisk started walking on top of the stone bridge.You see layers and layers of stacked stone bricks having grey concrete in the crevices of the bricks making it smooth and stable.You walked by black railings blocking keeping anyone from falling off the edge of the bridge.

"This bridge is huge.It even has a ceiling to cover us"Frisk
"Do you like this style?"
"Not really.I just like it because it gives us shade from the sun"Frisk
"Oh right"
"Why?Did you think I like this?"Frisk
"No I'm just wondering..Considering I'm giving you that"
"Hmm I guess you forgot"
"What is it?"Frisk
"I forgot"
"Tell me"Frisk
"Heh no.I want I see you smile when I give it to you"
"Mmm"Frisk complains
"Want to hold the flowers?"
"But I have to carry you"
"Just hand it over..If I drop it then you can do whatever you want..."Frisk
"Don't you dare stop talking"
"You can do whatever you want when..we cuddle.But remember your promise"Frisk

"I am so gonna take you somewhere tonight"
"No we're going to stay in the Underground tonight at Old Home"Frisk
"Don't "Tch" me.I don't trust you when we're alone in the dark"
"Oh but that's the best time.The only thing you can think of is my body heat overwhelming yours"
"Ok (Y/N)"Frisk
"And when I whisper in your ear when I'm behind you gets me really-"
"Ok (Y/N)!"Frisk
"Heh what's wrong with me telling the truth?"
"Keep that truth to yourself.I don't want to hear it"Frisk
"Oh you'll hear it alright"
"(Y/N)"Frisk complains
"Love you"
"Mmm"Frisk complains
"We're almost there..See?"

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now