Chapter 40 Gift

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Your POV

"Well it's hard to stay asleep with all the noise"
*You let go of Frisk and Chara and got up
"How are feeling?"Frisk
"I'm not talking about that!"Frisk
"Oh.I think I rested long enough"
"Happstablook can you give us the thing we wanted"Chara
"Oh Already?!Then Just Wait Right There"Happstablook said and went through her closet
"(Y/N) sit back down and close your eyes"Frisk
"Alright"you said and closed your eyes
(Wonder what they're planning this time)

*You hear Chara and Frisk walking around
"Here It Is Darlings"Happstablook
*You hear Chara and Frisk whisper
"Alright (Y/N) open your eyes"Chara
*You see Chara and Frisk holding a poorly wrapped
"Here.Go on and open it"Frisk
*You did and revealed a black jacket<With a zipper>
"..Is this for me?"
"Of course"Frisk
*You didn't know how to react
"D-Do you not like it?"Frisk
"No it's just I never received something I wanted before..So I don't know what to say or do"
"Then try it on and tell us if you like it"Chara
*You took off your old hoodie
<Revealing Your Rock Hard Body....
"Are you still wearing that same white shirt?"Frisk
"Yeah.. Problem?"
"No but we know what we're gonna get next"Frisk
"Do you want me to take it off?"you said
"Oh Yes Darling.Don't Be Shy"Happstablook
"Happstablook No and (Y/N) just wear the jacket already"Chara
"Heh ok"you said and wore the jacket and got up
"So how does it look?"you asked
*You wore the black jacket
Black Jacket DEF:20
-Despite looking cheap this material isn't something you can easily come by
-Design:Soft/Cozy feeling.Has a red and blue lines going Horizontally Across
"Well at least it fits"Frisk
"I think it looks too good on you"Chara
"Yeah Like Bad Boy"Happstablook
"Are you guys finish with what Happstablook asked for?"
"Ah Yeah"Frisk
"They Already Gave Me Their Whole Story.Now Since This Is Finish..(Y/N) Can You Do Me-"Happstablook
"No never"
"Let Me Finish!Can You Do Me A Favor And Fix My House.I Would Be Very Grateful"Happstablook blinking her eyes repeatedly
"..What kind of stunt did you pull this time?"
"Oh Some Visitors De-"Happstablook
"Decorated!The house but ruined the front side of the house"Frisk
"Is that right?"
"Yes Just Like What She Said"Happstablook said unconvincingly
"..Hm.Your asking a lot to a guy that just-"
"(Y/N) can you please help fix Happstablook's house?"Frisk said while flutter her eyes
"Alright let's do this"You said heading towards the door
"Why Didn't You Hesitate When She Asked You?!"Happstablook
"Because you always up to something"
"Well Sometimes I Genuinely Need Help"Happstablook
"Yeah yeah let's just fix whatever it is"
*You all went downstairs

"What the heck happened here?"
"Sup punks.And (Y/N)! Nice jacket"Undyne
"Undyne why are you here?"
"Frisk called saying you passed out and I came here to see if it was nothing"Undyne
"I see.Don't worry it was nothing"
"Ahuh sure.The last time you passed out was when...oh yeah Never.So tell me what happened"Undyne
"Can you guys give us a moment and Happstablook think about what you want to replace this..hole"you said
*You went to Undyne and walked outside
"Ok so what's wrong?"Undyne
*You scratched your head
"Well I don't know"
"What do you mean you don't know?!"Undyne
"..Before we went to the Lab.I was talking to the humans and telling them how I feel about them and my body suddenly felt hot"
*Undyne gives you a BIG smile
"You like them don't you (Y/N)"Undyne still holding that smile
"Yeah that's what I told them"

*Undyne blinks repeatedly and put her hand on your shoulder

"Excuse me?You what?"Undyne
"I told them I liked them"
"Dammit (Y/N) do you know how much thought I put in to mess with you"Undyne
"No and why?"
"Never mind that doesn't matter.So to tell the truth, of what your feeling, is Love"Undyne
"Level of Violence?"
"No idiot.Love.The kind of thing you only feel about a certain someone"
"But I feel it from both of them"
"T-then that's alright..if they're ok with it."Undyne
"I've got to talk to them later"Undyne muttered
"Nothing.Just do me a favor and stop being around them"Undyne
"Not happening"
*Undyne sighed and pinched her bridge of her nose
"If you keep being around them you're gonna pass out again"Undyne
"No buts!Just stop being around them.You don't need to have them close to you all the time"Undyne
(So I have to try to feel like I was before)
"So you want me to feel nothing?"
"No!What?"Undyne said confusingly
"That's how I feel if I leave them"
"Oh boy you got it bad.Just let me talk to them and I'll be back with you"Undyne
*You and Undyne went back

"(Y/N) What Do You Think Of This Lovely Design The Humans Made"Happstablook
*You looked at the design.It looks like a door that should be place in a mansion with a big H as the door symbol
"Are you sure this is what the humans made?"
"Yes Of Course.Right My Lovely Darlings"Happstablook said turning to them
*They nodded their heads
(I'm sure Happstablook design this and the humans just wanted to see if I'm capable of making it)

"Alright if they say so.I'll be back.Asriel you want to come along and help"
"If it's just helping then sure!"Asriel
"Alright we're off.Undyne please watch Frisk and Chara"
"Don't worry punk I got it covered"Undyne
"Please Take Your Time Darling"Happstablook
(Yeah yeah)
*You left the area to get the materials

Undyne's POV

*I gripped Chara's and Frisk's shoulders

"Alright punks tell me!Did (Y/N) confess to you?!"
"WHAT?!Oh My Little Darling Is Growing Up So Fast!"Happstablook said getting closer to them
"Happstablook quit it!(Y/N) didn't even confess to us!"Frisk and Chara
"Well (Y/N) told me he did.Now cough it up!"
"Oh Yes Darlings.Tell Us"Happstablook getting up in their face
"Calm down Happstablook let them breathe"
*Me and Happstablook back up a bit
"He only said that he likes us!"Chara
"That means he confessed to you!"
"No that could also mean he likes to be good friends!"Frisk
"Ha!.He said that he feels like nothing without you two!"
"Oh My"Happstablook
"He didn't say that to us!"Frisk and Chara
"Well he told me how he felt just a moment ago.I tried to tell him to stay away from you for a moment and he kept refusing.He couldn't get his mind off you"
"Absolutely Smitten Darling"Happstablook said while squishing her cheeks
"Happstablook not helping"Undyne

"Hurry and tell me what you think of him.He likes you both so much I'm sure he'll back any minute!"
"Well we like him but.."Frisk
"He just too nice to us.I don't know why he even likes us"Chara
"Ugh you three are hopeless"
"Because if you don't like him just tell him"
"We do like him!"Frisk and Chara said with red faces
(Let's just give them a little push)
"Oh yeah I'm not convinced you are!You two should just leave him if you don't even care about him!Whats the point of him even staying if his heart is gonna break in the end!"

"I can't stop myself thinking about him!I just want him to be happy but we keep giving him so much trouble that he keeps forgiving us so easily!I want to flirt with him so much but my brain stops functioning when I try to say something to him!"Frisk
"I wanted to hold him like Frisk!He's done so much for us but he isn't a person that wants anything.The only thing he wants is us!I wish the other Monsters would leave us alone so I can talk to him more!And no one ever complimented my eyes before!That made me so happy!I wanted to kiss him the moment he said those words to me!"Chara

*Me and Happstablook had the BIGGEST smiles on our faces
"What's with those smiles!!"Frisk and Chara with their faces red
"I Should've Got The Camera If You Two Were Gonna Be This Dramatic!"Happstablook
"I am never been so proud to anyone before.Im just happy (Y/N) found you first"I said and almost shed a tear
"Why couldn't you say it before?"I asked
"Because it's embarrassing as it is!"Frisk and Chara
"Oh My Gosh Darlings.If He's Able To Say It To You Then You Have No Choice But To Return The Favor"Happstablook
"But how?!"Frisk
"Go On A Date Of Course"Happstablook
"That fast?!"Frisk and Chara
"Darlings You've Been Sleeping The Same House,He Cooks For You,Bought You Those Clothes,Treats You With Care And Saved Your Life A Couple Of Times...Im Sure Your Ready To Date"Happstablook
"But where and what do we do?"Chara
"Alright this is how we-"I said
*You here a loud thump in front of the house

"I'm back"(Y/N) said
"No.Dammit I'll call you two on the phone and you better be ready to answer!"
"Ok ok"Frisk and Chara
*(Y/N) approached us
"So what are guys talking about?"(Y/N)
"Nothing!"Frisk and Chara
"Chara..Frisk?Your faces are red again"(Y/N) said getting closer to their face
*They ran upstairs
(Oh my Asgore why did you run!!)
"Happstablook what did I just say!"(Y/N) yelled
"I Am Innocent!Ive Caused No Trouble This Time!"Happstablook
*Happstablook floated upstairs
*(Y/N) turned to me
"Undyne you didn't!"(Y/N) said with glowing red eyes
"Did what?"
"You told?!"(Y/N)
"(Sigh)I feel hot again.I hate this feeling."(Y/N)
"Then you better work on that hole"
"Yeah whatever.Asriel lets get started"(Y/N) said walking out
"Why's your face red"Asriel
"I'm dying"(Y/N) said with his red eyes fading
*(Y/N) and Asriel started fixing the hole as I went upstairs.

Next Time

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