Chapter 134 Sparring

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Your POV

*You,UT!Frisk and UT!Undyne walked inside UT!Toriel's house.

"Frisk can I ask you something?"You said while walking inside first
"What is it?"UT!Frisk
"If my Universe-"
"He wants to combine our Universe"UT!Undyne
"..."you said
"You do?"UT!Frisk
"I asked my Alphys to build a portal gate but she still needs me to return to wire it all up for it to actually work"

*You notice a yellow armless monster,a green Pyro Monster wearing a sailor outfit and a ghost that looks like Napstablook.

"Hey who's the new human?"yellow monster
"Oh this is (Y/N)..(Y/N) this is MK he's really great at getting along"UT!Frisk
"Cool you can use magic too?!"MK
"This is Fuku is a bit shy.So don't stare at her too much"UT!Frisk
*You waved at her
*Fuku waves back
"And this is-"UT!Frisk
"Napstablook right?"
" did you know?"UT!Napstablook
"A guessed..Well it's nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too"UT!Napstablook

"(Y/N) stop flirting with Frisk!"Frisk said still at the dining table

"Stop saying that!"UT!Frisk
"Stop staring at him"Frisk
"I was just talking to him"UT!Frisk
*You went behind Frisk and hugged her

"Frisk calm down"
"You're really taking the silent treatment seriously"Chara
"I'm always serious when it comes to you"
"Hah ok.Can you show Toriel your soufflé?"Chara
"Sure if she doesn't mind"
"I don't.They said it's your best desert you baked for them"UT!Toriel
"Well it's not the best chocolate sweet I know"
"You've been holding out CHOCOLATE deserts from me?!"Chara
"Yea..It didn't seem the right time"
"Then make it for me now"Chara
*Chara smiles
*You let go of Frisk and went to the kitchen.You hear the new people, UT!Frisk introduced, talk to your Frisk and Chara.
*You feel someone behind you.You turned around and see UT!Chara
"Oh hey Chara"
"Why are you using Grey Magic?"UT!Chara
"Because my Chara said so"
"That's what she wanted from me since I told her what I did when I was here.Do you need something?"
"Your using my chocolate"UT!Chara
"Am I not allowed?"
"What are you making?"UT!Chara
"The Chocolate soufflé for Toriel and Frisk.And another desert for my Chara"
"Can you not put "my Chara" when they are here?"UT!Chara
"So what do I call you?"
"Then I'll call my Chara will be Queen"
"Why is that?"UT!Chara
"Because she's the queen of eating-"
*Your sentence was literally cut off by a flying red knife.
*UT!Toriel didn't notice
*You and UT!Chara looked at Chara who was looking away.You resumed to what you were doing

"She's just my Queen"
"Is it alright I use your chocolate?"
"As long as you make me some"UT!Chara
*You sense UT!Chara walking away.You resume baking the sweets.

*You carefully took out two Three chocolate Soufflés and gave them to Frisk,UT!Toriel and UT!Chara at the dining table
"Ahem wears mine"Chara
*You smiled at her
"I'll be back in a minute"
*You went and started on Chara's chocolate desert
*You took out a mug out of the microwave and drizzled warm liquid chocolate over the Chocolate Mug Cake in a wavy pattern.You added one small red chocolate rose on the center of the desert.

*You walked over to Chara and gave her the Chocolate Mug Cake
<If you never tried it your missing out>
*Chara smiled
"That fast?"Chara
"You used the microwave?"Chara
"Is it good?"Chara
"Why don't you try for yourself"
"...Did you really need to add the tiny rose?"Chara
"Why not?"
*You see Chara took a small chunk of of the desert with the rose on top of it and are it"

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now