Chapter 150

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Your POV

*You are talking to SF!Frisk SF!Asriel and SF!Chara in your living room

"So where's your Chara or Frisk?"SF!Chara
"Not here..They're in the Universe that we're gonna live at"
"We're leaving again?"SF!Asriel
"It's just a little while"
"What can we do here?"SF!Chara
"A lot of things"you said smiling at her
"Don't you fucking flirt with her in front of me"SF!Asgore
*You grabbed SF!Chara's left hand
"Let her go!"SF!Toriel
"All of you stay here..Asriel Frisk wanna come along?"
"I'm not telling"
"Don't worry you have my attention"
"I'll go too, so I know when to burn your hands so you won't feel Chara's hands again"SF!Asriel

"Funny since we never actually fought"
"And how's that funny?"SF!Asriel
"Nothing let's just go"
"You are not going without us!"SF!Asgore
"(Y/N) can they come?"SF!Chara
*You stared at SF!Chara's face
*SF!Chara she pouted a bit
*You created a Gaster Palm to the Flower Field
"What is this?"SF!Chara
"A portal"
"Why is it a giant skeleton hand?"SF!Chara
"Because you got giant parents"
"Little shit"SF!Asgore
"Just go through"
"You first"SF!Toriel
"If I go the portal will quickly collapse.If you're scared then stay here"
*SF!Frisk went through first

"See right there.Thats what I like"
"Oh shut up"SF!Chara
*SF!Chara then SF!Asriel went through.
"Just get in you big fool"SF!Toriel pushes SF!Asgore

*SF!Asgore was push through then SF!Toriel went in after

"Undyne you coming?"
"No I want to meet my alternate of me"SF!Undyne
"She's in the Lab in Hotland"
"It's your version of The Furnace"
"I see.Then I will be on my way"SF!Undyne
"Wait..At least stay in Waterfall"
"It's also Wetlands But more cleaner and more habitable"
"Because Undyne will attack you thinking you're gonna replace her"
"Don't you fucking even try that"
"Now I won't"SF!Undyne
"No killing, no destroying.You are only allowed to defend yourself"
"Ok.I get it now.I will explore "Waterfall" now"SF!Undyne
*You see SF!Undyne walk out then you finally went through the Palm

*You see everyone just standing on the stairs in front of the Flower Field

"Why are you all standing here?"
"This place must be sacred right?"SF!Asgore
"Yeah because there's no way this many flowers can exist here"SF!Toriel
"'s all naturally grown here and this place was well kept in my absence"
*You floated over the flowers with a column of light from the surface in front of you.You turned to the people who are in awe

"You can walk here.Just walk on the stone paths"
*SF!Chara walks under you and you floated down to her

"Do you like flowers?"
"Not really"SF!Chara said monotony
"Heh ok.But I feel like you want to stay"
"Then follow me"
*You lead SF!Chara on top of the golden flowers

"I hate these flowers"SF!Chara
"They look beautiful but their poisonous"SF!Chara
"Really"you said picking one up
"Don't try it!"SF!Chara
"I never thought flowers could be toxic"
"Well they can, so don't even try it"SF!Chara
*You smiled
"Can you be more like you"
"And what am I like?"SF!Chara
"A girl who's tough but has a soft side"
"I am not soft"SF!Chara
"Then why do you care that I ate these flowers?"
"Heh that's what I love about you"
"How you are so honest when you lie"
"That doesn't make sense"SF!Chara
"Did I not tell you?"
"That I can see lies"
"Of course you didn't!"SF!Chara
"Heh no wonder you are being so cute"
"Shut up!When can you do that?!"SF!Chara
"Since we first met"
"Ugh..I hate you"SF!Chara
"I love you too"
*SF!Chara push you to the ground
"I said shut up"SF!Chara
"Heh what flower do you see that you like?"
"There's no black flowers so there's nothing that I like"
*You sat back up held her left hand

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now