Chapter 16 Just Vistiting

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Frisk's POV

*You all continued to run to Waterfall after we left Grilby's.It got suddenly warm as we pass the Evergreen trees and entered a cave

"We're almost there"(Y/N) said slowing down
*We arrived at Waterfall.You see a small twinkle of light again.
*Progress Saved:Waterfall

*You see a giant waterfall with rocks flowing down to your left and a big drop down to your right.
"You can take off your coats now"(Y/N) said
*Me and Chara took off our coats and handed them to (Y/N).He oddly started staring at us.
"What?"I asked
"Your clothes are different"(Y/N)
"Oh Undyne gave these to us when you were gone"I replied
"Do we look weird?"Chara
"No.I think you two look great"(Y/N) said with a smile
"Um...Can we continue on now?"I asked
"Oh right."(Y/N) said and turning around
(Jeez quit staring you idiot)

"But for this part I'm going to ask for your
hand"(Y/N) said
"W-what for?!"I asked
"These rocks flowing down are a safety hazard"(Y/N) said
"Ah I see"I replied
*I grabbed (Y/N)'s right hand and Chara grabbed his left.We saw the rocks coming down at a random rate while they fall down to a waterfall on our left.But (Y/N) didn't move for some reason

"What's wrong?"I ask
"Asriel you stay here I need to put these two across,then I'll come back for you"he said
"I just don't like how I'm holding you two"(Y/N) said
"Then how should we cro-"I was about to say
*(Y/N) lifted me and Chara and he put us on his shoulders and held onto our legs.I got scared I held onto Chara.
"What are you doing!Give us a warning!Frisk is a afraid of heights!"Chara complained
"Oh sorry.But this feels better.This way I can get you across more safely."(Y/N) said as he started walking

*Every rock that came right us just stopped moving when it hit (Y/N).We got across and we got down.I was relieved to be back on the ground.(Y/N) then head back for Asriel.Me and Chara started to talk.

Your POV

"Alright let's go Asriel"you said as you cross back the river
"I know"Asriel replied
*You grabbed Asriel the same way you picked up Chara and Frisk and started going across.You made it across and put Asriel down.Frisk and Chara looked they want ask you something.

"(Y/N) we like to make a guess"Frisk
"Guess?(Oh that game).Sure"you replied
"I think your magic makes you invulnerable to physical hits!"Frisk said with confidence in her eyes
"Heh close but not right"
"What but you didn't even flinched when the rocks were hitting you"Chara
"True but it's still not correct.You wanna guess again?"you said
"No I thought for sure that we got it"Chara

*You smiled
"Well then let's move on.Maybe you can figure it out as we continue forward."you said
"Ok"Frisk and Chara replied
*You went on ahead guiding Frisk and Chara to the seed bridge puzzle.They passed the first one easily but the second gave them a bit of time.
(Heh just like Asriel)

*They eventually figure it out and you and Asriel gave them an applause.They bowed down saying "Thank you,Thank you".You kept on seeing Frisk and Chara be stunned when they witness the variety of sizes of waterfalls and the light blue glowing river.

"Hey (Y/N) what are those blue Flowers and mushrooms?"Frisk said pointing to your right
"Oh the flowers are called Echo Flowers and the glowing mushrooms don't really got a name."you replied
"Why do they call it Echo Flowers?"Chara
*You went over to the Echo Flower and whispered something into it.

"Well come here and I'll show"you said
*They came over and you told them to "listen carefully"

Echo flower:"I think you two look cute" and it repeated that over and over

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now