Chapter 25 Cook

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Your POV

*Currently at Grilby's

*You gave Chara her Chocolate shake first and went back into the kitchen

*You went out and presented the burgers to Asriel and Frisk.The diner was filled with the aroma of the burger.You slowly put down the fries onto Frisk's and Asriel's plate
*You the see monsters behind them judging and some having hungry eyes
*You see the two eyeing the food.You tell them to wait until Grilby comes out and gives his portion
*They nodded
"Hey where's mine?"Undyne
"Don't worry.I'll give it after Grilby"you said

*You went back in the kitchen and Grilby went out and gave his food to Asriel and Frisk
*You hear the monsters talking some more and heard Asriel and Frisk devouring their food
*And Grilby returns
"Heh they started to eat mine first"Grilby
"Why you..(Sigh) That's alright I have my trump card if you and I are tied"
"Hmm and what is that?"Grilby
"Nah you'll see"you suggested
"How about you give Undyne yours first if your so confident"you offered
"I will and this will be my third point"Grilby said as he carried Undyne's food to her.
(Ya know for a quiet guy.He's really taking this seriously)
<His pride as a chef is on the line>
"(Loud Gasp)"Undyne
"Yup should've expected this"you said
*Grilby returns
"Alright your up"Grilby
"Heh.(Easy win)"You said
*You walked out and saw Chara almost done with her shake
*You look at the almost empty cup then her
"Nothing"you said
*You see Asriel's and Frisk's food already gone

*You gave Undyne her food
"Here Undyne"you said with a smirk
*Undyne saw the food and spits out some of the food Grilby gave her
"You good Undyne?"
"Y-Yeah just need some(cough)water(cough,cough)"Undyne
"Alright I'll be right back"
*You went to get Undyne a drink
"What happened out there?!"Grilby
"I revealed my trump card"you said with a smirk
"And your bar is kinda covered in food"
*Grilby walked out.You followed and gave Undyne her water
*You see Grilby cleaning off the bits of food with a cloth
"So how was the food?"you asked
"Undyne?"you asked
"Y-Yup it was the b-best"Undyne
"So which food did you like the best?And be honest"
"Hmm"Asriel and Frisk
"I'll say...Grilby"Asriel
*You reacted with a smile<forced smile>
"Frisk?"You asked
"I would say (Y/N)"Frisk
(Asriel you've been replaced)
"Hm it's a tie Grilby"you said
"So what about you Undyne"you said
"It's got to be (Y/N)'s hands down!"Undyne
"Yes!"you quietly said
*The monster crowd had mixed reactions with "ahhh" and applauses and some complaining about the bet they just lost.
"What?!But how and why?!"Grilby
"Simple my friend.She was my trump card"you said
"That's still doesn't explain anything"Grilby
"I just tweaked the shape of the omelette that's all"
(The omelette shape like Alphys with ketchup hearts into her eyes)

"(Sigh)Fine you win anyways.No point in complaining."Grilby
"And uhm Grilby...The crowd"you said
"Oh right.Alright everyone if your ain't coming here to eat I suggest to please leave my diner."
"..."Monster Crowd
"I want to Order what their having!"Random Monster
"I WANT MINE EXTRA THICC!"Another Random Monster
*Suddenly the Monster Crowd started ordering food and causing a commotion.
"I see you got your hands full so I'm gonna take my friends and lea-"
"Oh no you don't you may have won but this is a different problem.You caused this.Now help me fix it."Grilby
*You think for a moment
"Fine but I need to take these four home"you said
"Don't worry punk I got them.You can just go ahead and help out"Undyne
"Wait b-"you said
"Come one punks let's go to (Y/N)'s house"Undyne
"Wait Undyne the keys!"you said
"Oh right.Toss it here"Undyne
*You Sigh and gave her the keys
"Huh I thought you didn't want them to leave?"Grilby
"I did but it's already late and they've been through something today.Its best if they just head home"You said
"Hm are you their mother or something"
"I AM NOT!Now let's finish this so I can head back home"
*You and Grilby defended the fort from incoming hungry customers

Frisk's POV

*You just left Grilby's and headed back to (Y/N)'s house
"Man today was full of excitement"I said
"I know this place is filled with things to do"Chara
"It wasn't always like this"Undyne
"Huh really?"Chara
"What was it like then"I asked
"Before this place was just a deserted area in the Underground due to the insane cold temperature."Undyne
"Isn't it still cold?"Chara
"Yeah it is but there weren't any people living here.(Y/N) was few of the first to make a home here.Then it gradually started to grow into a town."Undyne
"But why did (Y/N) started to live here?Doesn't the Kingdom seem better?"I asked
*Undyne had a sad look
"...You know how (Y/N) looks like a human.And you know how Monsters see humans...I'm positive the Kingdom is the last place he wants to live at."Undyne
"But (Y/N) is also part Monster isn't he?"I said
"Yeah but some just judge the book by it's cover"Undyne
"I see"I said
"Where did he used to live then?"Chara
*You arrived at (Y/N)'s house
"How about I tell you the rest inside"Undyne
*You all entered the house and sat on the dining table

"Asriel don't you know everything as well?"Undyne
"I do but I never heard stories about him from other people except from mom and dad."Asriel replied
"Huh alright"Undyne

"(Y/N) used to live in back in the Lab.He lived there with Gaster.Gaster's first accomplishment of creating artificial monsters."Undyne
"Wait he wasn't born?"I asked
"No.He was created in a tube.He lived his whole life in the underground lab.Being the only one of his kind."Undyne
"But he was happy right?"I asked
"I guess but he was never the talkative type.He was emotionless at first and since he looks more human it just made it worse for him."Undyne
"How do you know so much?"Chara
"I used to be a Monitor.(Y/N) would somehow escape to the Lab's top floor and we always have to capture that punk.He escapes so much that he memorizes which guard is on duty on certain days."
Undyne said and chuckles a bit
"But I cant believe (Y/N) used to be emotionless.He's always moving around and shows so much emotion."
"Kid you don't know how long he was emotionless.Gaster gaved up trying to make him feel anything.Then Me and Alphys one day was in charge of looking after the Lab and that was the day (Y/N) escaped again.I subdued him of course but then he saw something on Alphys monitor."Undyne
"What was it?"Asriel
"Heh it was just some anime me and Alphys we're watching.(Y/N) couldn't take his eyes off it.He was totally mesmerized."Undyne
"So that was the day you first met?"I asked
"Yup.That punk had a new motived to escape and its always the days me and Alphys were in charge."Undyne
"Are you "positive" about that?"I said with a smile
*Asriel chuckles
"Frisk go to bed already"Chara
"You already used your "2 puns a day"card Undyne
"Alright I'm just playing.Now continue on"I said
"So then he started to-"Undyne
*You hear the door open

"Oh Hello Darlings!"

Next time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now