Chapter 68 Ink

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Your POV

"Chara Frisk stay close"
*Frisk and Chara hold on to you

"Ink I don't want to Fight"
"It won't be a fight"Ink
(This bitch)

*Ink swings his brush at you with blue paint flying at you.
*You dodged with Frisk and Chara But your body suddenly felt pressure and fell on the snow
"(Y/N)!!!"Frisk and Chara
"Ink!!!"You said in the snow

"Ink stop!"Core Frisk said distracting Ink

(Partner stall this bastard!)
(I thought you never asked)

*You lift yourself up and see Core Frisk talking to Ink
*Ink ignores her and swings his brush at Frisk and Chara with purple liquid.You lifted up your right arm and fired an inferno to incinerate the Ink's attack.

*Your eyes turned red
*You made a clone for your Partner
"Ink I will kill you!"You said getting up
*The pressure couldn't put down your rage

"You can try"Ink

*You created a door frame
*Your Partner rushed in on Ink and rapidly punched him.Ink blocked it with his brush
"Chara Frisk walk through here quick!"You said and opening the door frame.It leads to the Omega Timeline
*Frisk and Chara walked through.
"(Y/N) hurry!"Chara
*Your Partner movements were constricted with purple strings
"Help!"Partner yelled

*You turned back to Frisk and Chara

"I'm sorry"you said and closed the door.You absorb the door and rushed in to save Partner
(Energized Body)

*You quickly run to Ink and punch him but he blocked it with his brush.It didn't break.You run behind him and punched his back.Ink flew across the Forest.

*You rushed to your Partner and Absorb the purple strings.
"Quit messing around"
"Oh shut up!"Partner replied
*Ink approaches.He swings a clear liquid and you dodge.Ink tries to kick your stomach but you absorb the impact.

"How unfortunate"You said and grabbed Ink's leg and crushed it.You see black liquid burst out.You then punched his chest and send him flying to the trees.You see trees falling down and you absorb its kinetic energy.
"We have to leave"
"Agreed"Partner said while you absorbed him

(Energy Conversion-Potential)

*You created a back iron ball and stored energy inside it.
*You created a doorframe but you see Ink coming flying towards you.
*You dropped the ball and you quickly entered the door frame and shut the door.

*Meanwhile with Ink

"Damn he left"Ink
*Ink looks at a black ball on the ground
"What's th-"Ink
*The black ball exploded destroying the door,Ink and left a small crater on the ground

*Back to you

*You entered the Omega Timeline

"That was too close"you said in relief
(What did you do?)
"I made the ball explode"
(Like a bomb?)

"(Y/N)!!!"Frisk and Chara said while they tackle you to the ground
*You got off the ground and see them sobbing

"I thought you died you idiot!!"Chara
"Don't just say that and expect us to be ok with that!!"Frisk
*You hugged them to your shoulders
"I am not sorry"
*Chara and Frisk continued to cry

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now