thirty three

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"Quinn" a voice sang marvellously and the vampire in question poked her head out of her walk in wardrobe as Alice came dancing on in to the peach room

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"Quinn" a voice sang marvellously and the vampire in question poked her head out of her walk in wardrobe as Alice came dancing on in to the peach room.


"Come on" the pixie vampire urged excitably and Quinn narrowed her orangey eyes in confusion of what the girl could possibly be calling her for. Alice was a very mystifying girl and so, the blonde allowed herself to be dragged along the corridor of the Cullen house and eventually down into the main room. When she finally entered, she couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips at the sight before her and she finally worked out why Alice had forced her to wear a dress on that particular day.

In the main room, decorations of gold and blue had been strung up around the room, the Cullens themselves lounging in various positions, dressed impeccably.

"You didn't get to graduate" Alice acknowledged as she walked up beside the new vampire with a cap and gown over her arm. "So... we thought we could have our own little graduation" she smiled and gestured to Rosalie and Emmett, also wearing their own caps and gowns. "Now, put it on and let's take pictures!"

"Just go with it" Emmett shrugged. "Then we can get drunk"

".... drunk?" Quinn questioned after a long pause as she placed the hat on top of her permanent curls, looking instantly like Rosalie's twin.

"Ohhh, you didn't know?" Emmett snickered. "Vampirism isn't all bad, turns out, alcohol is still consumable by us, yes, our tolerance is through the roof! But drunk vampires are the best vampires" Emmett smirked and Rosalie rolled her eyes as the three were herded into a corner to have their picture taken.

"I don't relish in the thought of you all being drunk and dangerous. But I suppose we can give in, for tonight" Esme smiled. "We'll just have to keep Bella away for tonight" the matriarch sighed, Quinn hadn't seen Bella, or any human since she was turned into a vampire a month ago but she was doing well, her self control was incredible and they were certain that by the end of the summer, she would be ready to meet Bella again.

"Ah, come on, I want to see Bella drunk!" Emmett hooted, excited by the mere thought and Quinn couldn't help but agree.

"Not going to happen" Edward whistled from the couch, a wine glass already in hand, something that was clearly animal blood swirled inside, but it had an undertone of something different that Quinn hadn't smelt before with this new body. It was alcohol.

"Carlisle, get in the picture" Alice ordered and Jasper chuckled from his position behind the camera as everyone was herded along.

"Easy darlin'"

"They won't cooperate, Jaz" the pixie vampire pouted and her husband merely chuckled as the camera flashed again.

"Happy graduation, my love" Carlisle whispered affectionately into Quinn's ear as he kissed her cheek. It was Quinn's first official graduation and they were all reasonably excited for it. It was the first time in a long time they had really celebrated. Drunk vampires were dangerous, their control lapsed and therefore, they couldn't be trusted around humans. But it felt good for them all to let loose once in a while.

"Thank you"

"Come, I have a graduation gift for you" he urged and she frowned but otherwise took his hand and allowed him to guide her through the front door and outside to the driveway. That is where she found her gift, a shiny white Audi all for herself and her eyes grew to the size of saucers in excitement.

"This is mine?" She tried her best not to squeal like Alice would have.

"All yours, love" he smiled and she jumped at him. The older vampire stumbled for a second in shock before quickly catching her. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and he held her up, grin splitting across his cheeks before she finally slammed her lips onto his, taking him into an excited kiss.

"Thank you, so much"

"Anything for you, love" he smiled gently and allowed her to stand once more, her head reaching the chest as she hugged him, gratefully accepting the keys he handed to her. She was itching to drive, that was clear. "I'm afraid, you're test run is going to have to wait until tomorrow. Even vampires don't drink drive" he chuckled and she pouted for a moment before giving in and joining his laughter.

"Oi, Q-tips, it's party time!" Emmett yelled unnecessarily and the doctor glanced down into his mates pretty orange eyes, in a month or so, those eyes would be a stunning gold but currently, they told of her fresh immortality. It was a good reminder, seeing as though she acted as tolerant to vampirism as Carlisle himself.

"Are you going to have a party with us Carlisle?" She smiled up at him and he chuckled, taking her cheeks in his hands.

"I don't think so" he smiled, pressing a kiss to her nose and then another to her forehead. "Someone has to keep you all in check... have a good night though" he urged and she nodded her agreement before they entered through the front door once more, music pounding in her ears the second she entered. Edward was sat sulking on the couch, sipping his blood slowly as he watched his family. Emmett was dancing around in a boisterous circle, drink in hand while Alice danced seductively with Jasper, the major looking as though he'd rather be anywhere else but was doing anything for his little wife. Rosalie was off to the side, sifting through some CDs while Esme stood on the sidelines, bouncing up and down slightly to the music, adorably as she sipped slowly from her glass.

"Edward" Wuinn clapped, suddenly appearing beside him. "Care to dance, big brother?"

"Do I have a choice?" He scoffed and she smirked.

"No, come on, stop sulking and have a good time or I'll phone Bella and get her to tell you off" he just chuckled at the idea of Bella ever even being angry at him as he reluctantly allowed Quinn to drag him along to the empty floor space where the others were already congregating to dance. Esme and Carlisle, the best friends, stood side by side and watched their family with pride as they enjoyed themselves for this one night.

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