eighty eight

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Quinn O'Connell felt as though she had fallen out of step with the rest of the world as she was scanned by the eyes of the devil

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Quinn O'Connell felt as though she had fallen out of step with the rest of the world as she was scanned by the eyes of the devil. They circled one another like vultures ready to attack. Nothing had ever been so important to her than in that moment, in defeating him. The earth felt hard beneath her feet as they paced, neither willing to strike first but both knowing that if they did- it would be over far sooner. For the first time, Jensen was actually giving Quinn permission to fight back and she wouldn't let that go to waste.

"How do I win?" she asked the important question and he smirked the expression that had haunted her mind for the past few years. Quinn finally had her chance to get her slice of justice from the culprit himself.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." and she knew then that it was all fixed, she didn't have the opportunity to win because it wasn't chess, it wasn't a game in which there were a winner and a loser. There was only an unending fight. But the scared eyes of Bella that peeped out behind a frozen Edward Cullen was enough to give her the strength to do what must be done. As Quinn pounced, the second her feet left the air she knew that it would be a futile strike.

Jensen grabbed her as if she weighed nothing more than a doll and he tossed her lazily to the ground as if she was one. Flipping over to use her hands to help her up, Quinn hissed out when a foot on her back shot her straight back down to face plant the dirt. In the next moment, he'd grabbed her hips, yanking her to sit on all fours as he hovered behind her and he laughed easily.

"My favourite position" he hummed and she donkey kicked him straight in the chest, whipping to her feet as he went sliding on his back through the dirt of the garden. "Careful Quinny, you know this suit is my favourite." and he was on his feet again a second later, easily deflecting each kick and punch she shot his way. Jensen fought lazily as if he didn't care and he did not send a single shot her way.

Quinn groaned in annoyance and threw her fist toward his face. Grabbing her wrist, Jensen flipped her around to hold her easily, her back on his chest as she wriggled and protested, she got nowhere. He had her trapped. It didn't matter that they were turned on near enough the same day, Jensen was stronger than her. He had always been stronger than her. Holding her hands easily in his left one, his right trailed over her body, marvelling as she grunted and made a bid to escape.

"You are beautiful, Quinny. You've always been so beautiful" he mused and flicked her hair away from her neck. The blonde vampire protested in a huff, buckling her body with all of her might but getting nowhere. "You know I love it when you fight" and she knew he was right as he pulled her closer to him and felt the hardness that lingered there. It made her absolutely sick despite her inability to actually be so. Looking over at Bella, she knew that there was panic in her eyes now but there was something else too. Bella could see a spark of hope in Quinn's eyes which meant only one thing- She had a plan.

Jensen yanked Quinn's head to the side and she screeched out, buckling in pain as he bit through her porcelain flesh. She would not bleed but the venom lacing his teeth coursed through the marking and left her feeling poisoned as he dropped her to allow her to buckle to her knees on the grass. It was the first permanent mark she had been given on her new skin, a mark in which Jasper had many of.

Jensen fought like a newborn, he fought arrogantly and so when he pinned her to the earth by her neck and slammed his lips to hers- He didn't expect what was to come next. Violated and disgusted by the forced kiss, Quinn spat the venom on her tongue lazily into his eyes and he hissed angrily as he turned away. When the man turned back to face Quinn, his eyes were a shining black as he glared into her golden ones and that was enough. He backhanded her violently across the cheek and Bella screamed out, thinking for a moment that it had been strong enough to knock her head from her body but instead, she had a crack splitting from her left temple down to her chin.

Jensen hit her continuously, angered as she made absolutely no motion to hit him back- But he didn't know that in the second he'd looked into her eyes, she had won. Quinn sifted through his mind effortlessly, he did not even try to keep her out because he didn't know that that was an option.

"You looked so pretty in Port Angeles in the rain, Quinny. Though I wonder what your relationship is with the boyish one" he nodded toward Edward with glittering teeth. "Here, I thought you were in love with the doctor... Port Angeles tells a different story" those were to be the last words of Jensen Hargreaves as Bella watched in awe. The suited gentleman stood carefully, standing still with his arms at his side as though he were in the military and Quinn glared at him from the ground.

"Release them" and he did, purely because he had no other choice. Jensen Hargeaves was swarmed by the Cullen men the second the words left her mouth. Emmett and Jasper had his arms ripped from his body before she could even stand and they looked over at her eagerly. The pretty blonde walked toward the monster of her nightmares with midnight black eyes of anger and as she grabbed his head in her hands, there was no greater joy than pulling it straight off and sending Jensen Hargreaves to hell.

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