forty nine

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Quinn O'Connell was practically rocking the boat as she bounced in her seat, overly excited and it only made Carlisle Cullen laugh freely as he wrapped an arm around her

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Quinn O'Connell was practically rocking the boat as she bounced in her seat, overly excited and it only made Carlisle Cullen laugh freely as he wrapped an arm around her. It was drizzling in Amsterdam- perfect weather for the vampires as it meant that they didn't have to hide inside their upper-end hotel room. It was clear that Carlisle had splashed the cash to give her the best possible holiday and she had a brilliant smile on her face to prove that the effort was worth it.

Amsterdam was a beautiful place and in the past week, they had visited all the tourist destinations. It was a dream come true to the blonde who cuddled into her fiance's side. Carlisle's smile was equally as spectacular as he kissed her easily on the canal boat that steadily carried them down the river, birds singing in their ears from all around.

"This is incredible, thank you, Carlisle. For everything" she whispered to him, knowing full well that he could hear her easily as their eyes scanned the multicoloured houses that lined either side of the river.

"This is just the beginning, Quinn. We have an eternity of this" he responded and as she thought about the possibility of it, it filled her with nothing but excitement. She didn't know how anybody could ever hate vampirism because, for her, it was absolutely incredible.

"Are you going to be a doctor again, when this is over?" she questioned as she turned to him, her arms around his waist and he looked down into the eyes he knew so well, reaching his pale fingertips up to push a slightly damp curl from those eyes. The drizzling rain was so minimal, it was like a sheet but it caused droplets to glitter along her hair- Something she didn't particularly mind as she held one of Carlisle's hands in her gloved one.

"I don't know, I am quite enjoying myself." he chuckled. "I assume that eventually, we will have gone to all the places we wanted to see and then it will be back to a steady home... Would you like a job?" he said it in such a way that she knew she had the choice. Truthfully, Quinn was young enough in appearance to go to school when they moved towns but it felt strange to do so, being with Carlisle as she was.

"I think I would, eventually. I'm not sure what as though, I've never really thought too deeply into it. My plan was always just to escape Jensen, there was no plan for after." she attempted to explain and as his gold eyes stared at her, she knew that he did. Carlisle Cullen understood her no matter how she was feeling and it was utterly thrilling.

"Well, my love, you have forever to find the perfect job" he smiled and she absolutely adored the idea of it. Life was incredible for her now as she cuddled into the man of her dreams. She felt like she was living in a fairytale- One she never wanted to end. She watched the water with a contented expression and he watched her. She was like a work of art to him, every one of her expressions meaning something to him.

"Do you like Amsterdam?"

"I love it" she beamed, teeth sparkling despite the absence of sunlight.

"The Venice of the North" Carlisle mused, the colloquial name for where they currently were and she smiled at him, cuddling into him and breathing in the fabulous scent that was undeniably Carlisle. "The last time I came here was with Edward and Esme." he chuckled and she smiled, listening eagerly. "It doesn't compare to this visit." his eyes sparkled and he meant it, he was happier now than he had ever been before.

"Do you like it? What we are?" she wondered softly, realising that she had never really had an in-depth discussion with him about it.

"I once hated it, there was nothing worse. You know the story" he hummed.

"I mean now?"

"Now... I love it" he frowned as he suddenly came to the realisation, "I never thought it was possible. Alice and Jasper love it and I could never understand but now that I have found you, I can't imagine ever wanting a different life. You make it all worth it."

"You make it worth it for me too, Carlisle. I can't imagine life without you and I don't want to."

"You don't have to, my love. I am yours. Forever."

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