fifty six

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There was something oddly depressing about coming home and as the familiar scent of the forest and the sight of green swarmed Quinn O'Connell, so did a hundred thoughts and feelings she would rather not know

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There was something oddly depressing about coming home and as the familiar scent of the forest and the sight of green swarmed Quinn O'Connell, so did a hundred thoughts and feelings she would rather not know. She watched a raindrop cry down the windowpane with a blank expression- Waiting. She knew for certain that travelling and Oregon were no longer a prospect in the coming future, Edward would not leave Forks now, which meant they were home. Forks just brought back a part of herself Quinn would rather forget.

His arms around her acted as a reminder that despite being back in that hellhole- she was still living in paradise. Carlisle rested his chin on the top of her head calmly, arms wrapped around her comfortingly- as if he knew the sad thoughts that swam through her head. Quinn felt like a statue as she watched the rain.

"Sweetheart." the word had her eyes fluttering closed, they hadn't moved but the words that left his mouth calmed her the second they tasted the air. "Tell me what you're thinking?... Please, Love."

"When I became a vampire... I felt so liberated, I felt so strong and for the past few months, I have been the happiest I've ever felt. I thought it was vampirism that made the thoughts and memories die away, that made them seem less impactful but I was wrong. It was never being immortal that cured me, It was you. You've fixed me and getting away from this place was the final piece of the puzzle. Being back here... It just feels like it's all going to come back." her voice shuddered and he swayed them where they stood, rocking her comfortingly as his hand ghosted up and down his arm to soothe her.

"Quinn," he started, turning her around to face him, taking her face softly in his hands as he rubbed his thumbs over her cheekbones, looking into the eyes she knew so well. "You are the strongest person I have ever met, and I love you more than anyone in the world. I am never going to leave you, I will be here for you, every step of the way. Please, if you need anything, just tell me. I'm here for you" he assured and she nodded, pulling him into a tight hug which he accepted and returned soothingly.

The sound of the door behind them opening had the pair slowly moving away from one another and when they looked up, Quinn painted a smile on her face at the sight of Edward and Bella standing awkwardly, aware that they had just broken something up.

"Bella" Quinn grinned and pulled the little brunette into a hug- the girl graciously accepted while behind them, Carlisle sent Edward a meaningful look and the mind reader had a face on contemplation. "We missed you."

"I missed you too, Quinn. You look happy. You'll have to fill me in on your adventures. Edward said you went travelling?" the human questioned awkwardly as the blonde pulled back.

"Yes," she smiled. "I will fill you in later."

"Bella would like to call a family meeting" Edward informed with a passive voice and they all exchanged glances, the human becoming a deep red colour at the thought but standing by her decision.

"Of course, please. Use this room" Carlisle smiled, gesturing to the dining room they stood in and Bella nodded uncomfortably as she took a seat at the head of the table, Edward hovering behind her as the others congregated. Quinn sat beside the girl, with Carlisle beside her and Emmett and Rosalie opposite. The bear-man had a big grin on his face, unphased by the situation while Rosalie had a raised eyebrow of distaste.

Alice and Jasper took a seat and then Esme guided Jack into the room. The man nodded politely and they all smiled in return- Glad to see the sight of Esme's grin.

"I am Jack, nice to meet you, Isabella"

"Bella" she smiled awkwardly. "Nice to meet you too." she turned stiffly to those that watched her from at the table, knowing that she had to ask the question and get it over and done with. "You all know what I want, and you know that the Volturi have asked for me to be turned. So... I'm asking for your opinions."

"You do realise... You are asking to die?" Rosalie pointed out.

"W-well... It's- It's not really dying is it?" Bella questioned uncomfortably and the two blonde vampires exchanged glances.

"I vote no," Rosalie said. "I appreciate that you saved my brother from my own stupid actions, but I cannot condemn anyone to this life- Not while you have a choice."

"Okay" Bella didn't fight it as she turned to face Emmett and Quinn wondered curiously what would happen if 'no' won the argument, it was clear on Edwards face that that was what he wanted. "Emmett?"

"Absolutely! You'll be the first clumsy vampire" Emmett mocked and Rosalie shot him a disgruntled look- Edward practically spewing steam.

"Thank you, Emmett... I-I think" Bella stuttered. "Alice?"

"Yes, I have already seen it. You will be my sister." the pixie vampire beamed and Quinn and Edward exchanged glances- It was clear where this was going.


"I am sorry... I wish I could give you the answer you want, especially given what almost happened on your birthday but... I just can't agree with this. All of us, every single one, was turned because we had no other choice." He decided and Edward nodded at him. So far, votes were split.

"I understand" she smiled uncomfortably. "Esme?"

"You are already a part of this family to me." she smiled sweetly, Jack smiling at her in adoration.

"Quinn?" Bella prompted and the girl sighed.

"Bella. You know that you are a sister to me, that I love you. But... Are you absolutely sure? You're not like me, you have a life that you are giving up on. If my mother was still alive, and I was given the choice, I know it would've been a very hard decision... What about Charlie?" she questioned, squeezing Carlisle's hand that rested in her lap.

"I am ready, and Charlie... He will be okay" Bella nodded firmly and Quinn sighed, rubbing her eyes unnecessarily, a human quirk that she had retained.

"I'm sorry... I can't... I can't do that to Charlie Bella." it was an answer none of them expected from her, they all thought that she would say yes, undoubtedly. They all somehow forgot that Charlie Swan had been a big part of Quinn's life once.


"I'm sorry, I've made my decision" she sighed and it was Carlisle's turn.

"So now I complicate things" the man sighed. "Because Edward has chosen not to live without you..."

"So, you're voting yes?" Bella wondered.

"Yes," Carlisle nodded and then silence fell.

"Jack?" Bella asked awkwardly.

"I get a vote?" he frowned.

"Well, you are a part of this family" Edward huffed sadly.

"Okay," Jack started. "I vote yes." they all looked at him in shock. "The girl had clearly given up on her family, she's decided that she's got nothing to lose. I don't see why we should stand in the way of that. The little vampire" he gestured to Alice "Sees it coming. I side with the clairvoyant. And I side with my Esme" he smiled.

"It's a yes then" Edward ground his teeth in annoyance and then promptly stormed away, leaving them alone with their thoughts. Quinn smiled at Carlisle sadly and he nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he stood and left to follow his fuming son.

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