thirty eight

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"Only pack the essentials, things you can't live without and some clothes for the road" Carlisle directed Quinn

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"Only pack the essentials, things you can't live without and some clothes for the road" Carlisle directed Quinn. Both their doors were currently open as they stood within their side-by-side bedrooms, packing. Quinn had a solemn expression but didn't say anything because it wasn't her decision to make. This was Edwards choice and as much as Alice protested and Esme attempted to soothe his anger at the birthday catastrophe, he wasn't going to change his mind. Open on the bed, was a singular suitcase which was the only thing Quinn was allowed to bring. The things that Emmett and Jasper had brought from her house for her were all already safely nestled inside.

Quinn didn't have much, a small box of photographs of her mother, a selection of diaries she had written throughout her time at Hargreaves hell house which she randomly felt attached to, some jewellery and a raggedy bunny rabbit teddy. Other than that, she threw in her new makeup bag and a range of clothes that would last her a week. That was all she could bring. Carlisle wrapped his arms softly around her from behind, if she had been human, she'd have been surprised but now she sensed him coming.

"Where are we moving to?"

"Alaska" he sighed, pressing a soft kiss to her neck as he assessed her neatly packed suitcase over her shoulder. "We have family there... they're all very excited to meet you." she merely hummed in acknowledgement. "We will be back, my love. We always are. A cousin of ours, Eleazar... He can tell you what gift you have." it had been the question on everyone's minds for the past day... What could Quinn do? Mind control seemed the simplest answer but it utterly terrified and thrilled her simultaneously. She could have complete control, and maybe that was why it manifested... Her desire for control bringing it. But she hated the thought of stripping away someone's free will like that.

"How long will we stay there?"

"Well... There will be a lot of us there all at once so... I assume we will all split up for a few years." she turned to him with a frown and he smiled softly. "It tends to happen every once in a while, even a family needs space sometimes. But we always find our way back. Esme is already working on the next house, I believe."

"Do you think Edward will be okay?"

"He'll have to be, this is his choice." Carlisle sighed at the upcoming sadness of his own son. "I've locked up the cottage, packed everything away." it was sad that the pair hadn't even had the opportunity to spend a single weekend there but as Carlisle said... They would be back.

"Do I need anything else?"

"Alice and Rosalie are already adamant on going shopping the second we get there" he chuckled before growing dimmer. "I handed in my resignation this morning."

"How are you feeling?"

"It's upsetting... It's always upsetting when we have to move but... I'm supposed to be in my mid-thirties and I'm in a twenty-three year old body." he scoffed and she smiled.

"A very handsome one." she kissed him deeply and he returned eagerly, brightening up at her comment. "Will you work again when we get where we're going?"

"I was thinking I would have some time off, take my forever love to all the beautiful places in the world."

"Hmm, well, she likes the sound of that." Quinn beamed, locking her fingers behind his neck as she stared deeply into his eyes, his own hands resting softly around her hips.

"Paris, England, Athens in the night." he listed the places he wanted to go and she smiled softly.

"It sounds wonderful."

"I have many friends we can visit. I promise you... I'm going to give you the best few years I can possibly conjure." he smiled. "You deserve the world... So I am going to give it to you."

"I love you."

"I love you more, Darling" he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and she sighed, contented for a moment as she leant into him before breathing out again, knowing that they had lots of things to do. Carlisle carried her bag downstairs with his own as she switched off and unplugged may things, saying goodbye to the peach room for now. Carlisle had a full bag full of books but she didn't have the heart to say anything as he carried them all happily down the stairs. Esme joined them in the main room, all of her things in their own bags by the door.

"Do you have everything, Dear?" Esme wondered, looking over the bags. Quinn was still the youngest and Esme couldn't help but mother her. It just made Quinn's heart swell.

"I think so, I don't have much."

"That's a good thing Q, living with the doc. He's a bit of a hoarder" Emmett chuckled as he entered, holding a huge handful of bags as Rosalie entered behind him, nothing in her grasp.

"You think Carlisle's a hoarder" Jasper's voice filled the room in a scoff. He was decked out in a large backpack, four suitcases in one hand and a duffel bag in the other. A stack of six hats sat on his head and he wore two pairs of glasses. Quinn couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

"Alice" Esme chastised. "I said you could only pack three hats."

"Technically Esme, they aren't packed." Alice returned happily and the mother didn't have the effort to argue.

"Alice, they aren't going to fit in my car," Rosalie complained.

"We're driving?" Quinn questioned to confirm.

"Yeah" Esme sighed. "I'm taking Carlisle's Mercedes. Edward is taking his Volvo. Jasper and Emmett are in the jeep, Alice and Rose in Rose's BMW, you and Carlisle will take your audi?"

"Sounds good to me." Quinn smiled. "How long a drive is it?"

"It'll take about 45 hours, non-stop" Rose grumbled. "Which is why, I'm not taking all that stuff Alice! Get rid of some of it" the two girls started to bicker and nobody had the effort to intervene as Jasper chucked it all on the floor and lept over the back of the couch to take a seat. Soon enough, Edward came into the room, saying nothing but ushering Quinn to follow him.

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