sixty four

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"Sometimes, I like to pretend to be asleep" Emmett informed softly, eyes shut and the others exchanged incredulous expressions

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"Sometimes, I like to pretend to be asleep" Emmett informed softly, eyes shut and the others exchanged incredulous expressions.

"Why?" Jack questioned in a scoff after a long moment, seeing that none of the others was going to do so anytime soon. Currently; Emmett, Rosalie, Jack and Quinn sat across the large couch in the Cullen main room. Rain drizzled beyond the window and the group of four were tucked up underneath duvets unnecessarily. Jack didn't actually care why Emmett did it, he had long since grown used to the dimpled boy's random comments.

"Because it annoys Rosie when I don't bang her because I'm fake sleeping." he chuckled and was clipped over the back of the head by Rosalie and Quinn simultaneously, making him pout while Jack just rolled his eyes. "What? Humans do it all the time."

"Yeah but humans can actually sleep, can't they, makes it a bit more realistic mate" Jack scoffed and Emmett merely shrugged- much to his wife's displeasure.

"You should sex strike him, Rose" Quinn decided, clapping and Rosalie noticeably pondered it whilst Emmett pulled a horrified expression at his wife who was sat half on his lap. A victorious grin split across the oldest vampires lips and she bounced up and fell back down beside Quinn instead, cuddling into the blonde girl. "Justice" Quinn beamed.

"Hey, don't come crying to me when Carlisle steals her away from you. Quinn would never sex strike Carlisle, ain't that right Chico?" Emmett smirked, thinking he had won as he crossed his arms like an arrogant child and Jack looked at him in disgust.



"It's chica" Jack re-emphasised and Emmett blinked at him, oblivious.

"Yeah, whatever, Tortilla" he brushed it off, ignoring Jacks remark in return. 'that's incredibly rude '.

"Emmett, don't talk about Quinn and Carlisle's sex life" Rosalie scoffed, playing with the younger blondes hair. Sat side by side, cuddled up under a peach duvet- the two of them looked as if they could be twins.

"So there is a sex life to talk about, hmm?" he wiggled his thick eyebrows and Jack looked at him in distaste, rolling to stand up and saunter away.

"I'm off to find Esme" Jack called over his shoulder nonchalantly, aware that they weren't really listening to him.

"Don't bang my mom, Paella." Emmett hollered.

"I'll do what I like, Cabron" he returned, beam on his lips when he saw Emmett's confused expression. Before the bear-like vampire could question him, Jack was gone and Emmett was on his own with the two blondes.

"You're a real idiot, Emmett, you know that?" Rosalie teased and he mock-glared at her in return.

"You love me, baby, don't lie."

"Sometimes" she agreed and Quinn looked between them in distaste as she bounded to her feet- leaping over the back of the couch as she was sure Emmetts 'sex ban' would be short-lived.


Quinn O'Connell frowned as she heard panicked words being exchanged- Entering the main room, she walked right up to Carlisle's side and accepted the comforting arm he slung over her shoulders- though she was certain it was he who was in need of comfort.

"What's wrong?" she wondered as she glanced around at Edward and Bella who were sat side-by-side with stressed expressions. Alice had her head in her hands, Jasper rubbing her back soothingly while Esme and Jack stood in one another's embrace. Rosalie and Emmett were still no-where to be seen.

"Someone was in Bella's room" Edward informed and Quinn blinked.

"By someone-?"

"I mean a vampire" he huffed, standing up to pace and Quinn looked up at Carlisle who smiled softly down at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead gently for reassurance. "We don't know what he wants, why does he want Bella?"

"He?" Jack frowned. "Are we assuming this vampire is a he?"

"Okay" Jasper sat up, in his element once more. "We are assuming that this vampire is a newborn, one of the ones being created in Seattle, yes? Question being, whose in control of them? They are very reckless to have a leader, but at the same time- only a leader would be able to send a newborn out to do anything. Someone is in charge of them." he shrugged. "I don't know why they want Bella though."

"Because she's a danger magnet, aren't you Bells?" Quinn smiled tightly and Bella returned it.

"I'm going to Jacksonville this weekend, with Edward... To see my mom, you know... One last time before- And well, Charlie is going to be on his own." she stressed the end bit and Quinn smiled softly.

"Don't you worry about Charlie, Bella. I'm sure we can protect one man?" she looked around at those in the room who nodded in return.

"Seeing as though Emmett is otherwise occupied-" Jasper started out with a hum and Jack and Quinn exchanged glances.

"Sex ban" they scoffed together, making the others frown at them.


"Don't worry about it" Quinn brushed it off with a tense laugh and they all shook their heads, getting back to the conversation at hand.

"Anyway" the major hummed out. "Seeing as though Emmett is busy, Quinn you're with me. Let's sweep the place" he encouraged and she nodded, seeing Alice's tense expression. For the first time, their clairvoyant was oblivious to the future coming their way. And she hated the feeling. All she knew was that over the coming weekend, Victoria would be paying them a visit and they would all be there when she did.

Quinn looked up at Carlisle and he held her cheeks for a long moment, looking into her eyes before placing a kiss to her lips.

"Stay safe."

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