sixty three

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Quinn barrelled toward him excitably the second he came through the front door and Carlisle chuckled as he placed his briefcase at his feet, catching his beautiful bundle of excitement and spinning to brave the impact, allowing her to kiss him dee...

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Quinn barrelled toward him excitably the second he came through the front door and Carlisle chuckled as he placed his briefcase at his feet, catching his beautiful bundle of excitement and spinning to brave the impact, allowing her to kiss him deeply, happily.

"Well, hello there my love" he chuckled when she finally pulled back. The man had her held slightly upwards, her feet not touching the floor but she didn't mind and he didn't need to strain to hold her there. She felt light in his arms as he smiled at her and kissed each of her cheeks.

"I missed you." She pouted, sliding back onto the ground and he chuckled as she helped him take off his coat, the girl held it happily and picked up his bag, staring at him expectantly.

"I missed you too" Carlisle sighed eventually and Quinn smiled softly up at him, taking in his exhausted eyes before she began to slowly drag him through the house and up to his room. Her mere presence helped to calm him and a smile soon found its way onto his face as he took in the perfectly tidy room. Briefly, his topaz eyes caught on the four vibrantly coloured diaries added to his row of books but he knew better than to question it as she dragged him into the bathroom.

"I was waiting for you," she beamed and gestured to the bath she had ran for him. It had just reached the right temperature- Quinn having filled it with boiling hot water, anticipating that Carlisle would take a while to get home.

"Join me" he urged, taking her cheeks softly in his hands and she looked into the eyes of the man she loved most in the world before nodding with a smile. The bathtub was plenty big enough for two. Sliding out of their clothes quickly, Quinn allowed the water to flow around her as Carlisle wrapped his arms around her, her back to his chest and the sweet aroma of the water kissing their noses as they relaxed together in the warmth.

"How was work today?" She questioned absentmindedly as she played with his hand and he hummed.

"The same as usual. Nothing particularly interesting happened." He mused and she nodded, leaning her head back to rest against this shoulder. Carlisle smiled, kissing the nearest place he could reach which happened to he her right temple, making her giggle as his nose brushed her eyelashes. "One more day shift tomorrow and then I have Friday off. We can spend the whole day together. " he promised and she turned her face awkwardly backwards to beam at him.

"That sounds amazing" she beamed, excitement filling her then. Truthfully, she still spent a lot of time with him- Carlisle and Quinn spent every available moment at one another's side- just like the other vampires in the house and their mates, but compared to how much time they'd spent together in the past few months, it seemed a lot less. They knew they'd get used to it eventually.

"We can do whatever you'd like. We can go to town, I need to visit the library anyway. And we can go hunting" he listed some things and it all sounded brilliant. Even the most mundane of tasks seemed perfect when you had the right person at your side.

Turning around awkwardly, the water splashing over the side and onto the marble floor, Quinn grinned as she faced Carlisle, her body pressed flush against his and his arms around her was the only thing stopping her from sliding down into the water. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Quinn hummed and Carlisle beamed.

"I'm the luckiest man alive" he decided, stroking a lock of hair from her eyelashes and Quinn giggled shyly, biting her lip. Carlisle pressed his lips to hers unexpectedly and Quinn flashed her eyes shut in shock as she kissed back just as furiously. "I don't know how I survived before I met you, Quinn" he informed and she smiled at her as the water around them finally began to cool.

Stepping out and drying herself, Quinn happily pulled on one of Carlisles T-shirt's and he didn't have the heart to mind- aware of the contented smile that crossed her plump lips when she wore his clothes. It made her happy and therefore, it made him happy. Carlisle and Quinn had the entire night to spend together and it started with them chatting away about any and every thing. They always seemed to be able to find something to talk about.

Today, the topic of conversation was slightly unnerving. Victoria. She was in their lives once more, her plans uncertain as Alice could not see them but they knew that she had to be caught soon before she caused any harm to any of the people they cared about. Quinn knew- as she lay in Carlisles arms peacefully, that she was safe. The doctor might not have been the fastest or the strongest vampire but he would protect her with all that he was. And Quinn would protect him in return. That was what love was.

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