forty four

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"Why aren't you playing?" Edwards tone was completely blank as she sat down beside him in the snow, stretching her short legs out in front of her and resting her pale hands softly on her thighs

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"Why aren't you playing?" Edwards tone was completely blank as she sat down beside him in the snow, stretching her short legs out in front of her and resting her pale hands softly on her thighs. All the while, Edward stared intently off into the forest around them, ignoring the world around him. Only a few months ago, they had been playing this very same game with Bella. Granted, it ended in disaster but at least she was there.

"Nice to see you were paying attention Ed." she smiled sideways at him and he rolled his eyes. "I'm out, which means you're lucky enough to have to put up with me now... For the remainder of the game" Quinn greened and he merely sighed, drawing patterns in the snow that was slowly dampening his clothes- he decided not to notice. 

"Lucky me" there was no emotion in his voice, he was like a void and she chose to ignore it and keep on talking. He was her best friend after all, and she didn't want to see him hurting. Under their golden gazes, the game continued and the blues were in the lead- much to the disappointment of Eleazar and Jack who were strong supporters of the Denali team. 

Carlisle laughed as he shot to the side, racing around the bases and Quinn couldn't help the small smile that tugged on her lips at the sight of it. He was so happy here, in Denali, where he could be free without the stresses of work and keeping up their family facade. That happiness was all she wanted for him, always. 

"You and Carlisle are going touring across the world, Rosalie and Emmett are going to London, Alice and Jasper are going to visit his old friends; Peter and Charlotte, Esme is staying here to get to know Jack." Edward listed calmly. "I really have managed to destroy this family." he mused as he watched Tanya dance around, catching the ball. 

"Don't say that Edward, everyone needs space sometimes. You have all been together for so long. And you will find your way back together once the new house is built." she smiled and he rolled his eyes. 



"You still talk about this family as if you aren't a part of it Quinn, this is your family now. Whether you like it or not." he released a genuine chuckle before frowning at his own happiness. He couldn't help it and it angered him. For some reason, Quinn made him feel better, she helped reduce the ache in his chest. He supposed that that was the result of their best friend status. 

"Fine then... Our family. Ed, you are allowed to be happy, you know that right? You can smile and you can play baseball with our family. You can do whatever you have to do to make yourself feel better" she expressed and he merely blinked at her as he turned back to the group in front of her. 

"I shouldn't be happy Quinn, not after leaving her. I just left. She's been gone from my life for a few days and I'm already smiling? This isn't how it is supposed to be. I should have to suffer for what I put her through" he glared at the snow. 

"Edward. You don't deserve to suffer, for being selfless enough to protect someone's life. You were right, this life is dangerous and inevitably, she was going to turn or die. You don't live to be an old lady if you're in love with an eternally seventeen-year-old boy. Is that what you want to hear? Do you want to hear that you were right? Will that make you feel better? Because you were right, this is the only way to save her from this life. But maybe this was the life she was destined for." Quinn mused and Edward scoffed.

"Destiny. How could any of this be down to destiny, Quinn?"

"Edward, what is a soulmate?" she pointed out and he rolled his eyes for the hundredth time that day, knowing exactly where the conversation was going. 

"Someone you are destined to be with."

"Exactly, destiny" she pointed out. "Maybe Bella was made for this. You said that you were trying to protect her? Make sure she gets a life. What kind of life do you even envision for her? What does she want to be when she's older, Edward? Where does she want to go to college? Where does she want to live, which country?"

"I...I don't know" he returned.

"Exactly. Because, you've left to protect Bella's future, and she doesn't even know what she wants from her future, she has no real plans. You were her plans." Quinn frowned and Edward's face was similar to hers.

"That's bad... isn't it? That her entire world revolved around me so much so that she didn't even have a life plan beyond that." he sighed.

"I think that love is a very big part of life. When you find someone you really care about, your world does start to revolve around them" Quinn shrugged and Edward blinked. "My life revolves around Carlisle, I'd follow him everywhere."

"You're immortal soulmates, Quinn..." he sighed. 

"And what are you and Bella?" she was genuinely curious.

"Bella is my blood singer."

"So... technically, you could have a soulmate out there somewhere?" she frowned and he glanced over at her, a flash of her old blue eyes flashing in his mind as he stared into her now-gold ones. They just upset him to see and assured him that he had made the right decision in leaving Forks, one innocent life had already been turned because of them living there.

"Technically." he agreed. "But I love Bella."

"Don't give up hope Edward, we can always go back to Forks, any day. Just. Think about everything we've discussed,"

"Are you with me or against me Quinn? You're fighting for both sides" he chuckled. 

"I'm with you Edward, always with you. Wherever you choose to go" she smiled softly.

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