fifty nine

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Quinn lay on Carlisles bed calmly, wishing for sleep but knowing it was impossible

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Quinn lay on Carlisles bed calmly, wishing for sleep but knowing it was impossible. Beyond the glass window, the sky was dark and speckled with stars and she watched it calmly, as if it was a work of art. The room was dark but she saw perfectly well. Since returning home to the Forks House, Quinn had moved into Carlisles room and the peach room was nothing more than a guest room once more. She adored it there, in Carlisles room because everything smelt like him and if she focused really hard- she could pretend that he was there and not still at work.

It seemed like hours before the door opened and he finally rejoined her, the others had all retired for the night and she wanted nothing more than to be away walking hand in hand in Amsterdam once more. They had spent months away together but now as she looked back- it didn't seem long enough.

When Carlisle entered the room, he was by her side in a second, wrapping his arms tightly around her and she sat up to hug him furiously. Their first day apart had been a long one and they knew that it was just the beginning. Their fairytale dream had come to an end.

"I missed you" he breathed out as he buried his head in her curls and she hugged him as if he was going to disappear- nothing more than a mirage designed to trick her. But he didn't move and she smiled happily to have him there again. The second Carlisle was with her, she felt a hundred times better.

"I missed you too. How was work?" She queried as she pulled back to look at his face and his expression seemed tired- even though such a thing was technically impossible.

"Long" he chuckled. "I'm going to go for a shower, I'll be right back my love" he promised, eyes scanning over his shirt that she wore comfortably, her hair still slightly damp from having her own shower no too long ago. She nodded with a gentle smile and allowed for him to switch the lamp on as he walked away to the door across the room. Leaving it slightly ajar, Carlisle entered to shower and she hummed softly to herself as she fiddled with the remote, turning on the tv that sat on the wall opposite the bed.

His shower was brief, as he promised it would be and he soon made his way back out the bathroom, switching the light off behind him and she scanned his appearance, taking in his pyjama bottoms and wolf whistling- making him chuckle.

Carlisle dropped himself onto the bed, face first and he cuddled the pillow on his side. Despite not sleeping- they still seemed to have sides and Quinn laughed softly as she turned to him placing a kiss to his back softly, aware of how good he smelt post- shower.

"Hmm" he released from his lips in a sigh, his wet hair mused randomly with the hair gel washed out and she grinned as she peppered more kisses on his back, hearing the calm hum from him again. He was relaxed now that he was home and her gentle touches were like heaven to him. The doctor rolled over where he lay, his head resting in her lap where she sat, cross legged and she giggled as his hands reached up over his head to caress her exposed outer thighs.

"Feeling better?" She questioned.

"Much" he returned, startling topaz eyes peeking up and her and she grinned, losing her head to give him an upside down kiss- one that he thoroughly enjoyed as he kissed her deeper, hands reaching up upside down to caress her cheek while her Garda brushed patterns on his shoulders. "Remind me why I work, when I could just stay here with you instead." He chuckled and she beamed as she pulled back from the kiss, gently working her fingers to massage his tense shoulders.

Quinn was by no means an expert at massaging anyone but Carlisle loved the feeling of her touch- it calmed his more than any professional massager ever could.

"Because you're an incredible man that likes helping people," she smiled popping a kiss to his forehead and he smiled.

"Oh yes, I believe I remember." He chuckled and she giggled along sweetly. Now she was glad that she couldn't sleep or rather didn't need sleep, because it allowed her more time to spend with the love of her life. "Hmm, but I could lie here forever"

"Me too" she hummed happily. It was the simple times together that Quinn and Carlisle loved the most. In the background, a movie played though they paid it no mind as they exchanged gentle words and idle chitchat. The moon was high in the sky shortly and Quinn watched it sadly- knowing that when it inevitably vanished from her sight- Carlisle would be off to work.

Sensing her saddened thoughts, Carlisles fingers turned her cheek gently so her eyes faced him where he now sat beside her and he smiled as he leant in to kiss her deeply. It was a kiss that built with passion quickly and she smiled into it, swivelling to sit on his lap, straddling him. The doctor hummed in pleasure where he lay and their evening only improved as they found their bodies bare. Quinn's eyes closed as she sighed in pleasure, lowering herself onto him and he froze, waiting for her to smile. When she did, her eyes opening with a blazing passion- he couldn't help but grin too. The two of them were as much in love as any two people could be as she slowly moved, teasing him just to see the look that split across his face when she did. It was as if she was made for him.

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