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**1 year ago**

Dear (Y/n),

Hey babe. I don't really think this is gonna work out. I love you I truly do but with our families I don't think it'll work out. Your parents hate me and my brothers hate you. We barely get to see each other without them catching us. I think this is better for both of us.

Love, Sodapop.

After I read that letter I cried more than I have my entire life. Just the other day he told me they'd learn to love me and that my parents would learn to love him. It's not like we were Socs. We're middle class. He said nothing would come in between us. He lied. Did he lie about everything? Did he love me? I can't stay in town. I'll end up seein' him everywhere I go. I don't think I could handle that. I can't believe he did that. And through a note.

**Present Time**

It's been a year since soda broke up with me. I can't believe I'm not over him yet. Oh well. Life goes on. I didn't go to far. Just a couple towns over. Right now I'm a bartender in a new bar in town. It's not to big. Not to small either. I've moved around quite a bit. For a while I lived in California and worked at a surf shop. Next I lived in Texas and worked on a ranch. Now I'm here. Everywhere I went I met a guy. We would go out but I never loved them like I did Soda. So I would break up with them and then I'd move away. Going anywhere I had family. I guess I'll never be happy.

**Sodapops POV**

It's been a year since I've ended it with (Y/n). It's the biggest mistake I've ever made. When I heard that she had moved I was kinda happy. I wouldn't have to go through the pain of seeing her everywhere I went. I couldn't take the pressure from the boys telling me to dump her. So I did it to get them off my back. After a couple weeks I realized I couldn't live without her. She was my everything. There was no way I could get a hold of her. I had no clue where she was. So here I've been. Absolutely miserable for a year. The boys have tried setting me up on dates but they never went well.

"Heya Soda." Steve said as he walked into the house.

"Hey." I replied. I haven't really been myself since she left.

"So I heard that this new bar opened a couple towns over. Wanna go Saturday?"

"Not really."

"Come on! Ya gotta get out there! Two-Bits gonna come too."

"Fine. I'll go." I didn't really wanna go but it might be fun. It'll help take my mind off things.

"Really?" Steve seemed surprised. I usually refuse to go to these things.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Okay. I'll tell Two." Steve smiled then left. I guess I'm goin' outta town in two days.

The next two days went by rather quickly. It was just the usual. Go to work, come home, and hang with the guys. I was ready to get out of here for a little bit. Even if it was only a day.

"You boys drive safe and don't be home too late. Have fun." Darry said walking outside with us.

"Ok Darry." Steve groaned. Darrys been doin' this all mornin'.

"So what all we gonna do?" I asked as we piled into Two-Bits car.

"It's gonna take a couple hours to get there so when we get there we'll eat lunch and find somethin to do and then we'll eat supper at the bar." Steve answered.

"My buddy said they got some great wings there." Two said. "You guys wanna hear a joke?" We groaned. This is gonna be a very long car ride.

**Your POV**

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