Father of seven

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There are many different perspectives in this chapter, and a very large part of this chapter is about Arthur Weasley. I think this wonderful father deserves it.


Living in his quiet and homely bubble was something Remus loved. He loved waking up in the morning to find a sleeping Dora next to him, he loved the comfort that the two lovers offered each other. Each breakfast with Dora was like the most beautiful dream in the world, which went on for one wonderful day with this cheerful, beautiful, and wonderful woman with pink hair. The happiness Remus felt was indescribable. But with that happiness, slight anxiety and fear grew, and Tonks' growing anxiety did not change his mood much. On his birthday, the moment Dora handed him his gift, which was a large set of the best children's books in the wizarding world and books by Muggle authors, what she know that Remus would love: "Alice in Wonderland", "Winnie the Pooh" and "Charlotte's Web". At that moment Remus suddenly realized that their little boy's birth was only a little less than two months left. After his birthday, he started counting the days. The date of birth of the baby calculated by Andromeda was April 28, so the days in the head of the old werewolf began to dwindle. For another 49 days, he told himself when he woke up the day after his birthday, next to his naked wife. For another 48 days, he whispered next day to himself as he talked to Andromeda about designing a baby bedroom. And so the days went on. The next thing Remus knew was that there were only 30 days, followed by 25 days, 23 days, 21, 19, 18, and the next day he had only 17 days left until the baby was born. 17 short days, and he knew that these days would pass as fast as one breath.

Remus woke up early in the morning. He threw himself out of bed and began to pull on his clothes with a sleepy head. It was only six in the morning, and he didn't really want to get out of bed, but he had to. He and Sirius had agreed to go on a mission together, to look after the werewolf children in the Greyback pack. Remus and Sirius had to go and spy a little and find out the current situation of those children. Remus felt a slight aversion to this mission, and he wasn't sure if he should do it. He felt guilty. He felt guilty about these children. And he was sure that those children were also blaming him. He left them there, he had promised to help them, but he had forgotten it, he abandoned them the moment they needed him. And then there was Lyra. Every time Remus thought of this little girl, tears appeared in his eyes and his heart filled with pain and guilt.

,,Remus, are you going already?" There was a sleepy voice beside Remus, he turned his head to meet his wife's beautiful brown eyes.

,,Not yet, love, I was just thinking of going and making us something for breakfast. You can still sleep, I'll wake you up later, "Remus replied with a tender smile.

,,I don't want to sleep alone." Tonks slowly stood up and she was yawning hard, grabbing her bathrobe by the bed and pulling it on, "What time are you going?"

,,At eight o'clock I will meet Sirius in the woods, but before that, I have to take you to the Burrow."

,,Do I really have to go there? Remus, believe me, I can do it alone for a few hours. Mom comes home in the evening, I can eat breakfast cereals in the meantime. "

Remus sighed softly and leaned a little more towards Tonks so he was able to take her little hand, "Dora, that's not the point. Although I don't like the idea of you eating breakfast cereals all day, that's not why I don't want you to be alone. What if something happens and you're completely alone?"

,,What can happen to me here? We officially live in the most boring house in the whole of Britain."

,,That's the thing, honey, it's boring. And you're going to do nonsense here out of boredom. "

,,Okay, you're right, I'm sorry to admit it, but yes, you're right. "Tonks sighed loudly.

Remus smiled and pulled Tonks out of bed. Tonks felt suddenly weak, and Remus had to support her more. Tonks wrapped her arms around Remus' body to get the support she needed.

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