Freaks family

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It was cold and dark. The pain-filled Remus' body. He felt like he couldn't open his eyes. Slowly he tried to move, but he couldn't, he could feel the tense ropes surrounding him.

,,Finally, the freaks wake up. "There was a toxic woman's voice.

Through great effort, Remus opened his eyes. The room where he was located was dim and smelled like molten candle wax and antique furniture maintenance liquid. He heard a painful gasp next to him, and as he turned his head, he saw his wife, who was in the same situation as him, but her eyes were still closed.

Echoing footsteps walked towards them, and as Remus looked up and looked ahead, he saw Bellatrix Lestrange, she smiled wickedly, her yellow teeth shining through her black lips.

,,Good morning, relative. How did you sleep?" She asked, Bellatrix laughed low and bowed slightly to Remus," I hope we've been hospitable enough by your standards, are we, wolf?"

,,Why are we here? If you had wanted to kill us, you would have already done so. "Dora's voice came.

,,Oh, you're awake, too. Very good. Looks like you're not as stupid as I've always thought. "

,,Why are we here?" Tonks asked again.

,,We just wanted to ask you a few questions. If you're honest with us, you can go home, or wherever animals like you live, "said Lucius, who stood a little away.

Only now did Remus realize that Bellatrix was not the only one there. In addition to Bellatrix and Lucius, there were Narcissa and Draco sitting away on the big green leather couch, Narcissa's hand over her son's shoulders, Snape standing at the windowsill, his black hair was more filthy than Remus remembered and he had a disgusting look on his face, Peter the rat stood behind Bellatrix's back, his teeth clapping as if he had a cold, and the farthest of them was Grayback, who had a playful grin on his mouth.

,,What questions?" Remus asked, he felt deep panic, he had no idea how they could get out of this situation. There were only two of them, they had no wands, and they were tied up, but their opponents were free, armed, and there were many more than them, and almost all of them would have been able to kill without any hesitation.

,,Just the easy ones." Bellatrix said," We just want to know where Harry Potter is?"

,,We...we don't know!" Remus replied quickly.

Bellatrix laughed, she raised her wand with a quick motion and pressed it against Remus's forehead, "Don't lie to me, wolf." she said through her teeth, "As far as we know then Harry Potter will trust you and he would tell you where he's going."

At that moment, Remus wanted to laugh, Bellatrix didn't know how wrong she was.

,,We don't know. Harry didn't tell anyone where he was going to go, and even if he had told us, we would die before we betrayed Harry, "said Tonks, more to Snape than to anyone else.

,,Yeah, I would die, but not you," Remus thought, but he said," Dumbledore forbade Harry to tell anyone, no one knows where he went."

,,They are lying. "said Greyback, his voice remembered growl," They have to know. Let me get the truth out of them." he stepped closer, and Tonks could swear she could hear a shallow, protective growl in Remus's mouth as well.

,,And how are you going to do that? "Lucius asked, not looking at Greyback, clearly disgusted that he was in his house.

The wild werewolf smiled again, stepping forward, "Well, I have a few unfinished stories here with that pretty thing," Greyback made a quick move, and the next moment his hand was in Tonks' dark brown hair, and he lifted the woman's head, she was trembling with fear.

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