Dora, run!

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A month had passed since Ted's funeral. Although everyone's mood was very upset because of the grief, Tonks's stomach, which had grown even bigger, kept them happy. None of them could wait for the birth of a child. On a daily basis, Remus and Tonks received letters from Molly asking questions about the child over and over again, and who seemed very worried about Tonks. From time to time they were visited by friends. Sirius and Magda visited them at least once a week, and one day Charlie, Mike, and Holly wind their way to Tonks' cottage. Tonks' old friends seemed terrified that their pink-haired friend would have a baby. None of them could imagine her as a mother. It offended Tonks a little, but at the same time she understood why her friends thought so. Someone who imitated their professors just a few years ago, and turned their nose into a dog, rat or pig nose and threw stink bombs at school, didnt seemed like mom type.

When the guests were with them, Tonks seemed very happy and full of life, but as soon as they left there were some tears in the young woman's eyes and her thoughts darkened. Quite often Remus heard her say things like, "Well, do you think this is the last time we'll see them alive, or not?" Every time Remus heard this, his heart broke again and again. He knew that she was in pain. After Ted's death, something had changed in her. Although she smiled and spoke like Tonks, Remus saw in her eyes the dark shadow that betrayed that somthing was wrong. She seemed sad all the time. Remus tried to lift her mood. But many of his efforts failed. Until one morning he had an idea that could not fail. 

He went to his and Tonks' bedroom. Tonks lay on their bed, facing the wall. She seemed to be immersed in the book, and her mind seemed have lost to the rock music what echoed through her headphones. Remus crawled to the bed and lay as close to her as he could. Tonks didn't even notice him. Slowly, Remus began to smooth her light-purple hair. He placed a few kisses on her neck, exactly where her "Constant Vigilance" tattoo was located. Tonks let the book lie on the pillow, she turned her head and met Remus' caring gray eyes. She made herself smile, "Is everything all right, honey?" she asked in a stunned voice.

,,Everything is great with me, Sweetheart. But are you all right, Dora dear? "Remus swept a few lost lock of hair away from Tonks' eyes and looked deeply to them.

,,You know that I'm not." she said, turning her body completely towards Remus, "But I'm better than before. You don't have to worry."

,,I'm still worried, "Remus replied, throwing a quick kiss on Tonks' lips," I'm so proud of you, Dora. You're so strong, I'm proud. "

She smiled, this time it was a real smile, "Thank you, Wolfy. I love you."

,,I love you more, "he raised his hand a little and placed it on Tonks' round belly," Dora, I thought maybe we could go to London and get some things for our baby. We still don't have any baby blankets and his bed is still without a mattress... "

Tonks' eyes widened, and she suddenly got up. She did it so suddenly that Remus couldn't pull his head away and his nose got hit by Tonks' elbow.

,,Oh, forgive me, honey. Did you get hurt? "Tonks asked, placing both hands on Remus' cheeks.

Remus moaned painfully as his wife's fingers touched his slightly flushed nose, "That's okay, Dora. I'm okay. The bone is healthy."

,,Sorry, "she muttered, she examined his nose carefully," Looks like there's not much damage done. "

,,Yeah, I said that."

Tonks grabbed her wand from the table next to the bed. She waved it through the air and muttered a spell, the next moment a bag of frozen peas swept through the air. She caught the package and placed it carefully against Remus' nose. After a few minutes, Remus felt how the pain had passed. He grabbed Tonks' hand and pulled it away from his face. He intertwined their fingers, letting the frozen pea pack fall on the bed.

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