For Teddy Remus Lupin

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NB! This chapter describes the breastfeeding process. And in the future, this is also the case in other chapters. If you feel uncomfortable, just know it's a natural thing to do when you have a small child, and you can skip reading this part of the chapter at any time. Thank you for your attention. 

NB VOL 2! I probably should have put a warning to the previous chapter as well, but I didn't want to spoil the story, so sorry if anyone bothered it.


The world revolved around Remus as if he were standing in the middle of a carousel, though everything else around him was confusing and insignificant, the only things worthy of his attention was the dark brown-haired woman, who was lying on the couch, and the little child crying on her lap.

,,Dora? "Remus stepped forward cautiously, the baby crying louder and louder with each step as he got closer.

Tonks turned her head slightly and smiled broadly at Remus, it was one of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen, "Come meet your son, darling,"

Remus accelerated a little and fell on his knees in front of the couch, his eyes meeting his wife's beautiful brown eyes that sparkled like two big diamonds, then his gaze began to wander and his eyes stopped in the slightly pink face of a small child. Remus' heart stopped. He felt the heat radiate to himself and the corners of his mouth rose higher without he being able to stop them. Carefully, Remus raised his hand and let his fingers play lightly through the boy's soft, black hair. Tears appeared in father's eyes, and he did not bother to stop them. The child's eyes opened slowly and his cry was silent as he explored the world around him. His eyes were deep gray, damp with tears, and sparkled like fresh ice. His nose was tiny, his lips narrow, cheeks round and pink.

,,Hi, Teddy," Remus whispered, stroking the boy's cheeks with his fingers, "Aren't you the most beautiful little creature in the world?"

,,Looks like I've already been replaced, "Tonks laughed, raised her hand, and let her fingertips play through her husband's hair.

Remus turned his head and smiled sincerely at her, "You are the most beautiful mom in the world,"

Teddy's tiny hands fluttered through the air as if he were trying to signal himself or say something very important.

,,Our little person is trying to tell us something, "Tonks said softly.

,,He definitely wants to tell us that he wants his warm sheltered place back. He's here sooner than we thought, "

,,He scared me a lot. I blame Charlie for all this, "

Remus turned his head to the red-headed young man and asked, "What did you do? Couldn't you have waited for me to get home?"

,,It's not my fault that she started laughing, "Charlie defended himself quickly," It wasn't even that funny joke, and who has heard that laughter speeds up childbirth. "

The room was quiet for a while. Everyone watched the little boy, from whose mouth light curious sounds escaped. His mother and father looked at him, eyes full of love and pride. They felt like they were swimming in the dreamland.

,,Bloody hell, Moony, you are a father! "Sirius' voice came from a little distance, his voice full of shock, pride and sincerity.

,,I'm a father, "Remus said, grabbing the little hands of the child with two fingers and holding them tenderly," I'm a father, "that thought didn't come to him, it all seemed like a too beautiful dream," Dora, is it all real? Is he really here?"he asked, looking his wife straight in the eye.

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