I think we are alone now

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After hours, the guests started to leave, and in a short time the surroundings of Tonks cottage had remained very quiet. Only a few still danced or talked. Molly and Andromeda started cleaning, they specifically refused Tonks' help, making the young Auror feel very useless. She sat next to Remus, who had conversations with Arthur and Sirius, she listened intently to them and watched Remus' face all the time. She couldn't wait be alone with him, and Remus noticed it in her look. He looked at her and gave her the exact same look in response, he wanted the exact same thing, but he tried to hide it from the guests, but Tonks knew he wanted it and it made her very happy and impatient. They looked at each other and had a long conversation with only eyes and a smile, they didn't notice how Sirius and Arthur laughed and disappeared from the table. They were focused on each other and on each other's eyes.

Suddenly they heard a loud cough, and when they looked up they saw Moody, who seemed quite nervous, she was wearing a festive robe, Tonks' think that he looked rather funny in that robe, "Remus, can I talk to your bride? I have one short talk for Nymphadora."

,,Of course, Moody. "Remus replied quickly, squeezing lightly Tonks' hand and then getting up from his chair," I'm going to look for Sirius and Arthur, they're gone somewhere." Remus disappeared quickly, and Tonks got the impression that he was trying to run away from Moody.

Tonks turned her head and looked at her old mentor with a questioning look, "What did you want to talk about, Mad-Eye? Is this about my honeymoon vacation? Kingsley has already promised me the vacation I need, Mad-Eye, that's all ..."

,,I didn't mean to talk about it, Tonks," Moody said, his voice friendlier than usual, and Tonks felt something must be wrong, "Come, walk with me, girl."

Tonks nodded and followed the older auror to behind the house, where there was no one but the two of them. Moody's magical eye moved up and down, as if checking the safety of the territory, when he was convinced that no one was there, he turned to Tonks.

,,I wanted to wish you luck, Tonks, and...I'm very happy about you, and I really hope he makes you happy." both his eyes fixed on Tonks, "I wanted to give it to you." Moody pulled a white envelope from his robe pocket and handed it to the young woman who received it suspiciously.

,,What is this?"

,,I can't tell you that, Tonks. But you have to promise me one thing. "

,,Promise you what? "she looked up at her mentor.

,,That you won't open this envelope until I leave this world. "Moody's voice was suddenly very serious and Tonks' eyes widened in fright.

,,I do not understand."

,,Yes you do, girl." Moody replied in a rather firm voice, he put his hand on Tonks' shoulder and looked at her clearly with both eyes," There will come a time when skills and experience will no longer be enough and we will fall, and I want to be sure that when my time comes you will have everything you need. I want you to know..." the old man stopped abruptly, and his gaze moved down, and his hand slipped off Tonks' shoulder.

,,To know what, Mad-Eye?" there was a little panic in Tonks' voice,"Alastor?"

Moody smiled at her sincerely, "It doesn't matter right now, Nymphadora, right now is important that you go back to your husband and enjoy your vacation. You have a letter that answers your question when the time comes."

,,You scare me, you talk like you know what the future brings . "

,,Oh, I don't know what the future will bring, I'm not a fortune teller, but I can guess what it can bring, and I know it will be some time before the world comes to light again. I want to make sure you don't lose motivation to fight. It would be a great loss if the world lost strong and brave fighter like you, girl."

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