Is this the right time?

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The fresh scent of roses and the sea, and the brilliance of the strong rays of the sun, awakened Tonks from her sweet sleep. She tried to hide her eyes from the sun by pushing her face against her husband's bare chest. But the sun and the heat did not allow her to do so, she could no longer sleep. She raised her head and looked around the room. The room was bright, and even more beautiful than it had been last night. She noted that the blanket that covered the passionate couple was wrapped around both of their legs, and it hung halfway over the edge of the bed. She thought they had thrown the blanket off at night because it was really hot in the room.

Tonks frowned at her husband, who was still sleeping peacefully, one hand hanging over the edge of the bed, and the other holding her firmly around her waist, as if he was afraid she would run away. He looked calm, and there was a slight smile on his lips. Tonks leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek, she felt his smile grow under her lips. Tonks looked at her husband, and smiled as well. Tonks played with her fingers over the scars on Remus' chest. For a few minutes, Tonks just lay there looking at her husband face and stroking her fingers along his chest, but then she decided that the room was too hot to be here like this. She crawled out of bed cautiously, pulled around the extra blanket that had fallen to the floor, and went toward the window. She looked out the window, the light blue sea and the sand beach were visible from a distance, there were flowering trees and bushes everywhere, people were running to the beach, ice cream and souvenir shops were everywhere. Tonks sighed anxiously, opening all the windows of the room with one quick wand movement. The refreshing sea breeze immediately reached the room, cooling the room. Tonks took a deep breath and sighed pleasantly.

,,Dora?" a gentle whisper came from the bed.

Tonks turned her head toward the bed to see Remus, whose eyes were still sleepy and whose sly smile played on his lips.

,,What are you doing there, honey?" he asked.

,,I opened the windows, it's very hot in this room." she said.

,,Hmm..." Remus held out his hand, calling Tonks back to him, Auror went back to bed, and they quickly wrapped their arms around each other, "I think that's just the beginning, my dear. And I won't let you go even for a minute away from me."

,,That's good, that means you have to come with me to the beach today, and shop later. I've heard that there is a very cool city of wizards nearby, and there are the best shops."

,,Have you heard the saying that during the honeymoon, you will not leave the hotel room until three days have passed?" said Remus, throwing a quick kiss against Tonks' neck.

,,But you have heard the saying that during the honeymoon a man must listen to a woman's word, otherwise he will sleep on the bathroom floor and can only see him touching his wife only in a dream."

,,This is a very stupid saying, "Remus muttered with a feigned insult.

Tonks giggled, she ran her fingers through Remus' hair and said, "Nor did I make up that saying, darling. But according to that saying, you're forced to come with me, or I'll have to put a hold on charm to my clothes."

,,That's not good, honey, "Remus said, rubbing the soft skin on Tonks' back with his fingers." I think we need to find a compromise. "

,,Keep talking. "

,,Well, maybe we'll be here for another hour, then we'll have breakfast in the restaurant, and after that, you can take me wherever you want. How does it feel? "

Tonks had a soft, thoughtful look on her face, her lips were narrower than usual, and her hair was slowly starting to turn pink, "I think there are some mistakes in that plan."

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now