Goodbye Tonks...

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It was December 18th. The whole world of Muggles and Wizards was getting ready for Christmas. With a few exceptions. For the first time in her life, Tonks could not enjoy the impending Christmas. At times, happy people even made her angry. Tonks tried to stay happy. She was always thinking of the little girl growing inside, but when she thought of Hope, she was also thinking of Hope's father... her Wolfy... her Remus...

Tonks had just begun a winter holiday that was to last until the new year. On the first day of her vacation, she wanted to do nothing but lie on her bed and cry. She was alone in her London apartment, lying on her bed, her head firmly against the pillow, and looking at the painting hanging on the wall. This painting had her and Remus, Remus gave it to last Christmas. It was only so short ago, but to Tonks like centuries ago. They were so happy in that painting, Tonks's hair changed colors and Remus smiled so sweetly...

Tonks never believed her life could become so depressing in an instant. If Fifteen-year-old Tonks knew she would ever fall in love with a werewolf and lose all her vitality when he was gone, she would probably have laughed at it and said that no man was worth the pain ... It was before she met Remus, now she knows...

Loud knocks on the door pulled Tonks out of her mind. She tried to ignore the knock, however, the noise maker did not intend to leave. Tonks reluctantly got out of bed and walked towards the door.

,,Who is there?" she asked.

,,Tonks, this is me, Melina!" The voice of the young woman on the other side of the door shouted.

,,Prove it!"

,,Prove what?"

,,Prove you're Melina!"

,,Okay ... My name is Melina Heart, I went to school with you, I'm a healer, and I was Snape's favorite during school because I didn't turn potions into poison as you seds did. I tried to become Auror with you, but I failed. My patronus is the same as yours Jack-rabbit."

Tonks opened the door and looked at her best friend with a questionable and cold look:,, What do you want?"

,,I want to talk to you, after all, we're friends, Tonks. I'm worried about you."

,,There's no reason to be." Tonks began to close the door, but Melina quickly put her foot in the door.

,,Tonks, please talk to me!"

,,I don't want to talk. Please leave me alone."

,,No, I'm your frend and I'm here to help you. Like it or not, I'm not going anywhere." Melina said.

Tonks sighed and opened the door as let Melina in.

They sat in the living room. For a while, there was complete silence until Melina finally spoke.

,,Have you eaten anything?"

,,I have no appetite." Tonks answered.

,,Tonks, you have to eat, your baby needs energy to survive."

,,How you know about Hope?" Tonks asked wondering.

,,I work in the hospital you went to, remember?"Tonks answered nothing, Melina sighed and then continued,, Tonks, I know it's hard, breaking up is painful, but now you can't grieve for the rest of your life and push yourself away from people. You'll find someone else."

,,I don't want anyone else, Melina. I love him, he's the father of my baby, he's the man I love and I know he's coming back."

,,What if he doesn't come? You're a young, Tonks, what if you wait him for the next 15 years. You're not young forever. You're twenty-three, it's time to get married. And with your beautiful face you can get any man."

,,I'm not going to marry a man I don't love, not like you. You're bet with a man you don't really care about, you're with him just because he has money and you're afraid of being alone forever." Tonks said sharply.

,,Love comes with time."

,,No, Melina, It comes at the right time with the right person. You can't force yourself to love anyone. It is not you who decides what you love, but your heart does it, and your heart does not need years, it only needs one moment and the right person."

,,You are right. But what can I do, I can't fall in love. I've never been in love. I'm probably just not capable of it. But I also don't want to be alone forever." Melina's gaze moved slowly to the floor.

,,I know a man who fell in love for the first time in his life when he was 35 years old. He had never been in love before, but then he fell in love, and ... he was willing to do anything to protect his dearest, even be away from her."

,,Why did he stay away from her?" Melina asked in a quiet voice, wondering where Tonks talk was heading.

,,Because this man had a slight mistake that made him a wolf once a month. He considered himself a monster. Although she did not believe it and still loved him."



For a few minutes, the two women were silent, both of whom had lost in their minds.

,,Maybe we will go to Hogsmeade, I can help you buy baby clothes." Melina offered with a calm voice, with a sweet smile on her face.

,,You know, that doesn't sound like a very bad idea."

After several hours, Tonks and Melina stopped by the cafeteria to eat something in the meantime, both of them holding bags full of baby clothes and other supplies.

,,I don't understand why you didn't buy any pink stuff. Pink is your favorite color." said Melina taking a bite of her ham pie.

,,Now you're wrong, Mely, I like pink hair, not pink clothes. What's wrong with these clothes what I buy?"

,,Oh, nothing if you want make your baby a emo. You only bought black, dark red or gray clothes."

,,Not true, I also bought a dark green shirt, a lime green skirt and a turquoise dress. And pink socks."

,,These socks had the words "Wicked witch" on them, of course you buy them. You bought a baby "Weird Sisters" shirt."

,,Like mommy so daughter, The child must grow up so that she knows what is good."

,,I wouldn't be surprised if your baby's first word be fuck or shit."

,,I'm not that bad!"

It was ten o'clock in the evening, all the shops and cafes were closed. Tonks and Melina were still walking around the Hogsmeade, enjoying the fresh air.

,,Thank you." Tonks said unexpectedly.

Melina looked at her with inquisitive look, "For what?"

,,You haven't given up on me and you're still want to go out with me. Today has really been one of the best day I have for months."

,,That's what friends are, Tonks. Friends will never give up on a friend."


,,You're welcome, sweetie." Melina watches the clock on her hand, "It's late, I should go home. Goodbye Tonks ... "

Suddenly, an explosion broke out and there was a whole bunch of people in dark clothing...Dead Eaters. Tonks pulled Melina behind her and started attacking the Death Eaters. Melina stepped out from behind Tonks and joined the battle.

,,Melina, get out of here!"Tonks screamed desperately, trying to avoid spells and attack the Death Eaters.

,,No, not without you!" Melina was in a duel with three death eaters at once.

Tonks tried to reach her, but she was stopped by other death eaters, there was them too many. Suddenly, the whole sky filled with dark green spells. By the time Melina was hit by a dark green spell, Tonks had turned black in front of her eyes, and she had fallen unconscious. Her friend's soft whisper echoed in her ear, "Goodbye, Tonks ..."

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