The right thing to do

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,,Sirius, believe me, giving away a Weasley twins store gift card won't make her fall in love with you." said Tonks taking a sip of her whipped cream and honey coffee.

,,Why do you think that, Nym? The twins shop is brilliant." said Sirius wearily.

,,Yes, but it seems to me that your Magdalena is not the type of woman you impress with a farting pillow or a fake wand. On behalf of Merilin, Sirius, she owns a bookstore and she was Ravenclaw."

,,Should I give her a book for our third date, then? He has a two-storey shop full of them, "replied Sirius, forcing violently his fork into his pancake.

,,But maybe she might like roses or chocolate. Or chocolate roses."

,,I want to give her something special, Nym. Chocolate and roses are not special. Remus, do you have any ideas? "Sirius suddenly turned to Remus, who was sitting next to Tonks at the kitchen table, staring at his cooled pancakes," Hello, Moony, land is calling!"

,,Remus?" Tonks put her hand on Remus' shoulder and shook it lightly.

His gaze rose in fright and he gaze found Tonks' brown eyes, looking at him, "What's wrong, Dora?" his voice was surprisingly cold.

,,Sirius, asked you something." she replied tenderly, removing her hand from Remus' shoulder.

,,Ou, sorry Padfoot. What...what did you ask? "

"What's wrong with you, Moony? You have acted like you had a knife in your ass for several days. "Sirius asked irritably.

Remus looked at his old friend with a suspicious look and grabbed his teacup, "Was that your question?"

,,No, but I'd like an answer to that question too, if you don't mind."

,,But, what if I do?" he asked before drank his cool tea, he put the cup back down and replied in a friendlier voice, "I have nothing wrong, Sirius. Now tell me what you wanted to ask."

,,Nah, let it be."

,,Fine. Now, if you don't mind I'm going to take a shower." he got up from his seat, and then leaned down to kiss Tonks' cheek, "I hope you have a good day today, honey. See you in the evening."

"You too, sweetheart. See you! " Tonks replied.

Remus kissed her quickly on the lips and then left the kitchen for the bathroom.

Sirius looked at Tonks with frowned eyebrows, "What have you done to him, Nym? He's acting weird. It's not a full moon, isn't it?"

Tonks shook her head in response, she had just taken the last sip of her coffee, "There is more than a week to the full moon. Usually, his mood changes at the beginning of the cycle which is three days before the full moon."

,,Yes, I know that, Nym. That's why I ask, what have you done?"

,,I haven't done anything! "Auror replied indignantly.

,,Hmm, then maybe I should ask what you haven't done? Moony, you probably feel lonely." replied Sirius, his eye shining as if he had noticed a glass of whiskey.

,,What do you mean?"

,,Well," he placed his elbows on the table and looked at his cousin's psychologist's inquisitive look, "When I came home from my date the day before yesterday, Remus was awake alone, and you slept like a hibernating rabbit. You probably haven't paid enough attention to him in that sense." he blinked in one eye to signal to her what he was talking about.

The young witch's face turned bright red, and her hand grabbed an apple from the table, and she threw Sirius with it, "It's none of your business! And to your peace of mind, I can say we don't have such problems."

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now