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Remus was sitting on the old bed in his bedroom. Tonight he and Dora had to go to a date. Remus was nervous. He never had date before. All he knew about dates was the story's what Sirius and James told to him. What should he do? He sighed. Then someone knocked on his room door.

,,Moony, can I come in?" Remus instantly recognized Sirius's voice, which was surprisingly sober.

,,This is your house, why you ask for permission at all? You usually don't."

Sirius opened the door and enters the room. His eyes explored the room.

,,Tonks isn't here, right?"

,,No...she is at work." Remus replied suspiciously.

,,Ah, great. That's why I knocked, I didn't want to see something weird. I don't need to see what you're doing with my cousin when you're alone."

Remus rolled his eyes:,, You will never grow up, Sirius. Besides, we're in no hurry with Dor...Tonks."

,,When you come back to home after your date, remember to use the Silencing Charm. There are kids in this house."

,,Sirius stop joking! You're not helping right now!"

,,Oh, what do you need help with, Moony. Whether you want advice for a date or what to do after a date. If for a date...then it is important to be yourself. If after that, then locking the door and using the Silencing Charm is definitely the most accurate thing." Sirius sited on the edge of the bed and looks at Remus,, Honestly, Moony, it's going well. Don't worry about this dating. Tonks will love you even if that one date goes wrong. Besides, why should it go wrong at all? I am absolutely convinced that you two will have a wonderful evening. Do not worry."

,,Thanks, Padfoot." Remus said, sighing heavily.

Every hour Remus became more and more nervous. A wolf inside him, wildly wanting to go and find Tonks right now. He headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast, time was already four in the afternoon. He was so nervous that he had no appetite. Molly seemed downright concerned , but Sirius explained to her what the matter was, and she just giggled about it.
Every second for Remus was like a minute and every minute was as long as an hour, every hour just like a day.

Finally, it was heard how someone opened and stepped in the front door. Somebody's steps came to the kitchen, then a loud bang followed, "Fuck why do I have to be so bloody clumsy! "

It was her. Molly and Sirius glanced down at Remus. He didn't ithink he'd ever been more nervous than he was now. Tonks stepped in, her knees were broken and her Auror robe was broken off her shoulder.

,,Dora ... What happened?" Remus rose hastily from his seat and rushed toward the woman, he put his arm around Tonks's shoulders and examined her.

,,Remus, I just fell, believe me, I'm used to it!" she said.

Remus took her to a chair. Molly squat in front of Tonks and placed the wand on her broken knees.

,,Let I fix it, dear!" said Molly.

Tonks didn't argue and after a few seconds her knees and pants were both intact.

,,Nym, what happened to your robe?" Sirius asked, pointing to Tonks's torn robe.

,,Ou, It was Hildson, he stopped me before I left work and he didn't let me go. He wanted me to go out with him. I refused and tore myself away from him. Apparently then my robe was ruptured."

,,If you wish I can find him and kill him!" Remus said seriously, putting his hands around Tonks' waist.

,,I will help!" responded Sirius,, I'd like to see what he does when a jealous werewolf and a wanted mass murderer attack him at the same time!"

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