Be my light

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Pain, pain that covers every bone, muscle and attack on every nerve cell in you. It hurts to endure it, but it's even more painful to see how insane pain attacks someone you love. All you can do is watch, and hear his muffled screams that he tries to swallow at all costs so you don't have to hear it. The feeling was terrible, and Tonks wanted it to end soon, she couldn't see Remus in such pain. The man she loved was gone, and instead, he was a large, brown-gray wolf. But it was still Remus, the wolf had his gray eyes.

Tonks stepped confidently toward the wolf, placing her hand on the animal's fur. The wolf growled, but did nothing. His eyes examined the woman with brown hair in front of him, and she examined him. She had seen him like this before, but this time it was different. This time Remus asked her to be there. He had even asked for it, he wanted her to be there...with him. And she wanted to be there too.

She wrapped both her arms around the neck of the big wolf, and pressed her face into his fur. The wolf's fur smelled of him ... chocolate and old pages of books. The wolf placed his muzzle on her shoulder and inhaled deeply her sweet, intoxicating scent. The smell made him wanted to smell her more, he wanted to get closer to her, he wanted to feel her, but the wolf knew he couldn't get it ... not before sunrise, when the wolf had become a man again. When he has no claws to accidentally injure her.

She sighed and turned her head to reach the wolf's ear and whispered, "Thank you for allowing me to stay with you. I would have worried myself to death in an apartment alone."

They were both in the basement of Tonks' apartment building, small in a locked room, in addition to the two, there were also a bunch of old furniture, an old sofa, and several boxes of old muggle books. The basement room was protected by various spells so that Tonks' curious Muggle neighbors could not come to disturb them and so that no sound could be heard inadvertently.

Sirius had left the apartment early in the morning to visit Harry, and then go to his new loved one.

The wolf felt his paws get tired, he had to lie down. He slid himself down slowly and put his head on his tired paws. Tonks giggled, he looked like a big tired dog, and she adored it. She sat down next to the wolf and supported her back against his huge body. The wolf turned his head slightly to look at the woman, who wrapped her arms around the center of the wolf and supported her head wearily against him. The wolf moved one paw to reach the blanket lying on the ground, he pulled the blanket toward himself and Tonks with his claws. She smiled gratefully, grabbed the blanket, and wrapped it around her before leaning back on the wolf.

She was comfortable and warm before she realized she had fallen asleep against the wolf. And soon a large wolf fell asleep too.


The cold and hard stone floor pressed against his skin made Remus restless. He opened his eyes. He was human again, and now lay on the cold floor of the basement without any cover or clothes, the only source of heat being a blonde woman wrapped in a blanket, sleeping on his chest.

Remus smiled. She didn't even seem to realize that the night was over, and there was no big soft wolf under her but now a thin person of flesh and bones. He didn't want to wake her up, he liked to watch her sleep, and he also loved the beautiful ice blonde shade that her hair often acquired while sleeping. But unfortunately, he had no choice, he had to wake her up, or they both get cold, because the floor was ice cold, and he didn't have anything wearing.

,,Dora?" he whispered, his voice weak and exhausted, as was the rest of his body.

He raised his hand to smooth out her soft hair. Slowly, her head began to move, and soon her brown sleepy eyes opened.

,,Wotcher Wolfy," she said calmly, a sleepy smile adorned her heart-shaped face.

,,Hi love." he said.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now