A New Day

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It was a new day. A week had passed since Dumbledore's funeral, and life seemed to be on the bright tracks again. Tonks did spend a lot of time at work, and Sirius and Remus were both busy with various smaller orders of the order. Everything was like two years ago, with only small differences.

One night Sirius unexpectedly left Tonks and Remus' apartment, leaving a lover's free night with each other. Remus was preparing dinner in the kitchen while Tonks was watching TV.

,,Are you sure you don't need my help, Honey, "she asked, peeking over the edge of the couch to the kitchen.

,,I can handle it, Dora. "Remus replied softly," I don't want you to hurt yourself here, stewing is a pretty dangerous activity, my love."

,,Oh, of course, the stew and the chocolate cheesecake are life-threatening! "the woman shouted sarcastically.

,,Well, yes, if it made by you, "Remus whispered to himself, he was happy that Tonks didn't hear it, it would mean to him sleeping on the carpet of Sirius Junior.

Remus poured the chopped veggies into a pot filled with meat and broth, he closed the pot lid tightly and put it in a hot oven.

Tonks leaned her head against the couch, and followed the moving pictures of the TV. She had always loved Muggles and their ingenious inventions, TV and mobile phones were her favorites. She loved watching this big and clumsy-looking box, where beautiful Muggle actors moved around, telling stories through their body language and words. Their emotions and facial expressions were like magic, and it seemed so natural and real. Why couldn't the wizards do such a thing?

Tonks felt Remus' hand touch her hand, and how his warm breath touched her cheek.

,,Dinner is ready soon, honey. Would you be interested in a glass of wine? "he asked before he pressed his lips against her cheek.

,,That would be lovely. "she raised her head and looked straight into his gray eyes," Thanks, darling. "she raised her head again to reach out to Remus' lips.

He smiled against her lips and whispered, "Red or white wine?"


,,Why did I guess you were saying that? "He kissed lightly on Tonks' forehead, and then stood up again, "I'm going to check the stew now. I'll call you when it's ready."

,,Okay," she replied tenderly.

Remus headed back to the kitchen with a smile. Tonks sighed happily and turned her gaze back to the TV. Sirius Junior jumped nimbly on the couch and took a comfortable position on his mistress's belly, Tonks raised her hand and placed it on the cat's head.

,,We're very lucky with him, aren't we, Junior?" she asked, stroking the cat's head, the cat layed on Tonks' lap and began to purring gently," I'll take it as a yes!"

About ten minutes later, Tonks heard Remus's voice from the kitchen shouting her name. She lifted Junior off her lap, and got up from the couch and headed for the kitchen. When she reached the kitchen, she discovered an incredible sight in front of her. The whole kitchen was covered with candles and rose flowers, there were long pink candles on the kitchen table, a vase of red roses, and a bottle of pink wine. The table was decorated with two more plates, silver knives and forks, and folded napkins. The place that used to be Tonks' dirty kitchen now looked like a restaurant.

Remus smiled at the surprised woman, he was still wearing a ridiculous light green apron with the words "Hot Chef", but his hair was combed, and under the apron was a decent white shirt, and he was wearing his latest dark blue jeans.

,,Remus, it's just ... wow ... how did you do that?"

,,Love and commitment, darling. Come on, sit down." Remus pulled out a chair so Tonks could sit on it.

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