You are what?

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Sirius and Remus were sitting in the headquarters kitchen. Tonks had just left recently. Sirius finished his whiskey, it was his fifth glass. Remus rubs his forehead tiredly.

Remus didn't understand why he felt so strange suddenly after Tonks leaves. He felt like something very important just run out the door and took Remus's heart with. Why did he feel that way? That was weird. In his thirty-five years of life, he had read about this feeling only in novels, but now that he wasn't even able to name the feeling.

,,How do you like my cousin? Isn't she nice?" asked Sirius, with a big smile on his face.

,,She...she is a very colorful woman."

,,Of course, she is, she's freaking Metamorphagus. And she's just like us. She is just like my female version, only little less handsome " Sirius pulled his hand through his long black hair," She could have been a very good marauder. So what do you think of her?"

,,What I have to think? She is a young and lovely girl. I don't know what else you want me to say?"

,,Oh, Moony...Moony. You are just like an old man who can't see because he has eyes full of dust!" Sirius sighs deeply.

,,Well, I am old, it is correct!" Remus said indifferently.

,,Hei, if you are old, then I am old too and I don't consider myself old, so close your mouth, Moony!"

Remus muttered to himself. He got up from the table and went to the kitchen cupboards to pick out a cup and a bag of green tea. Sirius watched how Remus nervously making tea.

,,I didn't hear you tell her."

,,Tell her what?" Remus asked sharply. He grabbed a cup of tea and sat back at the table, this time a few chairs away from Sirius.

,,About your fluffy little problem! Why didn't you tell her?"

,,Because...I didn't want her to be scared...she...will be scared...of me... !" Remus's voice was serious, he looked away from Sirius and stared at the wall with blank eyes.

,,Okey..." Sirius said sometime later," I think I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, Moony!"

Remus didn't answer. There were two strange feelings in his head that he could not describe. Sirius left and Remus was alone to fight with his thoughts.

Next day

Tonks' tiring working day had just ended and she locked her office. She had to hurry to the department of mysteries, to do her first order mission. She and Hesta were supposed to be on duty there from six to three at night until Moody and Arthur came and replaced them. But when Tonks arrived, she doesn't saw Hesta. There was Remus holding Moody's invisibility cloak in one hand.

,,Remus, what you're doing here, me and Hesta had to be on guard today?!" asked Tonks and her hair turned white from confusion.

,,She announced this morning that she was ill and I was the only one who could replace her. I hope you're not disappointed."

,,Of course not, Remus, I'm glad you were sent, not Severus or Dung."

Soon they sat on the floor of the department of mysteries, an invisible cloak was thrown over them. They were so close to each other that their shoulders came into contact. They had been chatting for hours. Remus told her about his school time, Tonks told about her school time. At about one o'clock, Tonks yawned deeply. She rested her head tiredly on Remus's shoulder. A strange warm feeling flowed into his body as someone had watered him with warm water.

,,Tonks, I have to tell you something!" he said with concern. He felt his heartbeat desperately accelerate.

,,Tell what?" a woman asked, still holding her head on Remus's shoulder.

,,I am a Werewolf!" he closed his eyes, waiting for Tonks's reaction, he was ready for the worst.

,,Ou, cool!"

Remus stiffened in shock," Dora, did you hear what I said?"

,,Yes, Remus, I heard you very well!" Tonks said clearly.

,,But...why don't you do something?" Remus was completely confused. Why she wasn't afraid of him? He is a monster, she should escape in fear.

Tonks lifted her head and looked at the Remus gray and the confused eyes.

,,What do you want me to do? Should I run away and scream? If you want, I can do it, but if not I see no reason to do that."

,,You are not afraid?"

,,Afraid what? I can see in your eyes that you are not evil. And I also see that you don't want to hurt anyone. Why should I be afraid of a great man?" Remus saw that Tonks's eyes were serious and she thought every word she said.

,,Thank you, Tonks. I don't know what to say. Usually, people do not react that way."

,,In that case, they're just stupid bastards!"

,,Language, miss Tonks!" Remus smiled playfully.

,,Oh sorry, Mr Lupin, are you bothered by my words?"


,,Ouh, so, then I have to say, better luck next time with that, Mr Lupin!"

They both began to laugh aloud. Shortly afterward, Moody and Arthur appeared, and then Tonks and Remus were able to return to headquarters. When they got there, the whole house was dark. Slowly they sneaked into the kitchen to make hot chocolate, they got know that they both loved it. For a while, they sat together in the kitchen and talked openly. Remus was very comfortable talking to the young woman, and he was still surprised that Tonks didn't care about his little problem.

At four o'clock, Tonks decided, that it was time to go home. She put on her long red robe, and smiled at Remus. And as soon as Remus smiled at her, her knees became weak, the feeling was very strange, and she couldn't say what it meant.

,,Today was a very interesting evening, I'm sorry night. It was a very interesting night." Auror said to Remus when he sent her to the front door.

,,Same here."

When they reached the door, Tonks turned to Remus again and she smiled slightly.

,,So... goodnight, Remus!" she said.

,,Goodnight, Nymphadora!" to the shock of Remus, she did not hit him but placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

,,See you!" and then the woman disappeared out the door. Remus's cheek warmed comfortably, and all his body shone into that warmth.


Sirius sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in one hand and a new edition of the newspaper in the other. It was ten in the morning when Remus rushed to the kitchen and sat down next to his friend. Remus's face was white as if he had seen a terrible horror dream, or Voldemort dancing in the bathroom.

Sirius looked up at him and asked anxiously," Has something happened? How did your mission last night go?"

,,Padfoot, I think I have a big problem!"

,,What happened?" Sirius folded the newspaper and placed it on the table.

,,I...I think I'm... in love with Nymphadora!"

,,You are what?"

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now