Guess who's next?

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This chapter is also really really sad. Sorry! I love Mad-Eye too much, so I have to give him one more chapter. Well actually this chapter is more about sad Tonks, Remus and Sirius. This is really dark part (There is one "cute" gift form Bellatrix), so please be prepared for that. I also promise that the next chapter will be much calmer than that.


Meter by meter, kilometer by kilometer. But they didn't find him anywhere. No clue about Mad-Eye Moody. The forest was so dark that they could barely see what was happening at their feet. Only Remus was able to see anything, but it was of no use.

,,We can't find him. It's too dark." Bill said, pulling the robe harder around him to prevent the cold wind.

,,Maybe he's already in the hands of the Death Eaters, "Sirius replied poisonously," I think there is not much left him. He fell pretty high."

They walked on for a while, wands illuminating the dark forest in front of them. The forest was the same everywhere, and it seemed to them that they had been to the same place they had come to again and again.

,,What do we do? We can't leave without him. The Order doesn't leave any members behind, even if ..." Bill sighed," Do we have any hope of finding him, Remus? "

Remus took time to answer, he sighed, clenched his fists tightly and said, "No. Even if we found him, there would be nothing left of him. His body is definitely a complete mess. Maybe it's better if we can't find it. And definitely better if Dora or the kids shouldn't see it."

,,So we go back?"


They disappeared and the next moment where all three in Burrow's backyard. They were disappointed, they were hoping to find him, they were hoping he might still be alive. It was Mad-Eye Moody, it was impossible to kill him. After three hours in the woods, the three frozen men re-entered Burrow's warm kitchen. Everyone else was sitting at the table drinking whiskey and talking. Remus noticed that this time Tonks was holding a cup of strong alcohol, and her eyes shone as she noticed her husband standing at the door. Fleur screamed happily when she noticed her fiancé, and she ran to hug Bill. Remus walked over to Tonks and put both hands on her shoulders, she turned her head and looked deeply into Remus's eyes, her eyes full of hope.

,,Did you find him?" she asked, a voice begging for a positive answer.

,,I'm sorry, love." these were the only words Remus could say, and he was surprised when a reconciling smile appeared on her face, she took Remus' hand and squeezed it lightly.

,,It's okay." Tonks replied, "Kingsley promised to send the Aurors to look for him if you can't find him. The bottom line is that the Death Eaters won't get him. Moody wouldn't have wanted that."

Remus sat next to her in an empty chair, his eyes fixed on Tonks' slightly red face, "And that's the best."

After talking to the Order for an hour, Tonks, Remus and Sirius finally decided to go home. It was almost one o'clock at night, and they were tired to death. When they reached the front of their apartment building, Tonks hurried up the stairs, not wanting to waste any more seconds separating her from meeting her soft bed. Remus and Sirius followed her at a much slower pace.

,,I'm so proud of her, "said Sirius, his eyes watching the stone stairs," she's so brave, she can handle her grief surprisingly well. "

,,She is strong girl. Although I think Moody's letter gave her the strength and security she needed." Remus said, his voice was tired and soft.

,,What letter?" 

,,At our wedding, Moody gave her an envelope. A few days ago I found it and put it in her robe pocket. For some reason, I thought it might be important."

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