Melina Heart And Mike Sprout

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Moody had had a two-week vacation to Tonks. All this time she spent time with Remus and Sirius. Once she visited her parents, but more because she missed her cat Sirius Junior. Tonks' parents still don't know she is in Order, they know that cat is with them, because one of Tonks friends moved with Tonks and she has a cat allergy. Tonks knows she has to tell her parents sometime, but how. How does she tell her parents that their daughter can die at any moment? How she tells her mother that Sirius is innocent?

Yesterday had been the first of September, and Tonks, Remus, and a few other members of the Order had taken Harry and other young people to the Hogwarts train. Tonks had to pray Remus, Sirius, Molly, and Mad-Eye to let her participate in the mission.

She steps into her office and immediately notices a huge pile of paperwork on her desk. In addition, there is another folder with red covers, with the text "Helena Wiggins (murder)" It's a mission! A serious mission? Tonks opens the folder and reads its contents. This is indeed a mission entrusted to her, and she's partner has been appointed ... no way...Ronald Hildson!!!!! What the hell!!! Why him? It could have been anyone but him!

She angrily closed the file and rushed out of her office. She ran right outside the door of the Kingsley office. Tonks knocked on the door a few times. Kingsley opened the door and looked at Tonks with a confused look.

,, Hey, Tonks. Is everything okay? Come in." He stepped outside the door and let Tonks enter.

Kingsley office was much more spacious and luminous than her own and with much less paperwork.

,,What's the matter, Tonks? Are you in good health? Maybe two weeks was really too little for recovery and healing."

,,Why am I on a mission with Hildson?" Asked Tonks angrily, she threw a file on Kingsley's desk.

,,Because Hildson is the only one available at the moment, and for a while, he expressed the wish to do a mission with you." said Kingsley,, Is that the case with this werewolf mission? Emmeline erased his memory. Tonks, he doesn't remember anything that what happened there, he doesn't remember that because of him you got... you know."

,,Then you could have deleted me from his memory. Kingsley this guy is a pervert and I can't do a mission with him."

,,I'm sure you can handle it. Well you know how to use your wand if you need it, I promise you won't be in trouble. And if you need, you can say, you have a very jealous werewolf boyfriend who will bite."

,,Kingsley, that's not funny!"

,,Sorry Tonks, but there is no one else right now. We already have a complete shortage of Aurors."

,,Okay, but I claim double the wage for working with an idiot."

,,No way, you could get free coffee." Kingsley answered and handed the file back to Tonks.

,,Nope, double salary or nothing!"

,,You're impossible. All right, I'll see what can I do."

,,Have a nice day, King. "Tonks muttered frustrated, she hadn't hoped for double pay, but hoped to get rid of this idiot.

She walked out of the office. Her mood was below any record. She returns to her office and discovers that her office door was open. She certainly closed it before leaving. Tonks grabs her wand and took a cautious step towards the door. A quiet woman's voice comes from her office.

,,How difficult it can be to find a her! Where the hell this Auror hiding herself!"

Who can this woman be? Bellatrix?!? No, she's still in Akaban.

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