All they ever wanted

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Tonks woke up with a severe headache. She tried to move, but couldn't. What had happened? Why does she feel as if she has been trampled under? She tried to remember. Mission. Death Eaters. The battle. Bellatrix. Remus ... Remus! IS HE OKAY? She slowly opened her eyes, she was in the living room of the headquarters. How did she get there? She sat down and looked around the room. To her great relief, she saw Remus sleeping on a hard chair. Now Auror noticed the man was holding her little hand.

,,Remus?" her voice was quieter and weaker than she had initially thought,, Remus?"

The man muttered something through his sleep, then opened his eyes tiredly. When he saw Tonks, the fatigue in his gaze disappeared, he thoughtlessly wrapped his arms around her.

,,I was so worried about you!" he whispered against Tonks's light purple hair.

Tonks put her hands around Remus: "It's all right, I'm fine."

They held each other for a while until...

,,Wow, what is happening here?"

Tonks and Remus jumped away from each other and looked toward the door where Fred and George were standing.

,,If we had known what was going on, we would have knocked." laughed Fred.

,,Honestly, Love Birds, take a room!" George added, a giant smile on his face.

,,By the way, Mom invites you for breakfast."

,,Unless of course, if you have time."

,,It would be very unfortunate if any baby were not be unborn because of some breakfast." Fred snorted, and then both turned around and left the room.

Remus and Tonks couldn't look at each other. They were both dark red in their face and Tonks's hair terribly gray. They stood awkwardly from their seats and headed for the kitchen without saying a word.

Everyone was already sitting at the table. Molly was in front of the stove and fried eggs. Arthur read the Daily Prophet. Fred and George grinned at each other and looked at Remus and Tonks with cunning glances. Ginny and Hermione were discussing something with each other, and Ron wrote a letter. Sirius looked at his empty whiskey glass as though he were mourning something. Remus and Tonks sat beside him.

,,Oh, Tonks dear, how are you feeling?" Molly asked as she placed a large plate of fried eggs, sausage, bacon and toast in front of Remus and Tonks.

,,Everything is fine with me, only a little hurts, otherwise okay." she answered.

,,Very good, but now you both have to eat. You both were properly injured yesterday and now you need to get some strength."

,,What happened?" Ginny asked with a frightened face.

,,Death Eaters organized a small attack on us!" Tonks said, her mouth was full of bread.

,,Did your hair turn gray if you're injured?" asked Hermione.

Tonks looked at her hair, "Oh, I haven't noticed it by myself." She blinked once and her hair turned as red as Ginny's.

,,Now you're like my big sister!" gasped Ginny cheerfully.

,,Oh, please no, one sister is enough." said Ron, still looking at his letter.

,,Sirius, what are you doing?" Remus asked Sirius, who still looked at his empty glass.

,,Moony, don't interrupt! I'm trying to quit drinking. Hermione said the most important step to get rid of the problem is to admit it and then look at it." Sirius exclaimed.

Our pink moon (Remadora, Remus/Tonks)Where stories live. Discover now